Hey conservatives

Hey conservatives
If morality is relative to the individual, why base your entire political ideology on the conservation something so malleable?

>if morality is relative to the individual
That's where you are wrong kiddo, morality is absolute, you may ignore it but deep down you know what is wight and what is wrong.

God Country Family arent malleable..

Liberals think God can be Castro/Big Brother/Obongo/etc
Liberals think Country has to be without borders, w/o personal liberties, etc
Liberals think that Family = 3 mommies and Jamal, Susie can become John overnight if she feels like a boy, etc...

Its Liberals that are entirely confused..

>That's where you are wrong kiddo, morality is absolute,

It really isn't. Two individuals can have radically different moralities, even though it's true that there are overall trends(eg: killing children without a reason is frowned upon almost by everyone)

Every political ideology is based at least partially on some sort of moralty, I really don't see the point of this.

Please point out the physical restrictions on the universe that decide what is and isn't good.


De facto differences in what people consider moral doesn't mean morality is relative moron, it just means people are wrong. relative morality is an oxymoron.

>Liberals think God can be Castro/Big Brother/Obongo/etc

god is a spook

Liberals think Country has to be without borders, w/o personal liberties, etc

All of those things are spooks

>Liberals think that Family = 3 mommies and Jamal, Susie can become John overnight if she feels like a boy, etc...

spooks spooks spooks

Literally, none of these examples exist without the idea of them, they're not real, ghosts in the mind of the collected consciousness.


>what is logos

>argument from ignorance

>It just means people are wrong

Ah yes, I forgot about the cosmic inscriptions written in the sky instructing us on what is and isn't wrong.

morals aren't relative

oh hello god nice to meet you

>knowledge of good and evil a prerequisite for the existence of good and evil

lmao gaytheists are so intellectually stunted.

Morality is absolutely a social construct. There is no definitive answer for what is right and what is wrong unless there is a god, but lets be honest, there isn't.

>obvious bait

An imparter of pure actuality is a logical necessity. The nature of which can be reasoned later.

>If morality is relative to the individual
That's jewish individualist view. Real conservatives don't give a fuck about the individual, because family is the smallest building block of society, not the individual.
Therefore what is not beneficial to the traditional family and doesn't coincide with traditional family values is in fact immoral in an absolute way.

>tips fedora
Morality is evolutionary. That's why you cant just import savages and teach them how to be moral. Your niggers are the prime example. They evolved differently.

>Real conservatives don't give a fuck about the individual

I rest my case on the "conservatives are retarded" thing.

To perpetuate a social construct and anything beyond your own experience is foolish. You are going to die and in the end the only thing that mattered in your existence is your experience, you wont be around to see what your building blocks create, nor will you even be able to remember how much you helped. To care so much about something that you wont experience is foolish.

>only thing that mattered in your existence is your experience

why does this have any intrinsic value?

vapid nihilistic hedonists.

Conservation of rights, you dipshit. The bill of rights is a document written in the style of the patriarchal post enlightenment dialectic. Humans have rights, anything that violates those rights is immoral. Thus the government of the people and by the people should protect their natural rights. Conservatives do not conserve morality or traditionalist culture, they practice conservation of rights. Changing the goalpost wont work here, the postulate of your argument is an illusion.



Epicurean Doctrine #31:
Natural justice is a pledge of reciprocal benefit, to prevent one man from harming or being harmed by another.

Epicurean Doctrine #32:
Those beasts which are incapable of making binding agreements with one another not to inflict nor suffer harm are without either justice or injustice; and likewise for those peoples who either could not or would not form binding agreements not to inflict nor suffer harm.

>let's go along to get long! live and let live!

Epicurean Doctrine #6:
In order to obtain protection from other men, any means for attaining this end is a natural good.

>don't you dare touch my cummies!!

>look mom how nihilistic i am
Listen here you fedora tipping edgelord. Every arbitrary thing you listed like "wont be around to see", "you even be able to remember" is 100% irrelevant to non individualist conservatives.
The only thing that matters are families and society that is built by them, not your narcissism, personal experiences or lack of thereof. Nobody gives a fuck. My legacy and my immortality is in my kids and in their kids and in kids of those kids.


Thats not what that is retard. Egoism is a direct counter to egoism.

>waaa nothing matters you wont be around to see it
>not nihilism
Burger education is all i can say.

>Nihilism = The belief that there is no meaning
>Egoism = The belief that the meaning is to further your own ego

You can only pick one

because my morality revolves around the principle of fuck you

You can be nihilistic egoist you brainlet.


i find hard to believe so many ppl cant grasp this
there is no good and evil tho

Support your claim.

>morality is relative
Wrong from the get-go
Nice strawboy, soy.