What's up with this recent trope of killing your own father in movies and vidya?

What's up with this recent trope of killing your own father in movies and vidya?

>Star Wars

It isn't presented as something completely abhorrent- in Wolfenstein it's even a positive

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It's not a recent trope. Ever heard of Oedipus Rex?

they don't want you to save your father from the belly of the beast.

>le make your bed leaf
This fucking nigger again.

jews want to kill their "father" aka god, and become god themselves

I don’t know but it is sort of the opposite of “save your father” which I also don’t understand.

If you read the book you'd know how fucked up Bowers was, never mind his father

I'm not sure how much symbolism we should put into Han Solo's death, when Harrison Ford had been begging for the character to be killed off for 30 years.

Its handled perfectly in Star Wars; Kylo is told by his guru that killing his father will be an important part of personal development and self actualization, and is the mature thing to do. He teaches Ren that patricide will help him stop being a manchild.

Snoke doesn't appear to be the embodiment of evil; instead, like Dooku, he's a "grey jedi" type, but takes it even further than Dooku; he still thinks himself above petty dualistic concerns hewed to by childish simpletons, and that a balance of both is not only possible, but desirable. He doesn't throw tantrums or kill his underlings when dealing with terrible news, he just moves onto the next topic.

Snoke is the perfect villain for today's Star Wars. He deals with the Force in a similar mentality as the fan community does, he is actually the first character to make reference to the Light side at all in a movie.

Gotta kill that Patriarchy user!

You think people are gonna start killing their dads because of movies?

Star Wars is fuckin gay now.

Fuck you and your Wolfenstien spoilers OP. I was starting The New Collossus...

Im both angry and happy that Disney is making new star wars. Im a huge star wars fan but not like the "omg star wars XDXD", but more like getting into the lore of the comics and figuing out character development. Im glad Disney is making new star wars, i just wish they werent so gay about it.

This. Harrison Ford wanted Han Solo to be killed in Return Of The Jedi.

>What's up with this recent trope of killing your own father in movies and vidya?

There is nothing wrong with killing your father. I killed my father so that I would not have competition for my mother's pussy.

Is your mother an abbo?

Not sure about wolfenstein, but in star wars the evil guy was killing his father (who was a good guy)

Repeating numbers confirm!

Sheev did it better

Denouncing your father, symbolically killing him, was ann important step in communist China "colleges." You had to prove you were past feudal institutions, and family and patriarchy were among them.

Don't look at Russian communism to make sense of what's happening, look at China during the cultural revolution. Smash all the statues, destroy all religion, and write self-denunciations about your class privilege.

I completely agree with you. I also believe that Snoke is from another galaxy and impregnated Shmi with Anakin via the Force.

Most atheists have daddy issues

Because it’s the most egregious act you can do

Pretty common storytelling trope dude

Star Wars was always ultra-kosher piece about vibrant multiracial communist rebels fighting against bad evil fucking white male, oops, fucking human empire build on order and authority, with a main villain wearing Nazi helmet. It is more lefty and soy-infused than any capeshit.

Well, on the bright side you're probably not gonna like the plot

Its the ultimate form of rejection of the past, tradition in favour of a progressive future
In short, social engineering

Mordred of Orkney

Your father is probably an old white man, a racist and a bigot. He embodies the old world order. It's your duty to kill him, to kill the old world order, and establish the New World Order instead.
One planet, one race, one government.

it has been around forever
example zeus took out his pops to lead olympus
fucking video game faggots

My main gripe is that Disney barely invented anything new. Phantom Menace gave us tons of new spacecraft, aliens and lore. But in TFA everything is basically the same as it was in the original trilogy. It's just so unimaginative and lazy, like a bad fanfic.

This. Patricide is a trope that has been around for literally thousands of years:


This. The Jews want you to destroy the old order and welcome in this new corporate global one

Hey hey! Ho ho! Your racist dad has got to go! Hey Hey!

no one is suggesting it was invented recently, just that it has been used heavily

>Killing your father
>Star wars
Have you seen return of the Jedi?

Because it's good drama?

In fact he's stated that it was the condition on which he returned for TFA.
If they hadn't granted him the death of his role, he wouldn't do it. The end.
Knowing Didny they would just hire a replacement actor to be quite honest family.

i said the same thing
i used greek mythology as an example
so we agree

>satanic pedos make movies about killing „the father“
Who would have thought?

Daddy issues obviously

To be fair, he had wanted a death scene back in Return of the Jedi as well, but allegedly test audiences didn't like it so Lucas changed it.

O. Rex yeah sure but I doubt kid friendly eye gouging kits were sold on street corners for kids to play with. If a son buys a Kylo Ren costume to play act with doesn't at some time when he's play acting with his dad - won't that innocent boy have to play act killing his own father? Mind fuckery sold to the masses at Target.

>heavily overused plot device
>good drama

Why do you even movies or tv?

Turn it off.

No cnn
No abc
no msnbc
No fox

No Comcast
No netflicks
No hbo

No movies


Spend the shekels on you and starve them.

They hate it when (you) don’t give (((them))) you’re shekels.

Who killed his father? Iirc darth vader was killed by the injuries he got from darth sidious, not luke

How is George Lucas a pedo?

basically this

if the appropriate thing for a "hero" figure to do is save/exalt the father or to conflict with them within the bounds of reason, to KILL ones father is one of the oldest tropes for "committing and unforgivable sin that causes everything to fall apart"

of course the irony that the creator of these current works cant see is that they are so addled by the delusions of leftism and modernsim that they think murdering the father is, as a general rule, GOOD

truly insane deluded people makng art. interesting

>on /pol
>playing Wolfenstein
have one (you)

It has also consistently shown the Empire to be the innocent and superior side.
Mary Sue and plot device are the only reasons the rebels won. Made for a good story.
Didn't change the fact that every Empire locale in the movies is a neat, orderly, aesthetic place of beauty and that every rebel locale is a guttery shithole.


Do you think the rabid fanbase would have accepted anything remotely original?

What is this? What are you doing my son?

Yeah, but the whole conflict was about everyone telling Luke that he'll have to kill his father eventually.

literally this.
It's the antithesis of the traditional Western Archetype of rebirth and revitalization of society by rescuing your father and his values from Hell.
Instead by killing your own father you are a destroyer and rejecter of the Old world of your ancestors and their tradition and culture.

This more applies to (((Wolfenstein))) than Star Wars. I'm pretty sure the idea in Star Wars was that the bad guy killing the good guy was a bad thing to be despised by the audience. In (((Wolfenstein))) it's literally intended to be a good and righteous finale.

Luke doesn't kill his father, he fights him, makes peace, and then the (((emperor))) force lightenings Vader.

More like Ford was asking to be killed off for years

>recent trope

And it ended up not happening.
Luke defeated his father, but couldn't kill him. Vader then an heroed in a last act of good to save his son and destroy the emperor, thus finishing the meme prophecy that the prequel trilogy fapped over every 5 minutes as intended.

What Luke did is literally this

No one said he would have to kill vader.

whoops that was meant for

[spoiler]It's shit[/spoiler]

>killing your father
>recent trope
*laughs in psychiatry*

Doesn't sound like anyone is looking at this with father eyes.

Impressionable boy (and girls) watches movie "Keylo Ren kills his father but he's cool" parents buy dvd or it shows up on Netflix kill father=cool is reinforced. Walks down the toy aisle at Target buys Keylo Ren doll and costumes "Daddy let's play Star Wars the part where I kill you" Cute right?

Jews want kids to reject there families and be ok with killing them in sorry of communist revolution

What? The Emperor urged him to do it.

the father figure represents the state or big government. to slay the father is to overturn the government to a matriarchy which will provide resources in the form of welfare, debt and monetary redistribution. classic Marxism.

Thats one person. And that one person happens to be the main bad guy.

Except Yoda, Obi-Wan and the Emperor.
They also hinted at it in the cave scene in Empire Strikes Back.

This. The entire movie was about feeding the rebellion fantasy of kids of that decade.

I only SAID one person. It wasn't.

confront != kill

Kylo Ren not Luke. Keep up.


>mass reply
The problem is your communication skills not us.

A Jewish trope inspired by Schlomo Freud. Jews want to kill their fathers because they know they are ugly, inbred monsters, and the Jewish father and mother are always siblings. Jews then project this subconscious desire of an inbred people onto the normal, genetically diverse goyim.

Sounds like a parenting moment.

"Son, I love you very much. Let's not reinact a scene where an evil, confused villian acts in a bad manner."

But then Kylo kills his mom in the movie coming out next week.

for the true start of this conversation.

Freud got it from Sophocles.

Oedipus Rex meme but if you want a conspiracy it's all subliminal programing to get the youth of this generation to rebel against the current establishment (big daddy gov) and "kill it". But seriously it's an old trope that signifies the destruction of the what was once into what now is. Examples of this also include Zeus killing Cronus and Christ dying on the cross thereby killing the old testament Yahweh.

Luke literally goes into the belly of the beast (death star) and saves his father.

Is this why star wars was so popular? Is peterson right?

Stephen King's It was published in 1986. Just because you can notice it doesn't make it prevalent.

No, it's Lucan making it rhyme.

You're probably right about the others but i'm very sure it's Harrison Ford who asked for his character to be killed because he's old and tired i mean come on look at rhe film, it's obvious he doesn't want to be there.

And by doing this he literally saves his fathers culture (Jedi and shit) from extinction.

It's the ultimate resistance against white cis patriarchy?

Like pottery

It signifies maturity and accepting your life and fate into your own hands. You shouldn't live with the sins of your father.

He looked more interested to be in Blade Runner than Star Wars. So it's pretty clear he doesn't support the movies anymore.

>He wanted death of the role
>Disney ends up doing a Han Solo spinoff.

Could have been worse.
They could have done a Leia.
>Star Wars - Patriarchy In Space

Hate your ancestors goy! They were racist neo-nazi white males!

Making the villain a parent is an easy way to get the hero emotionally invested in the fight with the villain without actually having write scenes in to get them to interact.

Killing the villain is the easiest way to resolve the conflict.

People lose their shit if you do this with a mother figure, because violence against women & representing women as evil is a bad goy.



Yeah, you can see where they're going to go with it.

No it's just (((Freud)))

Yes son.
I want to kill you.


You kill your son in Toddout 4