It's /yys/day

It's /yys/day.

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How long will it take for the OVA to get ripped and translated once it's released?

Sure is dead today.

Vacation is over...

Which one do I bully?

Bullying Yukari is prohibited.
Bullying Yui is dangerous.

>bullying yuzuko


Has it really been years?
I feel like it was only yesterday.

Depends on your velocity

If I go fast enough will S2 happen sooner?

Nantsutte tsuchatta

So, what new shows y'all digging the most? I'm really digging Demi-chan, Gabriel Dropout, Urara Meirochou and Little Witch Academia so far, Demi-chan a little more than the rest. Hikari's the best fucking genki girl in a long time. This is the first winter since GJ-Bu that hasn't sucked ass. Why can't I hold all these CGDCT?

All Yuyus are equally tangelic. Yukari is simply equallier tangelicerieriesterererererererererer. Er.

My bland male self insert senses were triggered for Demi-chan. The rest are fine.

The teacher is nothing like your typical self-insert really. He's a pretty kind and composed fellow with a healthy sense of curiosity, not some bumbling idiot with a pure heart.

>can't fugg the girls without losing his job and possibly going to jail

Tell me more about how all self insert characters get to fuck all the girls.

Realistically, he's not a very effective self-insert for your average anime fan if a romantic/sexual relationship with the girls, even outside of canon, isn't practical. Yes, I'm saying that your average anime fan who watches anime with casts of mostly cute girls wants to fuck the girls. I'm not saying that all of them do. I'm just saying.

No love for shorts? Ai Mai Mi and Nyanko are highlights in my week right now.
I agree on pretty much everything though, except Urara, I found it boring and couldn't stomach it.

>Ai Mai Mi and Nyanko are highlights in my week right now.

Are they Aiura-tier? Last short I really liked was Wakaba Girl. PIN PON

Ai Mai Mi is full blown comedy and not even close.
Nyanko Days is sort of like Aiura but with chibi catgirls instead of thighs.

I meant more in a quality way than similarity way. Aiura was heads and tails above the pack in quality re: shorts.

>we will never watch new YYS and Aiura on Tuesdays again

Oh. Then no, sadly not.

Why is Yui so great? She improved the whole episode.




Yes, it was.

Nothing this season has really captured my interest enough to watch. Urara looks cute, but seems a bit boring, and I feel like you had to already be into Little Witch Academia to watch this series.

Urara, Dragon maid and LWA are my favorites of the season, everything else ranges from just ok to not great.

>I feel like you had to already be into Little Witch Academia to watch this series.
I didn't watch the OVAs but I get the impression it's retelling the same story as the OVAs in series format, so I'm getting the impression watching the OVAs isn't necessary.

Oh, I forgot about Dragon Maid. How could I forget about GodAni? Yeah, Dragon Maid was good too.

Catching up to Teekyu and its fucking hysterical.

>I feel like you had to already be into Little Witch Academia to watch this series
Not at all, the TV series seems to be a reset, though I recommend the original Anime Mirai episode anyway.

Is it wise to get into something because of anime?

Yes. Unless you're juggling a done of shit then no harm in actually doing something other than sit on your ass all day am I right?


You mean like fingering LCD monitors?


please spoiler lewds


My favorite day of the week!

It couldn't have been yesterday. Yesterday was a Monday.

Can someone post that one Yui gif?

You know the one

Yuzu as Lillith is perfect. Washboards are the best!


which one?

neither of those...


I hate you people for constantly reminding me of this show. This show alone almost made me drop anime completely. Why in God's name do you keep bringing it up?


I know which one you're talking about in fact I happen to bean expert, but I don't have it

And those people are disgusting.

Only Yui-chan should be allowed to fuck all the cute girls.

If you go fast enough you'll get S2 never

No, it wasn't


What could possibly be better than living in Yui's pigtail?

why is this posted here and never on /pingpong/?

It was, though. Those mid-episode music segments were the most awkward thing I've ever seen in an anime outside of Watamote.

>tfw I got into anal masturbation after reading so much trap porn

Did anyone else ever hear back from the group that wanted to start scanlating again? It's been a while.

I want a mini Yukari!

I want (You)



Holding a Yuyu's hand.

>he didn't like "Crazy Love Cake"

Anyway the rest of the show was very cute and very gay. Definitely gayer than New Game.


Being Yui.


Good night yuyus

Good night anun

So are the yuyus all lesbians?


If I show her a cube, will she get hyper?

Which Yuyu would go the most berserk if they gained a dick?


How is this a question? Yuzuko. Yui might freak out but Yuzu will try to yuze it.


What is this?

I expected imouto ero-ASMR over some unrelated stuff.

Too little dimension





just finished catching up on

Thought maybe you would enjoy it, if you like yys

I really like this image

I really like user





This looks like monogatari ed

Yuyumonogatari: Yukari Mendokusai

I'd watch that

>I don't know everything Yui-chan. I just know what I know. Ehe~
