LGBT and black reporters left off White House Christmas party guest list for first time in years

I'm dreaming of a whiite christmaaas~~

That's right, it is "our" house after all

>I have a Xmas party planned
>No nogs or fags invited
>tfw I don't know any nogs or fags
Oh shit Sup Forums what do?

>Oh shit Sup Forums what do?
have your party and enjoy yourselves, be happy nobody will try and steal any of your friend's coats at your party

Ol Ben Butterworth eh? More like butthurt. I’ll see myself out

Well it's not called the "Faggot Nigger House" now is it?


Well no one wants to hang around niggers.

niggers will just steal your shit, and fags are always overdramatic about everything and so fucking sensitive its just too much.

The White House did nothing wrong

A nigger shouldn't be allowed in the white house. We outlawed slavery.

>Make a guest list
>Leave off all whiny bitches and known lying reporters
>They all happen to be LGBTQPPQUACK+++

Oh no. That sucks.

wouldn't inviting people solely based off of some trait be considered discriminatory to others?

why should gays and blacks get special consideration?

God damnit Portugal

This is the best thing to happen to blacks and gays because once again they get to be a victim. Perhaps the white house noticed some missing silverware after last years party and are just being cautious and they also don't want to listen to loops of Pet Shop Boys all night

Left Wing Hysteria
Anyway, since when do leftists celebrate Christmas?

Because 13% of the population and 2% of the population should be all that matters.

Send them over. I heard pence is playing santa this year.

>invite news networks
>don't specifically invite well know gays and blacks
>this is how the media presents it

The white house looks amazing in it's Christmas decoration this year.

/ourFLOTUS/ did a great job



Based truffle speaks the truth.

Good why would he invite some assholes that are just going to make the event about themselves and more than likely cause a scene because they are immature and insane

Well if they were invited, they would’ve just rejected the invitation and told all of Twitter about it. They are only mad because they didn’t get an opportunity to virtue signal.


>Trump is cool with gays and blacks
>Runs for President, gays and blacks protest and talk shit about him for no reason
>Reporters crease false claims of him
>Trump decides that he won’t invite those people who have been trashing him the whole time
>Reporters shocked when they don’t get invite

>LGBT and black reporters
>Not reporters who peddle Russian Manchurian candidate conspiracy theories and attack him for having 2 scoops of ice cream

Well, if they're not going to behave themselves on the air, in public, or observe the law, why bother inviting in problems?

From now on, anytime a sexual deviant wants to communicate with me in anyway I have to record them and minimize any response for my own safety. I advise everyone else to do this also.

Blacks are not a problem where I live: they're cool and participate in society at-large. Hispanics need to integrate into society. Sexual deviants will not make themselves civilized until they get the mental health assistance they need.

keked and checked

It ain't your house you fucking Leaf.



Damn, how beautiful. It's like a winter wonderland in there. I can't wait to see the actual party.
