WTF are they putting in little girls food recently?

WTF are they putting in little girls food recently?
Seriously this is getting strange just walking around local shops and seeing 12/13 year olds with massive tits everywhere.
You can't even say anything either even when every dude is pretty much staring at the roof rather than at some teenage tits,but every man is thinking "it wasn't like this when I was a kid"

Other urls found in this thread:

Xenoestrogens and too much sugar. Plus birth control really fucks with women's bodies. You'd be surprised how many women are on BC because the (((doctor))) told them it would reduce monthly cramps.

why are you putting "doctor" in echoes you retard.. i hate this meme so much

also OP girls are more fat these days, fat increases estrogen production

Why are you looking at little girl tits user? I think there's something wrong with you you're a sick freak.

Niggers pushing the thicc meme

>(((I))) hate this meme

Fuck off kike

Nah, he is just liberal.



Xenoestrogens in the water supply.

Isnt it obvious, all the soyboys drinking tap water


please tell me this is not real....

Why the hell wouldn’t he put it in echoes you kike



dumb roasties

That is the ideal male body. You may not like it, but that's what peak performance looks like.



the jews actually tried to co-opt that and did it to themselves lad...for a shill you should have known about that at least.
why are you even in this thread or are they really bots?





Kike detected



approaching 40 years of age and still laughing at stuff like this,god damn Sup Forums and their sanctioned buffooned memes

pls keep postan i need a good collection


I had no idea Sup Forums liked Chloe this much,then again we probably all graduated from Sup Forums so it kinda makes sense.


Fluoride messes with the pineal gland which is responsible for controlling the onset of puberty

Americans dump that shit into the water supply so that's why yall fuckers always look so much older than the rest of the world that doesn't do that



thanks for the laugh

There are several reasons, here's another one:

Many African immigrant girls reach puberty EXTREMELY early. I'm talking fully developed and menstruating 8-year olds.

This seems to be a response to poor nutrition in their native land. As soon as they get here and can suddenly eat properly for the first time in their lives, their body thinks "wow, good times! I guess it's best to hurry to plop out babies while it lasts!"

It's called estrogenization. (((They))) put female hormones in the water and food to make men more femenine. The side effect is that women mature prematurely.

>I'm not getting enough (You)s on Sup Forums

In some weird way, I find her attractive.


Estrogen-mimicking substances (basically plastics) all around us. The same thing that makes western men effeminate cucks. If this was planned, then it's the most diabolical plan of all times.
>An Italian study in 2012 found that men’s penises were growing smaller over time — two centimetres lost from grandfather to grandson in the twentieth century
>the same culprit leads to an opposite trend among women
>girls in the United States developed breasts earlier than previously thought: their findings suggested that Euro-American girls were, on average, experiencing the onset of puberty before 10 years of age, and African-American girls, on average, before the age of 9
>In the endgame, we’ll be a race of sexed-up tweener girls and sterile dudes with little dicks wandering baffled through a rubbish-filled world

shes THICC

Nice comic. Bet she's going to fuck her son and have his kids and make the husband raise them.


Yeah, that's the big one. It's horrible.

>You'd be surprised how many women are on BC because the (((doctor))) told them it would reduce monthly cramps
This. They prescribe it like some candies. It's absolutely revolting. And many people have infinite faith in their doctors.

no she ain't m8,I can't find the chart from /fit/ but I think that is between builtfat and powerlifter.
still a serious threat to any mans balls though.

>american tap water is filled with estrogens
>surprised when little girls look mature enough

Damn this bitch is ugly.

>pablo in the mirror
Fucking kek

ayy finland I love your memes but check flag next time? I am talking schoolgirls busting out of their uniforms here in England.

fugg :-D

>penises shrinking
how did they discover this? penis inspection day?

Every generation says this. When you find yourself saying it, it's because you've become old ballz.

what's with the pearl necklace in the second last frame?

teenagers are not attractive. teenagers are not attractive. teenagers are not attractive. teenagers are not attractive. teenagers are not attractive. teenagers are not attractive. teenagers are not attractive. teenagers are not attractive. teenagers are not attractive. teenagers are not attractive.

every generation says it because its been happening for generations you naive goy

what the FUCK happened to chloe moretz

Because maybe he isn't an anti-intellectual retard that thinks anything he doesn't understand must be da joos. "I have a nosebleed? Must be the jews fault!!"


From what I remember in my UK highschool, girls are desperate to have tuts at that age, and wear the biggest push up bras they can get their hands on. Girls in my class used to wear two bras just to appear like they had something. They probably don't have that much in reality (look at the colour of their skin and make up too)
As soon as they get into high school there's this insane pressure to look like an adult, blame the culture


smart water


Its the estrogen.
The effect on boys is opposite: soyboy looks and later puberty.
mfw grew up in the 90s and found out my favorite food I ate all my life was full of Soy lecitines (estrogen).
Estrogen makes your dick small and have puberty later, had mine @ 16.

Fluoride in pineal gland increases sexual maturiation speed.

Oral contraceptives administred at early age may also kickstart it at early age.

>You'd be surprised how many women are on BC because the (((doctor))) told them it would reduce monthly cramps.
BC is horse piss, and it fucks up the environment and turns the frogs gay

the echo meme was invented by Ames Peinovich, a literal kike, to advert TRS

I fucking love how that brown kid follows her around everywhere.

good news everyone!
male birth control is here
alls we do is inject liquid plastic directly into your gonads
i wish i was making this up

Supremely underrated

my old man was 6 foot 2 and had a huge dick and he said the same thing about starting puberty late at 17,never understand these genetic traits.
I started at maybe 11 getting hairs on my chest and I am might all just be random I guess.

Also increases their rates of breast cancer


hey man he is one of the good ones,takes his valet parking job seriously but you can't blame the guy for making a few grimaces dealing with that all the time.
10/10 would let him park my car and trust him not to scratch the paintwork.

She has literally 0 curves.

I understand the memes now.

>my old man had a huge dick
user . . .

>my old man...had a huge dick
How do you know this information, user?

Literally seems like a high school man's best dream, tfuc.

Too bad England is filled with niggers.



Men know his father dick, it just happens.

Fuck, literally same here.

I don't know what I did, I didn't hit puberty until legit 16, was a manlet before then.

>Men know his father dick, it just happens.


Fucking lost. That little snorkel.

Are you guys really saying that you've never accidentally opened the bathroom door while your dad was taking a piss and then tripped so his penis ends up going into your mouth?

I didn't realise this board was so gay.

>Men know his father dick, it just happens.
>it just happens

he always took me out playing sports and shit like that,you need to shower after or you smell,as I said I started puberty super early for some reason and that means smelly armpits.

Probably just forgot about it between takes.

wtf happened, last time i saw her it was in the "5th wave" movie and she looked attractive

What is
>xenestrogens in food
>GMOs in everything

It turns boys in limp wristed soy goys and girls into hyper sexual genetically stunted thots (not that that’s bad because 20 year olds that don’t want to fuck around with used up whores there age have a perfectly viable option as Waifu material)

>it just happens.

12 year olds are like 6’ too and no one is worried lmao. Shit is completely unnatural.

the fathers dick, it just happens.

which application dis you used

what happens after the fathers dick anons?

she's a big girl


Fuck lmaoooo

go to chile and find out