We do people in the military act tough when they are one of the most cucked people on the planet?

We do people in the military act tough when they are one of the most cucked people on the planet?

how could the woman get pregnant 11 months ago while the man has been on a mission of 3 years?

oh wait, that's the point right?


frozen sperm


Because they think they are severing in the US military of WWII, not Rothschild's business expansion force.

Fags don't know how it feels to get free rent, benefits, cool uniforms, guns, guns, bitches, and a paycheck signed by the God Emperor.

It must suck being such a huge faggot OP

Displaying emotion is cucked

Military wives cheat on them all the time. They do not get "bitches", and they live in town full of golddiggers and military dudes. The kind of men that join the military are usually there to compensate for having no game and are almost always white nights. I knew a military wife that fucked a little Asian guy while her husband was deployed. She used him for his money and spent all of it while fucking a 5'5" asian guy. They are fags that think they are saving the world. Basically nowadays they are no better than the fags in the peace core

Right? Or giving a shit about your child. Ridiculous.

>Implying the US military of WWII wasn't Rothschild's business expansion boys

>wife fucking 5'5" asian guy

not that bad. it's almost like solo masturbating.

The guy would Skype her all the time and he asked me and my buddy to "look after her" all while she was fucking the Asian guy. The Asian guy thought it was funny and was actually a badass.

Top fucking kek amerikikes

>having a wife in the military when there is a ton of foreign pussy to slay
user, not all of us are retards

You've never felt love, have you user?

>be asian
>larp on Sup Forums
>still 3'2"

You morons know what leave is, right?


welcome to the mind of a beta millennial

At the end of the day its all about those free pancakes at IHOP and a cool funeral(as long as you don't kek yourself).

Free college isn't a bad trade for selling your soul for X amount of years.

You can have the dependas. They are all yours. Please keep them.

>They do not get "bitches",
C'mon son. Combination of alpha male warrior genes (perception) + woman wants to snag you for your military benefits = pussy without even trying.
They get pussy so easily they have to be warned by their peers not to marry their first blowjob.

euros wouldn't, none of them have any military left

Yeah it is "cucked" to love your own kid.

“Your own kid”
user I....


That’s the joke.


Don't ever fuck a bitch on base. You'll get sharped like a motherfucker

>Why do people in the american military act tough when they are one of the most cucked people on the planet?

Fixed it for you.

WTF is a "three year mission"?

Also this