What did they mean by this?
What did they mean by this?
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>pointing out racism exists is racist
I'd complain about the Alabama education system, but that'd require Alabama to have one.
Looks like a gawker website
racism doesn't exist you stupid nigger
>Even black liberals are mad
Kek, Jones is finished
the left has railed against unintentional offense for years now
they don't give you a pass for hurting feelings, they just like to bitch
to be honest I have literally no idea what they meant by this
this a new level of insanity, but it definitely didn't come from alabama, but from some brooklynite
Are we expected to believe that the average nigger isnt chasing after 13 year old hood rats?
The mean that something that happened in a SJW butt-hurt imagination is damnation for all white people.
Holy shit, that's hilarious. They made a flyer that reminded all white people that, yeah, they kinda do fear a black man chasing their daughters.
>Its actually real
Oh, and this makes the timing of black ex-NFL player Warren Moon being accused of sexual harassment today pretty sweet.
sort of headline
holy shit this face
this FACE
I don't really understand the message here.
I mean I think I do, It's just how is this gonna help the Democrats?
Love the dumb face though.
Doug jones and the democrats really have ran out of ideas, they have to appeal to the core ofna southern man. Too bad jones has a D next to his name, which pretty much makes him black.
the left cant meme
Yes but they are not going to be elected senator, which is the their stupid point.
>le smug black raper
guess they should start voting Republican
5 dollars says it was made by the highway 31 group, they've been making all kinds of full retard pro Doug Jones ads.
Funniest one was the one stating they'll know who voted correctly and who voted for the baby fucking bigger killing hitler on election day
bitching is more important than power for democrat voters(obviously not for democrat politicians, who dragged the resignations as far as possible).
Found the Yankee faggot that has never been to Alabama
>Say what you will about the toothless dimwits who buy Make America Great Again hats, but they are getting almost everything they wanted. Trump is rounding up immigrants, normalizing white supremacy, reinstituting the war on drugs, trying his damndest to keep Muslims out of the country and he’s still on that bullshit about the wall.
Goddamn this article is fucking hilarious.
The only problem with Alabama education is there are too many niggers. Alabama has been trying to undo this though. The city of Gardendale was given the ability by a black judge to form their own school district even though the judge said it was being done for racial reasons. School vouchers were a big issue here.
I just dont understand how the left falls for the Moore allegations so easily. The guy has been in the spotlight for a long time. He has made some controversial moves that have grabbed the nations attention several times and yet this never came up. Not when he blocked gay marriage, not with 10 commandments monument (would have been the perfect time to drop this info), not during the Terry Schiavo feeding tube case. Its bullshit. The only people who believe it are dyed in the wool or are too young to remember any of those events.
niggers will vote for the black man, regardless. Alabamians will likely vote for Moore much the same.
I want off this ride...
lol that fucking face
>2010: Whites will be a minority in 2050!
>2017: White Britons will be a minority in 2066!
Gotta keep sliding those goalposts faster than the years. Also Whites to White Britons because of the Poles.
trying to ride on the #MeToo wave, even though it backfired spectacularly.
They have up winning over people, now it is back to insults. They know jones is done so the sweet talk is over. Alabama is back to being off a redemption path, now we toothless, skoal dipping, cousin fuckers again. Oh well. Hopefully liberals keep it up and are too scared to invade like california did to colorado.
How many layers of Race theory is this on?
>be born in 80% white burgerland
>only 35 and already down to 54% white America
reality comes at you FAST my bong friend.
you guys still have a chance to change course
Use the black man as a political pawn and treat him as a helpless pet that must be "instructed". Such is the way of the American liberal.
All of them my good brethren.
Think of all those mass die offs in history though. Just imagine if they do push us to the edge the balance will shift quickly without our aid to feed the animals. Without whites minority mortality rates would be through the roof.
I can’t wait till Moore wins, the leftist meltdown will be hilarious.
Sheit, niggers elected a convicted crack head to be mayor of d.c.
The way they screwed Gardendale for doing what every other suburban school system in the state has done is fucking atrocious
>know one person from California
>female Mexican milf
>voted Trump and is extremely pro Build wall
I've seen her go complete MAGA on unsuspecting liberals and it's comedy gold every time.
She's voting for Moore too
Then you're either extremely fucking dumb or being purposely obtuse. You can understand the message without agreeing with it you know. stop deploying kike tactics. it just makes you look like a dumb fuck.
>anyone would try to make him
Bigotry of low expectations. Niggers can't pull themselves up by their bootstraps. Except Conyers...
The left is finally losing their minds
Yes!! Our guy the pedophile Roy Moore is in!! MAKE AMERICA PEDOSEXUAL AGAIN!!!
Cant wait til Moore wins and we force you fags back in the closet. You will be in there so deep you will find Christmas presents from '84.
>think if a black man went after high school girls anyone would try to make him senator
I don't understand... a white man is trying to become senator but he liked high school girl. So, people are upset. If a black man liked high school girl, people still are upset, no?
lol at this niggerspeak
What political office is that nigger running for? How can we meme him into victory?
can't wait either. Roy Moore is truly our guy. Trump endorsed him after all. Will you stand beside me when we campaign to lower the age of consent to 3 years?
>w-w-w-we never wnated loser old CIS white cum Doug Jones to win anyway!
lol leftypol SJWs already in damage control.
Its good you are preparing your psyche for the inevitable loss with humor like this. Will soften the blow for you.
the doug jones ads are seriously annoying
there's so many of them. I've never heard so many campaign ads for one guy in my life.
Alabama GOP sent out these mailers yesterday
Is that shelton benjamin on the poster?
checked triplels
good message as well
I want Roy Moore to win. I share YOUR and the GOPs support for child molestation and pedophilia. I knew Trump would take the party in the right direction.
I wonder why Trump is supporting Moore....
... it makes no sense..
like clockwork
...just can figure the connection.
Safe bet is the guys who are promoting an actual pedophile endorsed by a jew who made Jerusalem the Israeli capitol today probably aren't your friends.
Any proof he's a child molester?
the race stuff is getting a little stale.
>black man going after high school girls
Only two options here: A) They are his classmates or B) He's a rapist
Remember Jerusalem is now pure Israeli soil. ;) And also ROY MOORE gets the Trump seal of approval.
We know. WE caused that feel. Get used to it.
3/10 dog thats the best i can do.
Jerusalem has always been rightful Jewish clay, friend
t. Roy Moore voter
Conyers son was busted for wife bashing. So yeah it's cool now bro.
typical Catholic
I'm not the guy you replied to, but I'm in law school (to prove I'm not dumb) and I didn't get it at first. Racism is actually so non-existent that it didn't even click for me. The Democrat is just doing Democrat things by using race as a political tool.
start here and go from there.
I'm not catholic tho kek
>Proof is a bunch of words from someone who accepted money.
uh huh.
None of those are children and none of them accuse him of raping them.
As annoying as the lefts constant, hollow accusations of racism are, it's working for us. Look what it's doing. It got Trump into office and now it's helping to widen Moore's lead.
We must play 57D underwater acoustic backgammon too and covertly encourage the left to keep pushing that shit instead of smugly proclaiming that it's not working for them all the time. Annoying they are, yes, but in my opinion, it's a small price to pay to keep winning.
I agree with the sign. Fortunately Moore is white. Plus there’s no proof he did anything wrong anyway
Racism exists but it doesn't explains any of societies ills.
I already do.
What did he have to do with schiavo? The religious right was pissed off but how did he get involved?
The #metoo thing was timed for moore. It is also to push white males out of power and end muh patriarchy as per agenda 2030 (ie western society) but they have done it hoping to get momentum to stop moore then go for trump. They wanted hysteria. And a witchhunt.
They knew it would get the right on board because of pizzagate etc and they would happily seed the hysteria and facilitate their own demise.
The left doesn't really "fall for" the Moore allegations. Put them on a lie detector, and I'll bet a strong majority of them don't believe Moore raped a 14-year-old, or whatever the theory is that they're peddling today. (They do hate him for being an older man who was trying to find an unspoiled bride, but that's not a crime yet.) They don't actually believe it, and probably haven't really thought about whether it's true.
They *embrace* the accusations because they're a useful tool against a political enemy (they think). Change his politics to Roman Polanski's, and they'd be defending him and giving him standing ovations.
You don't have to believe in a hammer to drive nails. Just grab it and swing.
Doug Jones is a fag
Could have fooled me with the millions they poured into the jones campaign.
>its not like we wanted another democrat in the senate or anything...BAKA!
This. We have to just accept that all the "Yay, Moore winning means we can fuck toddlers now!" crap is their desperate attempt to find a new narrative, and annoying as it is to read a thousand times, it'll backfire on them just like all the rest. No one on either side really thinks Moore committed a crime. Even leftists cringe when they see Gloria Allred's name on something. The more they push this, the more they push Americans right, looking for sanity.
You! Stop! Stop right there! Stop posting this bitch's face.