Webm Thread

Post all of your Webm's


Is this good old Russian Chechen hospitality or mountain Slavc Bosniaic ?

It's fake as fuck

That's disappointing.

Fake news, this is propaganda made by NATO dogs

It's just a webm. IDK anything about it.

Is this suppose to show something?


?? what you think that's a wire?


>Shooting point blank 7.62 while your pal is directly behind the target.
They would both get fucked, not even russkie conscripts are that stupid.









I thought that was a webm of Portugese forces.

>look at this (((super real))) Jewish oppression!
>Look at how he collapses like a sack of matzo crackers!
>Oy vey! Look at how the Jewish wife clings to his body!

Obviously fake.




who or what is he even trying to shoot at that distance


if it is i'd like to know


You fucking unobservant fucking morons. You can CLEARLY see black shirt dude trying to grab at him and his PINKY catches the dude pants pocket. Yes his fucking pinky is enough to move the other dudes body when there is no goddamn gravity!

Just recently he announced moving the US embassy to Jerusalem instead of telaviv.

He is goodest goy recognizing that the holy land is rightful clay of the kikes.

anyone know what this is?

This looks so fuckking staged



Why is it every muzzie sniper I see just fucking plops their shit down on the edge of a roof, spotlighting themselves like that?

thats a war crime.... fuuu Israel

don't know but judging by the camera movements it's probably fake

That almost looks like cloud seeding.
Anyone know what this shit is?



Metal foil to confuse radar?

israels iron shield intercepting a rocket

the worst part about it is how effective it seems to be



Needs Katyusha playing over it




Stop __ __

Fake and gay


my sides



Imagine the state of Sup Forums if Hillary did the same.
Like that FBI user said long ago, Sup Forums is completely taken over by the JIDF. Even the (((Trump General))) is done from shills on a salary now.

I would have done the same thing.
Am I evil?

It's for tinfoilers who think the earth is flat


...what is this?


All the vid needs now is the croc high fiving the cameraman

Why are people so fucking retarded?

what the fuck?

Speed trumps camouflage, though they seem to have neither.


Nothing infuriates me more than webm. Saged

Truly a disgusting people

D-did he intentionally prolapse that animal?

Fuck off

What movie is this from? Looks cool

that "wire" is part of the hatch behind them.


Nigga wat u say?
Hol up don't kno wat u iz sayin.

dumb fucks, paper pamphlets, to warn a certain part of town about an airstrike, like they would warn fuel trucks not to go from location A to B or else they will get bombed.

That guy has a strong bladder

pocket holder

Ive never understood this. Since kindergarten ppl have been taught stop drop and roll when on fire, yet I've never seen a single person follow that rule. Are they just retarded that they can't keep calm under pressure to know to survive? Or is being on fire that traumatizing?


rip you magnificent bastard


After Effects


what is happening in this webm?

i think its backwards, he's pushing the prolapse back in


Why is effeminate sausage dance parties so big with muzzies?


Hyponatremia, anyone?
Also, sauce please.

wtf am I looking at?

> same species


Is that some Willy Pete or what?

You killed something for the sake of entertainment for yourself
That's pretty evil senpai

>video clearly showing torture
>lets still censor the pussy for the heck of it lmao

the croc got a meal and the dumb pig was removed from the gene pool

whats going on there i dont get it

