how do i respond to this guy?
he's just so wrong on many levels and im afraid if i call him out then i'll be targeted
how do i respond to this guy?
he's just so wrong on many levels and im afraid if i call him out then i'll be targeted
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You delete Facebook.
Ask what percent of total homicide victims are the victims of mass shootings?
or this
post that picture of all of the brown mass shooters from the past few years.
Use facts.
Adam lanza was real hahah
Just move to one of those many prosperous and tolerant brown people countries.
It's irrational anti-white hate. Just call it what it is. They're mindless idiots that throw around labels constantly, so throw it back at them. Maybe ask them to explain, in detail, how that makes any sense whatsoever. They obviously can't, because it's just something made-up out of ignorance and blind hatred.
Tell them to use per capita and explain to them how white men are underrepresented
be a proud violent white man.
>white men underrepresented per capita
>mass shooting stats explicitly add an artificial limiter against gang related violence because blacks are unironically something like 14x the mass shooters of every other race combined
>mass shootings given exposure in the first place as a subset of total mass attacks because it is the only terrorist metric that can easily be fandangled to target whites - the leftist will ALWAYS focus on the convenient smaller picture or charming anecdote
which is a bummer because white men badly need to start getting more violent
statistics are racist
Facts hurt feelings.
post facts, no need to tell your opnion,
number of mass shottings commited by blacks and whites.
tell her she is actually larping, and wants to push the blacks down
the memes are real, holy shit.
No other race has ever done terrible things ever in the past, present or future ever.
False, the blacks just don't get a massive media shitstorm
Actually, blacks are 13 times more likely to commit mass shootings than whites. Go read the FBI statistics.
I shoot the nog and/or kike in a fit of blind White-man-rage and move on with my day
So by his logic all other attacks are caused by violent brown men
Why respond at all?
Repost it, but replace "mass shooters" with "criminals" and "violent white male" with "people of color."
You dont, thats b8 my friend. Anybody saying anything about will be labelled racist. It's an attempt to reveal power levels.
Post statistics.
Explain that when they are throwing around the word white they are being irrational since compared to everyone else whites behave better.
Ask if they need help with their irrational racism.
plz give me statistics and pics and OP will deliver
just call him a racist
he'll either agree that he's a racist, or he'll get defensive and then you can have fun making him dance backwards through hoops
>being facebook friends with racists
>being on facebook at all
Handy chart. Lock up all native Americans, blacks, and asians.
You don't engage these idiots. You draw attention to them and gang ridicule them with everyone who sees your signal and responds.
You're not seriously trying to convert hearts and minds are you? You can't un-ripen a banana, senpai. There's a certain point where these souls devolve into biowaste and hold no value to us.
call him a kike
This is the only acceptable answer.
OP you are wasting your life arguing with people that don’t care what you say. Internet fights are like retard fights. No matter who wins, you’re both still retards.
Ask him why there is a black person shot by another black person in Chicago every 2 minutes. Ask him why there have been 637 homicides in Chicago this year.
Huh, Asian mass shooters? Are those pakis perhaps?
Don't argue with fools unless you're willing to face the consequences.
The Rodge is an honorary white though.
Easy, because of institutional racism by violent white men.
>retard fights
Well to be fair white people have the privelage to not be generalized when one of theirs commits a horrible crime..everyone represents their race... More mass shooting are done by white males...rather than Muslims... The stats don't lie... But again white people just get butthurt like every other race..
If you didn't use your real name on FB then you wouldn't have a problem calling him out.
So this proves most Mexicans aren't criminals.. Lol..
more mass shootings are done by white males because there are more white males you goddamn retard
You must tell him that he is factually incorrect. The definition of a mass shooting in the criminal justice system is a shooting in which four or more people are shot and killed. Thanks to criminal gang activity and typical lower-end black behavior, the majority of all mass shootings are committed by blacks.
98% of all recent mass shooting have been done by Registered Democrats and Muslims
Nah, crazy ass hapas like Elliot Rodgers or that VaTech asIan who offed like 30 people.
> retarded meme flag
> asks Sup Forums how to respond to a worthless homo on kikebook
> even considering responding to such absolute rubbish
This isn't even true. Niggers shoot up clubs every weekend or you'll see 4 shot in a drive-by on Chicago's south west side. It just gets excused as gang violence.
The whole point of “Dear Wypipo” is to generalize whites, you dimwit
Quit being a pussy faggot,hiding your power level is a kike meme to keep you quiet and alone. There are many groups to join, fuck the kikes and their zombie hords
Your metric for Mexicans being criminals is mass shootings?
Explaining to this guy why he's wrong would involve ostracizing yourself from nearly everyone in society, and depending on your country, maybe literally being jailed.
Why are you even bothering to talk to him?
>1980s rap was created
>1980s niggers started niggering
what did they mean by this?
Call him out anyway you pussy
Leftists tend to hate anything that has an image of being strong, good and successful. They hate America, they hate Western civilization, they hate white males, they hate rationality. The reasons that leftists give for hating the West, etc. clearly do not correspond with their real motives. They SAY they hate the West because it is warlike, imperialistic, sexist, ethnocentric and so forth, but where these same faults appear in socialist countries or in primitive cultures, the leftist finds excuses for them, or at best he GRUDGINGLY admits that they exist; whereas he ENTHUSIASTICALLY points out (and often greatly exaggerates) these faults where they appear in Western civilization. Thus it is clear that these faults are not the leftist’s real motive for hating America and the West. He hates America and the West because they are strong and successful.
Industrial Society and its Future was my first real redpill
One simple question.
Who commits 60% of all murders but only makes up 13%? Hmmmmmm
This twitter user is mere pointing out the true...
OP..... use facts...... explain to him that in fact most mass shooters are NOT white m.......... oh wait, they are, huh.......... no advice then
You’re talking about African American males, so closer to 6% committing 50% of murders
I argued with a nutjob commie once, and his arguments were:
>It's whities fault for black crime, so it should count for whites.
This is the level of retarded. Once you reach full retard, I don't think you can be fixed.
Maybe it's time for you nonwhites to gtfo if you don't want my bullets flying at you. Pay attention and don't get caught in the crossfire, dumbshit.
Well they don't launch the chainsaws at each other you sick fuck. They dismember them.