Dont watch this if you're a NEET.
I mean it.
Dont watch this if you're a NEET.
I mean it.
Are there any actual NEETs on Sup Forums though? I feel disgusted to know I share this board with such useless and degenerate people.
Delete this my dude.
I want pic related to make a song about Satou-san.
It's not that bad.
Fuck you, normalfag twerp. You're not special; you'll die like the rest of us, and that'll be it.
GTFO normie
Manga is better
More like dont' watch it if you're a fucking pussy
Stay mad dumb normalfag
Why wouldn't you? Shows like this are the kick in the pants that a lot of NEETS need.
>You're not special; you'll die like the rest of us, and that'll be it.
Dying doesn't negate uniqueness, its literally entirely up to him to determine how special his life is.
Why? It's not going to magically un-NEET you. The author relapsed into his NEET ways after writing it. You should watch it because it's a good show.
>Dying doesn't negate uniqueness, its literally entirely up to him to determine how special his life is.
What is that even supposed to mean? Sounds like empty platitudes to me.
Why tho?
>The author relapsed into his NEET ways after writing it.
Wait, for real? That's pretty fucking funny, actually.
>In a second Afterword, dated April 2005, Takimoto admitted that he had not written "a single new story" since N.H.K. and that he was "reduced to a NEET, ... living as a parasite on the royalties from this book."
Literally what I said. There's no real objective meaning or purpose to life so it's up to the individual to create their own and shape it into something unique.
>living like a parasite fro royalties
While I do agree that the current copyright and royalty management system is retarted and shit there's nothing wrong with living off the fruit of your labor
The novel is better, manga is completely unnecessary.
Yeah but what do you think that even means? Every life is "unique" based simply on random variance. What significance does that hold? How does it contradict 's rebuke of ?
And when you die everyone's brought down to the same level, kings and beggars all eventually and inevitably share the same fate and condition in death
You're not wrong but it's still rather contradictory to the message of reintegration given by the book.
No it doesn't
The reintegration only happened because Sato was broke and desperate
When the money runs out he'll write a cash grab sequel
But who remembers the beggars?
You'd have a point if the afterword prior to that one (written four years early) wasn't about him trying to recover from being a NEET.
Do the stars tell tales of Napoleon?
That doesn't change their death
What good does remembrance do the dead?
I'm only talking about the stiry itself
Sato didn't budge until he was on the verge of starving to death
Most humans are fundamentally the same, why would anyone do anything if their survival didn't depend on it?
It's why war always brings a giant step forward in technology and science, because it's a matter of survival
yeah I'm sure there are a few celebrities that talk about Napoleon
Who cares
Worst case scenario when I stop living I stop experiencing so death bringing everyone to an equal level doesn't impact my life or remove its capability to be special.
He's angrily stating it as a fact that everyone's lives are indistinguishable which is wrong. Even at the most basic level "every life is unique based simply on random variance." Whether you find significance in that or not is all up to the individual.
I mean it's just ultimately meaningless, everyone just dies and that's the end
It'll make you want to jump off of a cliff.
I just don't see how that takes away from the experience of life. Just because things are transient doesn't make them objectively worthless.
top 10 anime battles.
I watched it when I was a NEET. It was so fucking depressing I wanted to an hero by the end of it. Motivational anime are better cures for NEETdom.
Then live your life how you want, but don't expect it to somehow mean anything special or have some higher purpose
>when he was so hungry that he just forced an epiphany and ventured out into the real world to get a job using pure survival instincts
>I fucking cried and decided I need to do this too before I starve
>rest of the series is shit
that was literally its best moment, and that was in one of the first episodes.
But seriously It had a good close ending. if you feel depressed after that you should kill yourself
The store I worked at closed up resently, and Im completely broke, and out of a job, again. Im really fucked up about it all. Cant decide if watching NHK again is the best idea in the world, or the worst. But I think it's one of those two.
I watched after I flunked out my first semester of college and I think it was good for me. But I guess at that point I didn't have "NEET" as my identify or anything, it was something new that I wanted to get out of.
Watch Gurren Lagann instead I would
are you serious
shit man, ok
I'm a hiki and I found it an entertaining and humorous show.
But it has a happy ending where the neetlord gets the girl, shit like that is super popular in basically every other genre
It's a shame that i read it after wasting 1.5 years of my life on a girl with BPD.
Author makes them look way better than they are irl though.
I did and it was boring
I doubt that anyone on Sup Forums is an actual NEET though. They just say they are when they are community college students or part time jobbers
I mean the u.s has 96% employment so yeah there's not many people who do literally nothing at all besides shitpost
Employment rate only takes into consideration people trying to find employment and people working. It does not take into account people who have given up.
>it's a NHK thread
It honestly made me want to kill myself.
please do
I was a truNEET for a total of about a year and 5 months (not all consecutively, but one whole year was). It's literally Hell.
These posts deserve to be deleted just as much, if not more than the actual post that got deleted. Fucking cancer.
post yamazaki fuggin the trap
>and that was in one of the first episodes
Um, no it wasn't you fucking moron. It happened to two people in the show - once to some other dude, and later again to Satou. I'm assuminging you're talking about when Satou got a job, and that was pretty fucking late in the show
I watched it and i've become a better NEET
Whats the problem?
I wish I was still NEET ;_;
Reminder to enjoy your NEET days. Unless youre a 10 year vet or something, one day youll be sucked into society and long for the days where your only worry was failing college and watching too much anime.
>10 years later
>Misaki is still not real
Anime is a lie
if you are in college then you are not a neet.
Exactly, true neets withdrew or failed out and are lying to their parents about going to class. From my personal experience and in NHK, its a major source of anxiety to realize you've disappointed your parents, wasted their faith in you, and possibly wasted their money on your education.
I just want to remind those people to not dwell on those things because it only makes it worse. Its much better for your mental health to just relax and enjoy being the scum of society for a year or two, dont stress over your parents expectations or keeping up with your friends etc etc. Thatll only make you even more depressed and withdrawn.
In NHK as well it shows how Sato knows deep down that what hes doing is wrong, but just dwelling in that shame is about the worse thing you can do. Its better to throw yourself into something, even if its fucking video games or eroge, anything to keep from becoming a self pitying depressed sack of nothing like Sato.
Continuing on, I just checked the show and Satou goes out and gets a job due to pure survival instinct in the second to last episode. Fuck you to the guy I originally responded to
>you're now older than Satou and still a NEET
I want to escape the trap of poor NEETdom and society at the same time.
bro neet just mean not in employment education or training ...
>you're now younger than Satou and not a NEET
Yes but Satou is a hikikomori as well as a NEET, which includes the mental state described by the user you responded to
It actually helped me get out of depression when I watched it.
then why are you still here?
Because we can't leave.
I watched it more than 6 years ago. Since I was in undergrad at the time, I didn't relate to it too much.
But it's now been nearly 4 months since I graduated with my masters. I live in my parents house, sleep in every day, browse Sup Forums all day, and lie to my parents that I'm looking for a job. Why do I do this? Because I'm too depressed to make something of myself.
If I rewatch it in my current state, will it give me the kick I need and make me stop being a worthless self-pitying fuck? Or will it just be what finally makes me kill myself?
I was like that too, cept I was just a bachelors and was legitimately looking for work, for 10 months
It will give the courage to become truNEET, because a Misaki will surely come and save you from yourself.
>was legitimately looking for work, for 10 months
See that already makes you better than me, cause I have not applied for a single job in the past 4 months. Not one.
Did Welcome to the NHK motivate you at all?
not really, I did sort of wanted to be an engineer.
but now I scrub crap off plastic pieces in a factory for a living.
nhk just made me long to go back to my neet days school, god do I regret going to uni.
>It will give the courage to become truNEET, because a Misaki will surely come and save you from yourself.
Nah, I don't remember every detail from the show cause it was so long ago but I never got why people thought Misaki "saved" Sato. She had no qualifications to help Sato, and her "sessions" with Sato were just her reading outdated Freudian psychology out loud. She was just as fucked up as him and had no right to look down on him. Sato saved himself cause he was on the verge of starving to death, Misaki had nothing to do with it.
>in uni
>studying engineering
>parents paying all uni expenses
>have no drive whatsoever to get any type of work after college whatsoever
>all my happiness comes from being alone, playing vidya, watching anime, and lifting
>steadily getting by in classes, but that means fuckall if I dont get a job
>nearing graduation
>haven't had a single job or research experience
>gonna go into NEET mode if I don't kick it into gear
>have no motivation whatsoever to kick it into gear because I know where I gain happiness from, and it is not from doing engineering work
its all a pyramid scheme anyway
People don't think misaki saved sato, they think they could save her and marry her and have kids and be happy and why can't misaki be real guys
That is pretty much how I feel right now. I had a lot of internships during grad school so I could probably get a job, but I have no motivation to do anything now.
At least you lift, I can't even commit to that. I also end up trying SS and then dropping it.
Don't. I would kill myself. It would be too much.
Yeah, it also annoys me when people get mad over Misaki and Sato not getting together at the end.
I always interpreted the ending as the two of them both realizing that they're in no way ready for a relationship, so they mutually agree to just be friends and help each other get their lives in order. Maybe someday when they both have their shit together they'll date. Or maybe they'll meet other people but stay friends. Either way, they're satisfied with their current relationship and are optimistic about the future. So it's still a happy ending.
I'm the exact same as you only I don't even have the motivation to study/learn shit so I end up flunking a bunch of classes. How do you get yourself to even learn everything?
>optimistic about the future
>happy ending
I agree but it makes the authors little note at the end of the novel so much more depressing. Idk how he's doing now but I remember he said that he hasn't been able to write any other books since NHK and he's still a NEET shut-in who's scraping by with the money he made from NHK's popularity.
Would I even enjoy this anime if I wasn't a NEET?
I'm one of those mentally ill people who studied engineering. Graduated and now nearing 2 years in Neet mode. Anybody that's sane wouldn't pick such a fucking bore of a subject.
The only thing that makes me happy these days is watching anime and even then I wouldn't watch it 24/7. There's nothing in life worth doing. If I can't even enjoy be happy as a Neet with no responsibility, how can I possibly be happy with a job.
What was the subject that Satou did in college again? I remember him going in for a class, did it mention what he studied. Hope he wasn't a retard and chose a real subjects like engineering.
could you enjoy hard tack without soaking and frying it first?
How do you even afford to be a neet if you weren't born into a rich or at least upper middle class family? like what kind of parents pay rent and expenses for a leech that neither goes to college or works
You said it yourself, you have to be at least upper middle-class. My parents spoiled me as a kid, and they continue to spoil me now. They ask how the job-search is coming, but they don't press me either.
Mine, or at least they pay expenses. I don't get it either.
cramming the night before and leeching off low-self-esteem peers
I don't know shit, and the only reason I pass classes is due to the reasons stated above. If I didn't leech off peers, I would have flunked out my first year
You can be a Neet living with parents can't you?
Isn't the definition just being unemployed, not in training or seeking employment? Or does it have to be living by yourself as well?
>inceldom the anime
I like how normans believe NHK represents all of typical NEETs.
Is there anything worse than a society which brainwashes you with their norman brainwashing? Death is better than becoming a filthy breeder.
Some anime character was a broke NEET and broke the cycle by periodically doing menial labor, which allowed him to buy food and gain muscle to fix my posture, following which I'd revert to being NEET and living off saved funds while leaching off family's room and utilities. Rinse and repeat
NEET only says "Not in Education, Employment, or Training", it says nothing about parents. I don't see how someone could survive being unemployed unless they were supported by someone else. I also think as long as you rarely leave the house, you can still be considered a hiki if you live with your parents.
I was motly referring to Satou's situation because he lived alone.
But irl even if you do live with your parents, there must be a point were they just get fed up and kick you out
dont be retarded. get a nice cushy job where you can get lots of time off to play video games and money to pay for ur lifestyle. gotta think long term.
>But irl even if you do live with your parents, there must be a point were they just get fed up and kick you out
Never underestimate how much some parents will enable their kids. Just look at Chris-chan.