Are teenage boys as slow to recognize sexual abuse?

How long would it have taken you to realize that the doctor isn't finger blasting your butthole to treat your chronic ankle pain as a 16 year old?

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Did that actually happen to her?

Yeah. Not just her. The whole team.

She must have liked the attention


You mean she liked being touched.

Or she and her teammates are plain dumb.

What did i miss? Herr Gud Doktor has been applying healing sessions of dick up her ass?

Sauce on those treatment details pls


might become a gym coach

lol pakistan

Guys gain no benefit from coming forward, so they don't.

Can you read nigga? No details on what he was doing.

>Being so dumb it takes 8 years to understand you are being raped
Or more likely, she was a horny teenager, gave him consent, now she regrets all the dickings amd claim it was rape.

>Can you read nigga? No details on what he was doing.

I can't fap to this

basically pussy massage disguised as a pelvic treament.

Really Michigan State University, much like Penn State is to blame for this shit. This is just the tip of the iceberg of what goes on in this liberal institutions. Many Universities whore out their female students to athletic recruits.

This thread


I only took realised recently the drum teacher I had as a kid isn't supposed to grope and feel up your leg to help your Rhythm of your feet

This is an adequate description
Evil will always win because women are dumb

>you want to go to the olympics right?
>dont you want the gold medal?

mfw i got fingered and only got silver

Everyone one of those girls liked the massage and it made them feel better. They just want the attention and #metoo tags.

Some girls are so stupid you can get away with putting your dick in their vagina and calling it acupuncture.

that croydon facelift


to be honest, they probably had examinations for PCOS because of all their doping and high test. he gives them medical massages around their butt and legs and now they think they've been molested.

If you want to know every last detail here is the long story.

fucking liberals are so naiive and it comes back to bite them.
"oh of course a gay couple should be able to adopt a little boy. of course a non white grown man should be alone and touching FIT FERSH FLESH why not, people never have bad intentions."

nope he was massaging the "pubic bone" to adjust the pelvis according to Moroney or whatever her name is

30 seconds in.. he was putting his ungloved hand on their vagina and rectums

In them i mean not on

He was basically doing the shocker to these girls and Michigan State U even knew about it.

The guy has been doing it for decades.

The girls probably enjoyed the treatment

This is shocking, I'm absolutely shocked.

can we just settle this once and for all is it a girl or a boy I NEED TO KNOW

i'd love to tell you the truth but i rather have you wonder if you fapped to a trap or not


two in the pink, one in the stink

need pics of this


Lol basically the guy was making these girls get naked, lay o their stomach and then he would use one hand to rub their hamstring while the other was “pressing pressure points” in the vagina and anus.. he basically did this all day every day to little girls

Imagine Kaepernick and fellow knee benders being given the full rectal massage on the sidelines. Dr. Larry Nassar for the NFL.

Here is one talking about it and he asked to record it

He pressured girls to make videos so they exist


whats wrong with her bottom teeth?

Dr. Nassar's treatments don't have orthodontic effects, alas.



This can't be real

why was there no doctor I could go to to get my prostate milked when i was in highschool?

>over 130 girls were sexually abused by this guy before anyone spoke up

>11 to 18
>she was getting finger fucked for SEVEN YEARS

I wonder if she's really into anal now

Girl. There were nudes floating around this site. 100% girl (female)

>"I ... learned a few weeks ago from my daughter that at the world championships in Tokyo, [Nassar] drugged her, made her lay nude on a treatment table, straddled her and digitally penetrated her while rubbing his erect penis against her," Erin Maroney wrote. "She was only 15 years old. She said to me, 'Mom I thought I was going to die.'


Imagine if a female doctor was giving blowjobs to boys for 3 decades


you amerisharts really do produce the best degenerates

Who was the girl? This is hot

When i was in school 5th or 6th grade i remember other boys talking about stuff their doctor did during their physical (penis measurement, hernia checks with a finger in the butt and such) i thought they were joking as My doctor (2 towns over) did no such things.

When i was in college it came out that the doctor had been molesting kids in the town for 30 years.


C-c-c-cuuuum . . .

I don't know how there's a jury in the world who would convict this man, it must be the lawyers stack the jury with older, less attractive women who punish the man out of jealousy.

If there was men on that jury, he'd go free.

>penis measurement
people noticed he wasn't even recording the numbers

If its anything I've learned from reading hentai mangas, athletes perform better when they aren't sexually frustrated, the doc did them a favor.

I bet those dirty whores loved getting fingered by Doc

>finger fucked
It's a "Treatment".
Learn to use proper medical terminology. You would never make it as a molester doctor, they'd catch you in a month.

I'm clicking that link

You can literally see through the bullshit.
8 years of supposed "sexual abuse" but just now she reports him?

this is a thing in chiropracty

voted for 2nd best meme of 2017

they all thought they were the only one for him

a female doctor?
i can see why the girls went along with this

boys that age are so delicious its insane, should never let grown men around such sex nymphs

He a good docto. Dindu nuffin

photographic memory

Well one of these vids said that he plead guilty to owning child pornography too.

Remember these girls were children who were letting this guy get away with it because they thought of him as an authority figure.

This is really sad and it is shameful the guy went 30 years without being caught.

same thing happens to boys.


>ok son, show us again how did he touch you?

So, is there a shortage of female doctors/massagists or something that people hire men to treat young women? Why isn't it a law that female treat females like there is a law that forbids male cops from inspecting female bodies?

Or maybe she wanted to keep her spot on the team and not become a national disgrace, and being a teen, was scared to speak up against an authority figure that many others trusted.

Jesus fuck get some empathy

Holy shit this thread

the part where he accidentally stimulated her clitorious 250-350 times until she came so hard, she blew both of her ice skates off was all a yuge misunderstanding, from "bad teaching" at 'Gymnast Doctor Vocational Tech School'.

>digitally penetrated her

>Remember these girls were children

Now they're nasty whores for every Tyrone that comes along.

Get while the gettin's good, I say.


it's far too late naow. you rubbed one out to a dude! Na nana boo boo

i want to fuck her

I hope he at least busted a few nuts in these little bitches. Pussy ain’t worth it.

This some cyberpunk shit

why do they need every detail described?

to make my dick hard

Because you'd think men could keep their base lust in check and not be uncontrolled animals.

there is a ridiculous amount of training if you want to compete at the Olympic level
if the coach claimed you had an injury and put you off for awhile then it could end your chances
so it's not so much ignorance as being terrified of having all their effort wasted and also destroying the team, and the program

These girls certainly helped the doctor keep his lust in check.

wait, so you're saying penis inspection day isn't normal?