Quick Rundown: So porn star August Ames got bullycided by LGBTWERTY+ activists after she said she refused to have sex with a gay man on camera. Harassment, death threats, yada yada all because she didnt want to get AIDS

Your mission: Find wholesome images of August and make memes such as pic related to show people how the left eats is own.. Make sure to include #MeToo and #AmesGate in your memes, because they were basically trying to force this young woman to have sex with gay men(rape). Also #MyPussyMyChoice and #MyBodyMyChoice

We will call this.... Operation Cannibal


This article hammers the SJWs. Tweet it, Facebook it, Instagram it, throw it up on Reddit. Make sure everyone sees it. It's time to fight back against these fuckers.
#AugustAmes #JusticeForAugust #MeToo #HerToo #ExposeBullies #AntiBullying #MyBodyMyChoice #AmesGate

Jaxton Wheeler DROPPED by EvilAngel! twitter.com/EvilAngelVideo/status/938554362560786432

CDC: Gays get more AIDS!

Pastebin: pastebin.com/kWnhjBMi


Other urls found in this thread:


Jenna still /ourgirl/!


Nobody cares about a dead pornstar.
Stop posting these.

>rallying under the death of a manfaced jew funded porn star because she coundlt handle internet bullying as well as she could handle cock
Reminder that this is just one death on your side when you've been bullying gay and trans kids into suicide for the lulz for decades. But it happens just once to you and oh no enuf is enuf we gotta stop this them ebil lgbts are so mean and hurtful

Grow up you stupid man children. If you cant take what you dish out then maybe you ought kill yourselves too


This ! Fucking cucks supporting her must be gassed!

Don't be a MSM

Nigger (((someone))) cares enough to derail them


GAY PORN news outlet str8upgayporn aggressively demanded AA explain herself for an article they were going to write about her calling her out as a homophobe. This is where AA really became despondent.

It's likely she believed her life was over and she was going to be socially ostracized by other women in the biz and her husband (a porn director) would divorce her. She saw her life broken before her.

Look fellas, I get the point of the psyop, but literally no one but us and the faggots are paying any attention to this. We're not exposing them to anyone outside of our or their degenerate circles who actually pay attention to porn stars.

>inb4 40+ replies by this id


Guys, guys.

It were a canadian SJW's?

so troll them using the fact that they disrespecting ang disctiminate French

I don't remember how it would be in English, but the language discrimination

that's their weakness point, as I think.

>her last scene was eating some niggers ass
>Sup Forums defends this


Dude, she litterally fucks more niggers than white dudes, thus AIDS is not the problem.

Another reason to fap to Jenna Jameson.
No one here does, but lgbt/the left cares. This isn't a "pay your respects" thread faggot.

Then get exposing. Many of her earlier photos have a girl-next-door feel. She's very relatable. And then she gets bullied into killing herself.

If you expose the faggots it compels the pornstars to rally their audience. Killing the gay scene


Internet bullying isn't real.
Thanks to Amber Ames we see how many of degenerates are here. That's the only good thing that whore did.
Go back to watching porn, losers.

>he hasn’t read Saul alinsky’s playbook

by her own rapist family

It’s not about her you stupid niggers, it’s about making the left kill each other, the faggots vs the feminists. Fucking brainlets I swear to Christ

we're causing infighting between two groups we hate.
this is just one more front in a much greater war


post them that they are discriminating French in Canada

language diversity

Remember Christopher: He makes it a lot easier to feed into the whole "toxic masculinity" thing that the left just eats up.


>tfw you know you're in to something because shareblue shows up in force

No one here is defending her. The point is to use her as a wedge.

you lay women. you are masonic vagina worshippers. nobody on the left likes jews. you throw your nofap no porn out window. youre pedos filled with diseases. you never stick to your values. the dumb ugly broad is prolly not even dead. if she is. adam and eve caused it. by woman laying the devil. peterson was a tranny. fired. moore pedo. putin pedo. epstein. pence pedo. paywall. you fail every time. this one will too


Faggot confirming Mercedes' fears were founded when it comes to gay for pay actors and HIV
U=U means undetectable=transmittable

With a face like that it shouldnt be hard

Bet that nigger asshole didn't taste as sweet as she was

>fucks niggers
>"my fans are creeps"

lel *untransmittable

truvada. memes. kikes. bye


Would you annoying losers just fucking die already

>The face that launched a thousand tweets

post in French, it's 2017

suck my cock nigger

It’s great that we’ve got August’s meme incarnation on our side. Now we’ve got Cecil, Harambe, and August.

august never says no. she was raped by her family. likes women and chocolate penises or just cocoa butter. like any other woman. even took your micro clitoris south korean k pop "dick" once. knows nothing about medicines. or morals. and committed suicide. what a saint

kys faggot

To be fair she really did deserve it

Aspen Brooks (tranny who was up for an AVN award) deleted his Twitter account!

Aspen had harassed August. August's very last tweet was a reply to Aspen telling him to unfollow August if he didn't like what she was saying.

no, unlike pornstars we don't actually kill ourselves over internet arguments

> he feeds sandniggers with his taxes voluntarily
> thinks he has the high ground for moralfaggotry

No. Some idiots do support her, they only care because the guy who attacked her is a SJW so they feel the need to defend a whore who did blacked and cuck stuffs. Stop making theses threads, no one give a fuck about her or the faggets and also, suicide just for a fess tweets ??? She is just an error of nature, the weaks don't belong here.

im good satan. youre slowly dying and are a zombie who doesnt even realise it. become a woman. you have no balls. STEP ON MUH CUBES

Twitter hate speech policy doesn't apply to the LGBT community. They can do whatever they want.

I’m white, doofus.

post him that it's 2017 and he should speak French

>youtube video called kill all the gays



Inb4 pic related?



>doesnt want to fuck faggots because of GRIDS
>fucks niggers

I mean if we’ve learned anything in the last year, rules regarding threats of violence or incivility only apply to conservatives. Liberals can do whatever the fuck they want

can you post? write him that he should speak French if he is a Canadian

it should be funny


And do you care about gay ano ? Because it look like ...

What wrong about make some fag have trouble with cops ?

What an uptight bitch
>23 years old
>pol defends a feminist

Aww, dp scenes are my favorite

>>her last scene was eating some niggers ass

I can understand why she felt a need to kill herself after that. Eating nigger ass is as low as someone can go,

We care about dead faggots.

We are trying to destroy the rabid fags. Who are you?

sjw fags came to russian internet sector when a russian blogger made a blackface

also it's 2017 and Spanish should be official in Texas

This is why I think it's important to push this.

/lgbt/ are raiding Sup Forums, they're afraid we can use August Ames death against them.


did someone put out a fire on her face with track shoes?

so Milo gets banned from twitter for calling an actress in Ghost Busters ugly yet a gay male porn star encourages a woman to kill herself (which she follows through with) and his account doesn't get banned? the worlds fucked

This is how pajeets poo in their streets.

I care more about her than I care about you...

Too bad you can't trade places.

More scum who were attacking August trying to circle the wagons.

>we're so important and special that lgbt is raiding us
Pol raids lgbt, lgbt doesnt give a fuck about the autism brigade

post in French, it's 2017

The difference being that Milo was a minor celebrity famous for fucking with people. This guy is a literal who. If you went around telling people to kill themselves for example Twitter wouldn't single you out.

I think they have a much wider stance user

>Another reason to fap to Jenna Jameson.

>dead pornstar
Lmao , who the fuck cares?

can we make a meme where august is sui-chan?

You cant even read french, let alone english. Post in arabic, it's the end of 2017

Canadians really are fags

This. She literally gave niggers rimjobs.

Wait, I may be wrong about Joslyn Jane. She may be okay.

What a disgusting faggot.


It's not about her it's about sticking it to the Jews you retard

It's hilarious that she literally put her tounge in assholes and was all worried about catching STDs from faggots.


French is easier for us


To be fair Sup Forums wants to use this not defend it user. Sup Forums is stupid though since google indexes this everything can be traced back to here easily. We should be doing this shit in irc or something.


You have to make it about her though. You can't just pick and choose.

wrote him that it's 2017 and he shouldn post in French

how many of """anglo""canadians have celtic roots?