An entire episode in which white people are the problem

>an entire episode in which white people are the problem

Why is it ok for the left to pretty much just come out and say "whites are to blame for everything" without any retaliation?

Other urls found in this thread:

Stop watching TV, problem solved.

>still watching south park


Scapegoating has always been the way of the lynch mob

>two *entire seasons* of two scoops tier DRUMPF episodes

South Park is pathetic now

because the left is trying to genocide white people

i refuse to be someone who gets offended by south park, regardless of content, but i'm not fond of any of the larger, overarching plots. it removes that 'inconsequential' feel the show had that helped along the parody elements

>because the left is trying to genocide white people

Hilarious really that white women play along destabilising shit when they are next as soon as the men are gone.

Used to be a "shock value" it is nothing more than cringe.

no woman has ever foreseen a single consequence of their actions outside of the one, expected result.

>Kill whitey 2017
They have been pushing it since January

Canceled cable and Netflix, stopped going to the movies, threw out my antenna.

Life is much richer for it. You all should try it.

It's because it's not a parody anymore, it's just more propaganda. It's sad, I'm not really offended, just kind of sad to see the creators of the greatest parody movie of all time slip into the shit that they passed by for so long.

The show is really trying to shame white people now, say we're the problem, that maybe we should take a look at ourselves kind of shit.

We made civilization and niggers tear it down. Period. There is nothing more to discuss and I am sick to death of giving them money.

We're supposed to be strong enough to let them learn through their mistakes.
As dictated.
Trouble is the game wears thin fast.

No retaliation? Trump got elected. That's retaliation.

>caring what middle-aged Hollywood race traitors think about anything

Come on, OP.

Perhaps they are baiting and switching, getting sympathy from the jewery before striking when they are less defensive and desperate.

The tv media including fake news channels, although less than social media is incredibly desperate right now, every other commercial is pushing mix race garbage harder than previously.

OMG NAZIS CALL THEM RACE TRAITORS. You could just call them unfunny hacks. No need to give them bait for the normies.

This has to be cover for their true beliefs

If people question me, I sometimes note I've dated several jews

Look at Trey Parker--- he's LITERALLY the walking personification of the "my wife's son" meme.

The only thing funny about him is his pathetic life choices.

Because our timeline has actually become a parody of itself. It's hilarious.

>why are people allowed to say what they want
its called freedom you dumb filthy rainbow nigger

Holy shit, he is. So much for all the South Park episodes about not havign balls and being a giant pussy.
>my wifes son
>raisin someones kang leftovers
>mega epic soyboy lowtest cuckface going on
What the hell happened? Did Trey Parker get the hollywood treatment for dropping too many red pills?

Or were South Park creators always a pair of giant bitchcunt beta soyboys?

>Southpark literally is made by self hating cucks and jews who don't give a shit about anything and want to do drugs all day

>last week's episode got the lowest rating in history
>this season is down nearly a third compared to last season

Who even cares? The show is dead.

Fuck off, as a race traitor myself, it sickens me that society hasn't shunned me and my family as it rightly should have.

It really does seem like some MK ultra shit, I can't believe they went from what they used to be to literal Drumpf tier organically.

>not repurposing your antenna for ham radio

Dead show

did matt or trey lose money because ot trump? because this shit is getting sad

Why do his eyes tilt outwards like Ted Cruz?

they had to cram the episode after the election results
I wish there was a way i could ridicule them directly about it

Still more alive than the simpsons.

Leftists believe that in life institution causes problems rather than reality.Whites have shaped the western world and to an extent the world. The left can’t stand reality and need someone to blame for why life is hard

To keep a show on air, you either have to please the viewers or the network. Pleasing the network SJWs is easiest, now that sucking producer dicks is no longer an option.


>Why is it ok for the left to pretty much just come out and say "whites are to blame for everything" without any retaliation?

it's always been like that, they hate the people and want to remove democratic power or replace the population with people who are more susceptible to propaganda.

>using soyboy unironically

South Park < Murdoch Murdoch

Never forget their capitulation to Comedy Central concerning the Mohammed episode.

>Stop watching TV, problem solved.
That doesn't solve anything Leaf

>not setting up your ham shack in your bomb shelter and being comfy forever

>Watching TV

because whites don't retaliate

you'll get a lot of crap answers here but the real reason is that whites are pussies and don't fight back. most whites are too stupid and weak to realize this though.

I stopped watching South Park after this season's first episode which was the same unfunny crap as the last three seasons.
Should have stopped years ago.

They got bored and wanted to try a different format. Its not exactly Drumpf tier, bombing Canada was funny and ruthless and a nice substitute for the DPRK.

Please don't nuke anything.

South Park is totally cucked now. Remember 10 years ago they literally dedicated an episode to calling transgender people mentally ill (the "jew-fin" episode). Or when the show first started, all the episodes were mocking celebrities. Now dozens of Hollywood elites are outed as sexual predators and they barely mention it, and don't mention any of the people directly by name?

Its just like any of the other trash late night/comedy central shows now at this point. They will probably be off the air within a few years. Drumpf? R u kidding me? Its 2015!

Trey Parker is raising a black child that isn't his. Matt Stone is a kike.

South Park is pure cuck fuel.

>i refuse to be someone who gets offended by south park, regardless of content
I'm only offended what was an awesome show that mocked everyone is just basically CNN now.

You faggots thought it was hilarious a few weeks ago when they were making jew jokes. They make a joke about trump and now your panties are in a knot.

You guys are fucking tumblr tier snowflakes

Blaming everything on whites isn’t edgy, it’s literally toeing the party line you kike.

Who the fuck still watches that gay ass show?

Ffs it hasn't had a joke in 15 years.


The pacing is off. They're trying to fit too many jokes into each episode and the timing is off.

>why does half of america hate our show now? I dont get it...

>You faggots thought it was hilarious a few weeks ago

What did you take a survey or something, you fucking fag?

South park has made these kinds of episodes about every single group imaginable.
How can you be so stupid that you still haven't figured that out?

Why the fuck would you watch Kike Park when you could watch Murcoch Murdoch?

I saw the threads related to this

Apparently it was "edgy" enough to get you all riled up

MM is the cringiest shit that has ever been or ever will be. If you like it then you have failed the test of: intelligence. Report to the nearest gas chamber.

The guy is pretty sad. He used to actually have a wife he loved and now he's stuck with this shit. What happened to his Japanese wife anyways?

Maybe Matt and Trey should stop, I don't know, doing current-event episodes every fucking episode and shoving politics into everything. It's so droll and tiresome.

So much for going back to what made South Park good, as they claimed they were going to do. They're too focused on getting their message through that it hinders the show.

Make more episodes like Lil Crime Stoppers. I couldn't give a shit less what political party or current-event is in vogue.

>watching South Park

>Did Trey Parker get the hollywood treatment for dropping too many red pills?

Hollywood is basically the mafia. If you want to stay connected you have to get down and kiss the ring. Or in Trey's case, adopt a black child and turn your show into lefty propaganda.

>Boogie Tillman
>her son from a previous relationship

Just fuck my shit up senpai


>Or in Trey's case, adopt a black child
Wait, he cucked himself?

I dunno if that was the message, not sure there was a message really.

>antiwhite episode
I'm gonna need some sauce on that.
Episode name/Number?
Download Link?

The one that aired last night.

The gist is that Trump is a monster who is *literally* destroying the world and whites are responsible for electing him. They aren't even subtle about it.

But Pol blames Jews for literally everything.
Why can't they do the same?

>Stop watching TV
>Stop listening to music
>Stop reading magazines
>Stop playing video games
>Stop living in cities
>Stop going outside

It all leads to

>Stop existing


That's some real retarded logic you got there.

Are you a Hollywood writer?

Women are never next. In history the men and boys are slaughtered while the women and girls become war brides or sex slaves

South Park makes fun of everyone.

I stopped after the last season and boycotting the next game


>Why is it ok for the left to pretty much just come out and say "whites are to blame for everything" without any retaliation?
Because we don't retaliate. If we don't stand up for ourselves, nobody will.

They said 2 years of trying to stop him and we couldn't do it. Clearly talking about themselves, the last 2-3 seasons have had one clear purpose, be the cuck their wives made them to be.

Sigh.. nice bait faggot.

Update your tired rhetoric to match the current reality would you please.

Yeah well that is what they want.

I must have missed when they made fun of Hillary and Obama.

No it hasn't you stupid nigger, it's usually been because an abuse of the legal system
That's what causes Lynch mobs


Three, the Garrison/Trump shit started in season 19 and it's been the dominant feature of every season since.

It's almost as if there are more than 2 people on Sup Forums

because the majority of the population are stupid and think is socially acceptable cause it gives them virtue points.

South Park is red-pilled and are Sup Forums lurkers

PC principle is pretty bad too
Its like they threw in all their 1 note joke characters in last few seasons

Absolutely brilliant

atleast matt's chick wasn't a former stripper.

are they his kids? Asian genes really are strong.

The kids have flatter faces than his wife.

Shut your fucking face uncle fucker. You're a boner biting bastard uncle fucker. You don't eat or sleep or mow the lawn, you just fuck your uncle all day long......suck my balls

Music and cities are neutral. Not going outside is /r9k/ tier. Tv, vidya, and mags are nothing but brainwashing material.

They did call Obama a coon.

>make fun of niggers, spics, muslims, fags, etc
>haha so funny
>make fun of white people
cry more you sensitive faggot

Because you’ve been brainwashed to think “retaliation” is produced via a public outcry which is talked about in the media which is controlled and run by Jews and done from a jewish perspective.

Just put two and two together already and quit making shit threads with obvious answers