Why do Republicans support child molesters?

Why do Republicans support child molesters?

I'm not getting lectured on child molestation from a nip

Nip's only draw manga about raping kid's, you actually do it.

Why do Democrats always lie and shit post?

Clinton rides Pedo Express dozens of times ... just sex.

Some Democrat lies about a Judge who ruled against here... Gospel truth!!

You can't make this stuff up!

Because Republicans support traditional Dixie values, like Japan:
>ages 3-5: innocent children
>ages 6-8: cute
>ages 9-11: reaching their prime
>ages 12-14: prime femininity
>ages 15-17: combination of femininity/maturity
>ages 18-20: can still be attractive, but showing signs of age
>ages 21-23: the last chance for women to have birth without increased risk of genetic defects
>ages 24-26: past their expiration date
>ages 27-29: if you enjoy rotten food, you might enjoy this age group
>ages 30+: you might as well be fucking a corpse

Why does every argument Democrats make revolve around the guilty until proven innocent paradigm with the media and disregarding the justice system?

kys m8

p sure both sides do that actually

the difference is that Republicans are continuing to financially support this guy despite overwhelming evidence that he was a predator who went after young girls while the shit about Bill Clinton raping kids is just accusations and he's not running for office anymore. Trump was also accused of raping children and hosting parties where child prostitutes were involved

zipper-eyed faggot.
old enough to bleed...old enough to breed is japan's official motto

Because they're rural and suburban retards.

>overwhelming evidence

1) Someone who Moore ruled against 40 years ago, with no way to prove.
2) A forged Yearbook signature.

That's bullshit, not overwhelming evidence, OP.

Republican version of Degeneracy.

Why is Al Franken still a Democratic Senator?

Japan's age of consent is 13

because the GOP legislative agenda is more important

More gaslighting. How original.

Because they're Christian

Both the Republicans and Democrats consist of scumbags covering for each other. Open your eyes. The "two party system" is, in reality, nothing more than the old good cop/bad cop routine, and you're being played.

they support Roy because they hate democrats and anyone better than a democrat including a child molester like Roy moore

Right, but the age of actually getting laid is never.

I wonder who is behind these threads?

You literally have rapist blood, fingol

Because they’re rural and suburban retards.

>>overwhelming evidence
Post overwhelming evidence pl0x

>Get accused of something that allegedly happened 30 years ago
>Just happen to wait to level this accusation until the accused is running for office
>Accuser works for DNC
>No one on the left finds this odd
>Meanwhile MSM and everyone on the left ignores the rampant pedophilia and human trafficking permeating the upper levels of government and handwaives everything regarding 'pizzagate' and politicians like Bill Clinton repeatedly going to a private island owned by a convicted pedophile sex offender as conspiracy theorist nonsense

I dislike this world at times.

> despite overwhelming evidence that he was a predator
If there was "overwhelming evidence", the guy would already sit behind bars. The American Justice System is extremely skewed towards their Left Wing (so basically Democrats), and wouldn't pass any chance to remove a Republican from the Equation.

The fact that you would selectively consider the accusations towards Bill (and Probably also Hillary) Clinton as "mere accusations" despite the amount of people that mysteriously died shortly before being able to testify against them, and at the same time be absolutely sure about Moore being guilty, makes it pretty obvious that you're pretty biased on the subject. If you were neutral, you would treat them both the same way.

Are you - by any chance - an American Emigrant that went to Japan to teach English in Schools? Asking because Jap Anons usually seem to be more rational and less biased when posting here.

We don't, there is no evidence to suggest he is a child molester.

Tony Podesta has been hobnobbing with the top Democrats for years. Did I ever hear a single one criticize his disgusting art collection? Meanwhile the Met is removing their ONE painting that is a vanilla PG painting of Tony Podesta's collection.

Democrats: "crickets" "crickets"

Still, I don't rape.
What's your excuse?

He was in in his 30's and the young ladies were 16+ and he got their parents permission to date them and they didn't have sex. Only a leftist could take those facts and attempt to frame it as molestation, and only a low information leftist parrot would be dumb enough to promulgate such a story. Consider yourself outed as a fucking retard.

>difference is that Republicans are continuing to financially support this guy despite overwhelming evidence that he was a predator



oh thats rich, truly, good show dems thats funny shit

clinton foundation exists to facilitate child rape and human sacrifice but yeah those evil republicans AHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHA

"oh but sweetie that was debunked"
>ok how did you debunk it
"uhhh we said it was debunked now move on"

Podestas and the kikes that helped them need to be hung

>overwhelming evidence
>fails to provide evidence
Also Bill's is actually true, victims spoke live and the press just deflected and deflected until nobody cared anymore. Just leave ching chong, you are wasting your time here

It's not debunked. Quite the opposite in fact... The Podesta family has bragged and exposed their collection on MSM outlets.

This is not alleged and denied. This is cold hard material evidence. So when Pelosi, Clinton and Schumer see the Met take down an innocuous painting for sexualizing young girls this week, hopefully they'll have a public word on their friend Podesta's vile, disgusting and anything but innocuous collection.