GangStalking General

This thread is to discuss the very real phenomenon of GangStalking to include street theater, directed conversation, social assassination campaigns, community oriented policing/citizen watch groups, extra judicial punishment, charasmatic psychopath business/community leaders, FBI/NSA/CIA/Mossad, government watch lists, and private security conglomerates.

If you post or speak out publicly against Zionism, Jewish central banking, and tyranny, you'll eventually become part of the program.

The very nature of individualism, free thought, and the free flowing exhange of information/ideas is at stake. Do Not Be Intimidated Into Silence For Your Beliefs

Other urls found in this thread:

I think you have schizophrenia mate, every time I hear about this gangstalking it always innoculous shit.. but please do provide some examples so I can attempt to reason with you perhaps

yea like they read very common movements as like a secret code

It's a hard program to prove the existence of, it's completely subversive and hands off. Why would people be in denial that Federal Agencies whose sole purpose is to spy/collect data, are spying/collecting data, but on a scale of sadism and unconstitutionality we could not fathom? Obviously some are schizo, but there are thousands upon thousands of reports surfacing, including legitimate whistleblowers formally in the NSA and private security industries.

Your first paragraph describes typical local politics... welcome to earth

Bump. It's real.

Are you raking your meds?

Hey op, I'm back from the last thread.

Let's get this discussion going.

Zionism is a plot to destroy civilization as we know it.

Let's do it

>Schizophrenia General

get help
This is InfraGard, a civilian based "watch group" that works with the Federal Government. There are hundreds of not thousands of other related groups. This is essentially the same methods all authoritarian states use, using your neighbors to tattle tale on "Unpatriotic" activity, while promoting the spies and watchers as Patriots

schitzophrenia is the first tactic on the shills playbook.

It was derived from the old soviet union, where dissidents were labeled as "Mentally damaged" or whatever, and locked in re-education camps.

The basic premise of the current tactic, is "Poisoning the well", the argumenative logical fallacy.

They are hoping that as soon as they call you schizophrenic, people will stop paying attention to you.

We should probably use this tactic against them somehow.

Have you like.. confronted these people? I'm not saying you should attack anyone, but if someone is following you, grow a pair of balls and say " Can I help you?" "Is there some reason you are following me?" Etc

I'm just not understanding how this could be a real thing because I asked for some examples and you didn't provide any

Oh, by the way... the "Big Brother" appearance is actually used in mainstream media. (bushy mustache, vaguely Turkish facial features)

It's part of a psychological operation to get you to accept slavery under a specific face.

Yah I can see right through the gaslighting bullshit. "Oh you think the Intelligence agencies are spying? You must be crazy! Surely there is no precedent of that you schizo!"

forgot pic.

they really do glow in the dark, don't they?

Yes. You have to throw them for a loop, because many times they're scripted conversations, like really cheesy flashob actors. They will always appear startled and unsure of what answer they should give, like you have deviated them from their script. The street theater, mobbing, and directed conversation are all a means to condition you to stimuli, like Pavlovs experiment. It's essentially a form of social engineering, masked as a patriotic investigation of a "bad person"

>>>/schizophrenic asylum/

you ever had a dank meme overdose?

I mean of course they are but why would they harass people by following them or messing with their heads? It's a waste of resources when they have a gun that can make it look like a heart attack and poisons that c ant be detected once they metabolize.. I mean it's way easier for intelligence agencies to just fucking kill you than pull this prepubescent bullshit

Come on nigga

summoning cia to this thread

John Lang, Fresno PD, John Podesta is a pedophile, Hillary Clinton is a satanist.

enjoy the bots :)

Holy shit those trips too

Also...this is based on the old East German program known as Zersetzung, which was a very much real spying/psychological torture program used by the Stasi. COINTELPRO would be the oldschool American version. This new version is completely refined and merged to perfection with social networking


I am involved in the Kratom business, when the DEA was conducting operation chokepoint I am certain that I was being stalked or some sort of entrapment deal was going on.

A lot of strange shit happened. The strangest part were people sending me ridiculous spider pictures and odd threats about coming to my house. They would also send pics of photoshopped heads off of people's bodies I knew.

There were 2 men that came into my life out of nowhere trying to do business with me and commit to something either illegal or to void my shareholder stock or possibly send me to prison.
One of their ideas was to gather morning glory seeds, sell online, so consumers could produce LSA.

I can't find the pictures I was sent. The spider ones were real strange to me, spiders in front of a house with a web in a tree, a streetlight with one giant spider in the background. Then they sent me the same pic but of a smaller spider just zoomed in. The people who I met with would talk about spiders out of nowhere, totally irrelevant to the conversation.

>summoning cia to this thread

Tavistock, CIA drug trafficking, CIA arms trade, Afghanistan opium production.'s a slow decomposition. The Freemasons call it the Slow Dagger or some shit. It's sadism, absolute control and dominance, psychological torture. It's supposed to be a slow death, with ever increasing levels of alienation as your communities are told lies about you, and the perps gaslight you and tell people you're crazy. The resources are nothing the sadist handlers at the top of the program, be it alphabet agencies, private security agencies, or just rich Sadists who radiate pure evil. The whole program is satanic to the core

Gang stalking is the most fun mental illness.

Tell us more about events you have gone though.

>The spider ones were real strange to me

they are referring to their "Web" that they caught you in...

they are basically retarded, using juvenile pranks to fuck with people, while simultaniously using social engineering to try to destroy any social or buisiness relationship that you have.

As much as they want you dead, they don't want their fingerprints anywhere near your dead body.... so they sabotage your finances/job, and watch you starve on the streets.

>be me, taking a walk
>really nice out today
>enjoying the warm sun, it's been a long winter
>a gentle breeze caresses my face to the tune of chirping birds
>out from behind a bush appears a fat neckbeard
>he begins spitting in my face
>I am taken aback
>what the fuck is this guy's problem
>suddenly I start to feel nosious. Three weeks of body odor, dried semen, and spilled food perfiate my nostrils
>start to gag
"What the hell are you talking about?"
>I manage to utter in between attempts at holding my breath
>He begins howling unintelligable nonsense
>sweat is now cascading down his curly beard and accumulating in his neck rolls
>he swiftly turns away and runs off
>a puddle of sweat remains in front of me as the tails of his trenchcoat flow in the breeze
>turn 360° and walk home

That sounds like it. Any subliminal meaning to spiders for you? Anything in your past? The casual mentioning of spiders is probably directed conversation, the conditioning to a stimuli for you. It will feel like that scene in the Matrix where Neo sees the cat twice. I've had people reveal personal medical details about my life only I know

>Tell us more about events you have gone though.

having shills show up in every thread where the words "Gangstalking" is typed out, I would think....

You guys have access to the NSA's utah database, I presume?

We always knew Sup Forums was actually schizophrenic. This just finally confirms it.

closing trap in 3...




hey user... have you ever seen one of these before?

Go to directly to /x/. Do not pass go. Do not collect $200. Do fuck off. I mean it buddy just fuck right off.

>Every other poster drops in to mention schizophrenia or mental health on a forum where we regularly discuss the most outlandish social theories ever conceived

Oh for the love of Barney.


So unless you're some nuclear scientist or R&D weapons department you will never get gang stalked in your life, ever.

If you're a criminal/terrorist you'll only be monitored by some low level agencies of a given country(FBI, MI5 etc) who deal with that stuff not some men in black.

It pretty much is the early stages of paranoid schizophrenia. If anything these people aren't getting gang stalked but somehow manipulated to think they are.
The mind is a dangerous tool.

Here's a basic run down on this new societal phenoma which strange affects people who have absolutely no strategic worth or knowledge what so ever in some field.
I think the yahoos who started the online variant of the new age movement are behind it.

/thread btw

mods delete this /x/ thread pls

>>Every other poster drops in to mention schizophrenia or mental health on a forum where we regularly discuss the most outlandish social theories ever conceived

They monitor web activity for keywords, and send shills to "Shut it down"

The 2 men I speak of, one was really into comic books. He said he had over 7000 comic books in his collection. Of those 7000 he could have chosen he said I was like Spider-Man. The other guy, he had this tick I noticed where he would click his tongue over and over when he was nervous. When we all met up, it sounded like there was a typewriter in his mouth.
Both of these people constantly insisted about talking about kratom extracts. I have a non disclosure for the process these items are made and ratios we put in to the product, so if I spoke about this it would have hurt business no doubt.

We eventually go out to eat somewhere on the beach. Talking normally throughout dinner, and these guys start talking about LSD. I have no interest in the shit, tell them not to say this that loud because there are so many people around and it's kinda odd to talk about.
Then I'm asked how to make it, and the people next to us go silent like they are listening. They most likely were and had nothing to do with it but still odd. At that point I thought they wanted to get me on tape talking about illegal shit.


Go watch some gang stalking proof videos on youtube. You people are so fucking nuts it's unbelievable. The FBI, CIA, DEA, USDA, FEDEX, whatever doesn't give a shit about you and your unwarranted self importance. Seek mental help.

I'm a shill
DON'T KILL YOURSELF(It's definately not a way out of the Matrix)


>You aren't being gang stalked
>You're just being manipulated by external forces
Why do you think someone needs to be a whistleblower or former defense specialist to be harassed? The program was essentially designed for foreign nations but it's being run, tested, tweaked, whatever right here in the States. Why is it hard for people to believe Intelligence agencies who have basically merged with Mossad, are doing some extremely perverted stuff on Americans? There is a fucking century of historical precedent here and we all know how much the security state, publicly and privately has expanded since 9/11

pretty much
Imagine the nerve of this people. This is next level narcissism mixed with paranoia.

Thx for your input. We know there are actual schizo and disinfo plants out there. That doesn't take away from the historical precedent of these tactics being used on the public.

>DON'T KILL YOURSELF(It's definately not a way out of the Matrix)

yeah, I know.

The guy who wanted to pursue the morning glory seeds turning to LSA deal, he had told me he just got out of prison. I didn't really care. Then he starts insisting to show me his papers and what he was arrested for. He was only in for a little over a year, I see in his paper work he was arrested by an undercover for selling research chemicals and ecstasy.
There are 5 charges, each a possession of whatever substance each over 50 grams.
Absolutely no way he go out that early without snitching or some shit.
After that I destroyed everything illegal in my house. I had a mini extraction lab and some shrooms going. They could have put me away for ten years
