Israel is white while Palestine is not so why are you supporting them Sup Forums why so much anti-semtism here?
Palestine Hate threat
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Sage x2
Sage x3
>Jews white
Jews are a race and a religion
Keep pretending non Anglos can be white
You're both sandniggers
neck yourself
Everyone here is either a Muslim or sucks muslim cock
I support Israel, want to wear lots of jew gear today just to troll the shit out of the lefties.
muslims are leftists so i kinda love this
They love the taste of muslim dicks.
Is Israel white?
Keep pretending to be color blind.
lol, many leftists support IsraHell, you fucking cunt.
>Liking Jews
Arent you that faggy norcuck who posts the JIDF shit
keep saging boys
>anti-semtism here?
I am sick of anti-semtism Sup Forums needs to be more pro-israel
How about we just glass both countries?
yesterday Jerusalem was officialy declared as Israeli capital, palestine is gone for ever
>Israel is white
Good one.
ew this is so disgusting i cant look at it for more than like 3 seconds
fuck you bitch jews are the worst
As soon as U pay reparations for setting off the 9/11 False Flag and killing JFK, we'll talk..maybe
9/11 was an Israeli masterminded False Flag with help from traitors in the WH, the Pentagon, CIA, FBI and NSA. With generous help from the Lying MSM.
can i just don't give a fuck about either of them?
Having the nerve to watermark this.
Israel is God fearing nation anti-semitic racist shoud go back to stormfront
A bump for the
>USA will accept Jerusalem as the capital of Israel
>Mudslimes go apemode and bomb Israel
>the US supported Israelis strike back and obliterate a bunch of millions of mudslimes
there are still people that think Trump is not playing 4D Chess.
open borders for Israel. May the fall, may they bleed and be conquered.
I hate Palestine and Israel. But I like Israel waaaay more than Palestine. I hate Islam is what I'm really saying. And all the nonsense about Jewish elite and conspiracies, true or not I have prospered greatly from it. Tech, science, medicine, arts, finance. It's not my fault a bunch of retarded white kids in America and the UK can't get their shit together. (I'm a Balkanfag).
Get it together guys.
You regards need to stop attacking Israel and start focusing on your country ;)
Here's another (You). Now stop posting bait.
You’re either brainwashed or stupid if you side with Israel
Top zozzle
Ant-Semitism is Cancer and it needs to be destroyed half of your celebrities and leaders are Jewish ;)
I am a pure breed Arabo-European with traces of African Pygmy, Korean, Somali and Javan ancestry. I live in Israel because I converted to Judaism, because the goyim are cattle born to be enslaved.
How to detect shitskin shills 101
>Oy vey, if you don't support Israel you're just a Muslim!
>Ya allah, if you support Israel you're just a Jew!
based trump fuck shills
Find a Whiter arab girl than her, if "jews are not white".
damn it feels good to be a banker
holocaust was R.E.A.L
Bump cause fuck muslims
the only reason i support israel is because they btfo the shitskin muslims
>literally no other reason than that