Is Hitler even Aryan?
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Aryans are Indian. So no.
Hitler was a LARPer that fabricated a major WE WUZISM explaining his allies were the members of a certain type of a master race.
The claim was not founded on any established science and his own staff was long, long way from his ideal for aryan beuty.
>Aryans are Indian
>Hitler was a LARPer
Theosophical Society
Thule Society
Joseph Goebbels
Helena Blavatsky
Edward Bellamy
Who else?
Hitler was Alpine as fuck
Hindus collectively have no memory of an Aryan invasion of India that supposedly took place around 1,500 B.C. Hindu epics do not mention any such invasion. Surely, the extensive Hindu literature would describe the Aryan invasions if such had indeed taken place. Swami Vivekananda remarked: “As for the truth of these theories, there is not one word in our scriptures, not one, to prove that the Aryan ever came from anywhere outside of India, and in ancient India was included Afghanistan. There it ends.” (Collected Works, Vol. 3).
The recent discovery of the dried-up Saraswati River further negates the Aryan invasion theory. Satellite photography from outer space shows the existence of a dried-up river bed in Northern India. The archeological evidence indicates that the river dried up completely about 1900 B.C., much before 1,500 B.C., the date ascribed to Aryan invasions. Saraswati is mentioned numerous times in the Vedic scriptures of the Aryans, indicating that these people lived in India during very ancient times.
German aryans are a meme, only nordics are aryan. 9 times out of 10 if you meet a 'german' they have black hair and dark eyes. All 10 I've met at uni this past month are dark haired.
>nordics are aryan
Americans of German ancestry are mostly descendants of Palatine Germans who were driven out of the Black FOrrest area by the King of France when he persecuted them for their land in the 1600s. They were blonde, blue eyed. I am a descendant of 12 generations of these people from New York’s Hudson Valley. So, American “Germans” are blonde and blue eyed.
doubt it, those same germans also moved to Ukraine and they are dark haired. Americans are blonde because of anglo, nordic and slavic influence.
Hitler looks pretty nigger on this picture.
Grandpa was pretty insistent that he had the names of the German girls his forefathers had married going back 12 generations. They were all German names. He was blond, blue eyed. I kinda doubt there was much else in the woodpile in the upper Hudson Valley before 1750.
but the pic is not hitler
it's some dirty subhuman arab
forgetting all them blonde blue eyed native americans the government is supressing information of.
I suppose one could try to make the case that the descendants of Palatine Germans were rape babies of French Soldiers...
>Is Hitler even Aryan?
Was he born in Europe? If he was, then he was Aryan.
Italians were Aryans to him, Italians and all Iberians are nigger tier
Mongoloid eyes give erdogan away.
Always and still think the resemblance is uncanny. His lowkey hitler idolizing. Building extravagant shit and the like
>palantine germans were white
>"why should the Palatine Boors be suffered to swarm into our settlements, and by herding together establish their languages and manners to the exclusion of ours? Why should Pennsylvania, founded by the English, become a colony of Aliens, who will shortly be so numerous as to Germanize us instead of our Anglifying them, and will never adopt our language or customs, any more than they can acquire our complexion?"
Really. I think it is funny. The Paltine Germans were literally the “niggers” of Colonial America. Actually brought as indentured servants to make Naval Stores in New York and then pushed out into the Hudson wilderness to buffer the French Canadians in Quebec and murdered by Indian mercenaries. Which is why, when grandpa says they were all German girls his ancestors married I tend to believe him. He said his grandparents spoke German at home.