Im gonna be the NEXT HITLER

im gonna be the NEXT HITLER

>National Socialist
>Fascist memeflag

so basically a crypto jew?


Great so another 50+ years of communism and failure.

Pretty sure Nazi germany can be considered a fascist nation


folks I'm starting a yt channel to use modern events to promote hite history. i need a hidden power level username

Some ignorant fucktard "considering" it to be fascist is irrelevant to what it actually was.

Heil user

i just... don't know where to start yet

Start by killing yourself.

It's me who gonna be NEXT HITLER.

You're going to retire in Argentina and try to forget your past? That's my plan too, user.

don't forget your roots


Invading Poland?

Is that you Wotan? Has the time finally come again? Good luck and this time don't go so easy on the (((forces of decay)))

Be like Hitler - kill yourself.

why are you being like this

Hi Baron! We love your dad here and are excited to watch you grow up!

Mine Fueler XD

It was fascist though, you moron. It was a single party state under Adolf Hitler. You idiots with your special snowflake political ideologies NEVER know what you are talking about.

>Is that you Wotan?
Filthy heathen he's clearly Kalki

Then do it nigger. If your not going to be a fagot, you actually attempt to fulfill what you said and succeed in it, then I’ll fight for you but until then your a larper.

Reported have fun in jail stupid

socialist fuck.

This is honestly I have been something to clarify in my own mind. How was Adolf both archetypal Wotan and an avatar of Vishnu. Any hints?

damn, did i mangle that sentence. It should read This is honestly something I have been trying to clarify in my own mind.

Digits don't lie

if you take me serious then you're the stupid one.

She explains it. He was man in time and a man out of time.

Also, how great would it have been to fuck her.


Tell that to the partyvan that's on the way to your house. Shouldn't make threats on the internet little kid.

I am only about a third of a way though the lightning and the sun so I will keep reading. It is honestly one of those books I should have never picked up, completely changed how I think about things like Hitler. On the subject of fucking her well you know what they say about meeting your heroes. I am sure the same applies to fucking them.

just do it faggot please

k tell me how it goes.

>Fascism /ˈfæʃJzəm/ is a form of radical authoritarian nationalism, characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition and control of industry and commerce

pls explain how Nazi Germany wasn't fascist, you ignorant american

yeah, it was fascist.

Actually IM the next hitler

Prove it. Do something Hitler-y.

i step on ants.

Hey user wanna come over to my place and gas some kikes?

Hitler never gassed anybody. You're a fake!

hahah yeah thats why youre on Sup Forums... fucking loser

Actually we are all hitler
he lives on in us all

leave russia alone this gonna need them

Nazism is literally fascism with racism and antisemitism added.

kill jews and communists

Don't invade so late in the year next time ok.

>Birds have two wings and fly, therefore airplanes are birds.
Fascism is *a* form of radical authoritarian nationalism. This does not mean that *all* forms of radical authoritarian nationalism are fascist.
Your confusing fascism with national socialism shows as much ignorance as confusing Mormonism with Greek Orthodoxy because they both mention Jesus.

Good for you!

With a meme flag? HAHAHAHAHAHA!

Finally, a post with acutal legitimate LOGIC in it.
Kek Be Praised!
not quite. i know you're to overly simplify this, but you've gone TOO simple. you've missed the distinction enitrely.

I really like the Swastika in that rotation.

Not unless I'm there first

Trump is already the next Hitler. Hitlers mistake was that he was too overt in his opposition to the jews and became too successful too quickly due to the genius of National Socialism. The jews even stated in the protocols if someone like that ever rose to challenge them they'd start a literal world war to stop them (book was released in 1901-1903).

What we're seeing now is someone that learned from Hitler's mistakes and that is now out-kike'ing the kikes with subversion and deception.

So you’re going to be defeated and kill yourself? Have fun OP.