Why is Sup Forums afraid of strong women?

Let me be perfectly honest with you, Sup Forums: wanting women to be weak is the mark of a beta.

I have a fetish for strong, ripped wymmins. I want a woman in my life who challenges me to be more of a man.

Granted, women are physiologically weaker than men as a general rule. But a ripped, athletic IRL waifu can't have bad genes. So what's to lose?

Women shouldn't be strong and indepented. That is what kills civilisation and what is killing us.

Probably some Swedish user can answer and explain how wrong it can go?

I'd love for women to be strong, independent and as capable as men. I just don't think that's possible, women just aren't like that. Being a women is a fucking tragic condition, you're a man but worse, weaker.

i would never trust the woman next to me in a combat situation. what if i get shot and shes not strong enough to pull me to safety?

Most women's idea of being strong and independent means having affirmative action in their favor or alimony coming their way.

No matter how "strong" a woman is, she is submissive towards men who make her wet.

>can't have bad genes

OP is a fag


And emotionally unstable due to the menstrual cycle and its hormone rollercoaster

the reason the world is so shit today is because first and second wave feminism. a bunch of mentally ill dykes who think they are as strong as men and their faggot white knights ruined modern society

t. intellectual

Johnny Jihad doesn't get his virgins if killed by a woman, or so I have heard.

IMO, women should be eligible for combat roles, but they should pass the same exact physical standards as men. I even had a redpilled sociology professor in college who argued that this is okay.


Choose either.

2D girls are the only ones that can be stronk, gentle, kind and caring.
Real women are smelly, weak, will ruin your life as soon as they get the chance and go fucking bananas every month.

Don't want them to be weak, but women (not a man).
It's okay to be a women.

I'm not. I just dislike how pathetically weak infantile women today have been convinced that they're actually strong.

What do you mean by strong?

She should not be in a combat in a first place.
Jedem days Seine

If i wanted a strong, independent person as a partner, i'd be gay.

I'm fine with women being "strong" but they will never be independent. There are literally no all-female companies that could compete with an all-male one

Going by that logic most men should be attracted to other men. After all, a masculine man is more masculine than a masculine woman.

I don't mind stronk whamins I just hate the fact they feel the need to push it in every ones face.
It's as if I were to enter the kitchen and make a huge show about how I clean the dishes manually with my penis.

Masculine man can't give a birth

A woman can be strong and still not independent or some crazed feminist. My wife is a strong woman, but she is feminine and submissive to me. The two things are not mutually exclusive.

I am so sorry to inform you of this heresy, but it's 2017.
Yes she can.

Strong women will seek stronger man. Most anons here do not live up to that.

Can you elaborate on this?

Stop saying strong women stupid cringy teenager.

Women are not strong.They can be tough is certain circumstances but never strong.

You like manly features? Go look for men then.

Fucking bigot

You are a very luckly man.

>afraid of things that don't exist

What exactly is a STRONG woman. Because either it means taking on masculine mannerism and attributes or basically just a buzzword to excuse any kind of misbehaviour and doing whatever they feel like. It's a meaningless term that keeps getting regurgitated. A society does not need men and worse men. Neither does it need women and worse women who can't give birth.

Most of the time you hear it from guys, it's just their fetish about some muscle bound amazon that still has giant boobs despite being extremely muscular and swoops in to solve all their problems for them with violence as they are usually soyboys.

Actually true

A true alpha female, like a true alpha male, does not need to be constantly validated.

Tell me more about it

Damn it, Fisher! Get out of there! The mission is over!

I actually want to breed strong women though

Feminism, soy and faggots.
With the power of science, they can and will create as many abominations as they can.

If i wanted a muscular girlfriend i would have been gay. OP is totally a fag

I actually need strong women because little bitches are frail and get broken easily.


I love strong and feminine women, but they are rare.

The problem that "strong women" are usually neurotic bitches that confuse aggression with strength.

A strong woman raped and killed my entire family.
All my family members were holocaust survivors.
Ban assault women.

Define - strong ?

>I have a fetish for strong, ripped wymmins
>I have a fetish for women with masculine traits
>I am slowly on the path to gay


You can't be afraid of something that doesn't exist.

>What exactly is a STRONG woman
Not being an emotionally unstable hormonal bound retard that can't control herself would be a start I guess.
Being /fit/ also helps.

I consider myself the world's luckiest.

>searching for feminine and weak women is beta


Have you met /fit/ chicks? They're just as emotionally unstable as the rest

Strong confused!


I would love to meet a stronk womans but it's not happened ever, they suck dick for money

I didn't mean that /fit/ chicks were more stable mate, just that it would be a plus.

>wanting women to be weak is the mark of a beta.
more like wanting strong women is the mark of a homo

keep telling yourself this bs, besides I am not impressed by the word beta, and will happily oblige if only we can stop the shitflinging by pathetic white knights who made it their mission to be spineless dogs

That's true though

>The women bench press record (single lift) belongs to Sandra Lönn from Sweden, who lifted 235.0 kg (517 lb) and the women bench press record belongs to Hugdal Hildeborg from Norway, who lifted 227.0 kg (499.4 lb) (IPF standards).

>Being fit is a masculine thing only
Not this shit again. Looking back just one or two hundred years, every farmer girl had more muscle mass then the average skeletal today. Fitness is something that everyone should aspire to.
Of course roid rage body building is gay, but who is talking about such extremes. Body building is ugly and stupid in general.

Can't fear what doesnt exist. Sage.

>stronk and independent womyn
That said, I think there is a line between being a genuine strong and independent person, and being a cringy hysterical whore with daddy issues. The latter is what 99% of all western women perceive to be as "strong and independent".

How is it true?

Men are attracted to femininity. Being weak/vulnerable is feminine.

What else is there to say?

>mah woman, I want strong women, woman that challenges me bla bla

you are a puss... woman should be a quiet follower, provider and caring helper of her man, not some rambo challenger that you have to deal with you gynocentric vagina-envy boy (pic you posted says it all)

now fuck off

that's my big problem with trad larpers. their idea of a traditional woman is the aubrey hepburn 50s housewife when truly traditional is more like pic related


Weak woman = weak offspring

caveman tier logic, sven

Only men who can't get laid hate women

>No matter how "strong" a woman is, she is submissive towards men who make her wet.

Thats the point fag. Whats the fun in dominating a person if they are clearly already submissive. Dominating a dominant women is the dream.


This is why you will always be weak friendo.

Nice thread dude.
Would be a shame if it got hidden...


also you imbecile..the pic you posted is absolute nonsense. She, even if athletic and muscular, wouldnt be able to even breathe underneath the heavyness of that full armor..too heavy for a womens body

now you can fuck off

Strong women is a meme you dip.

There's a reason you only see them in fantasy movies and games. Guys just want something nice to look at while they kill stuff.

>caveman tier logic, sven
And thats a bad thing? Last I checked caveman where superior to us on an individual level.


Simple practical eugenics


Mate cavemen had brains 10% larger than we do. Our brains have been shrinking since modern civilization began.

pol is filled by weaklings who obviously will oppose this
weak men fear strong women, because they can't dominate them easily
strong man's desire to dominate strong woman only intensifies when he sees defiance
to break a strong woman and make her your cockslave is the testament of your alpha male prowess

it's actually spartan tier logic that a decent segment of natsog germany adopted. of course they weren't talking about women shooting up test

>The girls of the Reich are hardened by sport, muscular and weather hard and are able to bear the pain of motherhood heroically
Die Frau im Dritten Reich

>But even to the women Lycurgus paid all possible attention. He made the maidens exercise their bodies in running, wrestling, casting the discus, and hurling the javelin, in order that the fruit of their wombs might have vigorous root in vigorous bodies and come to better maturity, and that they themselves might come with vigor to the fullness of their times, and struggle successfully and easily with the pangs of child-birth.
Plutarch writing about the Spartans

Yup that's why whales are smarter than humans...

And lately our dicks have been shrinking too. We're a sad lot.

Yeah, and how did it end for spartans? Female empowerment is literally what destroyed Sparta

Female empowerment destroys everything.

kinda gross.

>ywn fight by her side

why even live


A mentally strong women will only bend to a mentally stronger man, I can attest to that much being true. My wife could not have been "broken in" by a lesser man, that's for sure!

I guess the same holds true for physical strength, but I have no personal interest in muscles, so whatever.

No one is against that. We are against women who believe inviting hordes of third world shitskins is a great idea.
Also women need to look feminine, not like the Incredible Hulk. That would be gay

This i acknowledge tradionalism ,but i dont want my wife to be a mindless cocking cum depository. She needs to be a real person with interests ideas and her own opinion. Still no voting rights for them

Why do retards immediately go to le roiding bodybuilder when somebody talks about "strong" women?
Don't you want the girl you're with to take care of herself, do you want her to be a shapeless skinnyfat blob like most """women"""?

Are you really too stupid to understand body to brain ratios?

Any proof of that?

oh my oh my.
underrated post

Women want more shitskins, so that greater demand will increase value of their supply.

Why do you need a woman then? Dude, try to fuck a guy to be even more masculine))

I want strong women in my sex slave harem

Exactly. You can't be an alpha if you don't fuck someone who can beat you to a pulp.

Have they fixed that game yet?

>5'3" (160cm)

No, absolutely. As with anything there needs to be balance.
I tend to prefer non "bulky" women though, more gracile ones if you will. Definitely not skynnifat ones
>Women want more shitskins
many don't

like this is way too manly and not attractive

Fuck I loved bitches in the early aughts