Homosexuality is a bigger threat to our way of life than any race issue.
Homosexuality is a bigger threat to our way of life than any race issue
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get rid of the Jews and it all disappears
remember to kill gays
Not really, sexual deviancy on both sides, Also cultural changes being brought in by the Muslims.
also S A G E
Gays are literally just walking tax revenue. Shitskins don't even contribute to the federal budget. If you would rather have this country be 10% nigger than 10% gay, you're fucking insane.
We need "begone gay" memes.
Not really since only about 2% of the population actually identify as gay. This user may actually identify the underlying reason for your concerns. Someone's pushing hard an idea and plowing it into us
Oh, fucking really? It's not black people indoctrinating our children to cut their dicks off and suck cock, is it?
Homosexuality is a symptom that something is wrong with society, not really the cause.
Tell me that when we're being beheaded by Muslims because all our men in the future just fuck each other in the streets and get manicures on the weekends.
just give them the rights they want and tax all of them, they will soon lose all the romance of being rebels
well, in all fairness, it's not faggots either. it's jews. and jewish faggots. I'm gay and know a lot of gays, and none of us like trannies. Why would we? They're trying to turn gay kids into fucking medical abominations to make money.
>It's not black people indoctrinating our children to cut their dicks off and suck cock, is it?
no they say it's jews but it's actually an ancient Apache curse for fucking with the spirits of their ancestors, the most outrageous statement you can make is to cut your own dick off
Homosexuality was never a "threat" to anyone's way of life until the last 30 years.
Humans survived and thrived for a hundred thousand years before this became an "issue". It's wool pulled over your eyes to distract you from the real issues, like kike voodoo and international finance.
If this is native Americans getting back at white people through mysticism.... then I will bow down to the new overlords LOL
It's just jews looking to make a buck off the stupidest people on earth. Imagine being a slave to the medical industry your entire life? Pathetic. That's exactly the type of slave behavior you'd expect from a person with no dick.
>our way of life
What did he mean by this?
Inb4 you use culture in your answer
I'm not saying that faggotry is not a problem. Just that it is a symptom of a decadent, hedonistic and nihilistic society . If you'd would fix that, you could reduce the incidence of homosexuality.
Oh fuck off. I love Western Civilization, I'm fighting for it too, if you met me you wouldn't know I was gay. But I bet I know one thing about you; you're ugly as sin.
As no race issue is a threat to our way of life at all, you speak the truth!
this. Thats why we need to import more people from Africa, those people could really help us rid the real problem of homos
>if you met me you wouldn't know I was gay.
Le masculine gay meme.
lol, we'e gonna replace you.
No, it's not. Homosexuality is a distraction issue and so is abortion, the legalisation of weed, etc. The white genocide issue is the most important issue facing us today.
Are you me?
So how does that makes you better ? you cum in men and men cum inside you. that's wrong.
No it's not, gays are like what, 3% of the population?
Niggers and spics together must be 45% I would think
Degeneracy is what is corroding the west traditions and values.
Immigration and religion issues are the last thing.
i guess it's stupid, but gays don't bother me, there kind of funny. femenist get on my nerves, can i still be in the club?
Homosexuality is degenerate, but it's not even in the top ten list of our biggest threats. OP is a faggot.
Homosexuality has been around since ancient times. Why is it NOW a threat to your way of life?
i haven't had many people so boldly try to sex me. it's just funny.
It's okay to be gay.
there's literally nothing wrong with homos, as long as they do it privately. The popularization of it in the mainstream is fucking annoying though, and those stupid fucking parades
>If this is native Americans getting back at white people through mysticism.... then I will bow down to the new overlords LOL
That's actually a kinda badass theory. Way better than the stupid, lazy "der joobs R da sauce ov evidang!" crap.
Why, are the other gays stealing your guys fag? Let there be more gays so there's more women coming to us
>The white genocide issue is the most important issue facing us today.
White Genocide is fake news fodder for dumbasses who get too upset over being unable to get laid.
Nice one Ahmed
No u. Really pol kun it's all in your head theres nothi g wrong put down your Alex Jones.