can you even imagine the doujins
Can you even imagine the doujins
The idea of putting my dick into a very tiny wormhole terrifies me, to be honest.
>can't fuck her neck or head hole because both ends are covered with skin and their's an interdimensional wormhole between it
sad excuse for a dullahan
You might be able to cum from the sensations of her ethereal neck fire on your dick.
You might also lose your dick
Sensei already stuck his hand in the fire and was fine.
It might react differently to the power of the dick
Can she deepthroat? Where would it go?
Will she even get doujins? She's pretty ugly desu.
People wouldn't call her ugly if she didn't wear short hair.
Forcing her face into her shitting asshole.
Can't beat the dick, the dick will persevere.
If you want to sexuallize a dullahan go to the monster musume generals, this bitch right here is daughteru meterial.
I was hard all the episode, so you can tell.
to another timeline
I'm more sold on Hikari
>fatalpulse doujin
>one guys rapes the head, the other the body
>in the end they start playing volley with the head using their dicks
I'd play bowling with her.
we're talking interdimensional wormholes here user
don't overestimate the dick
Ass to mouth.
are you me?
If there is one thing I've learned in life is that the dick can surprise you.
>The pins are bunch of erected penis she has to suck off
Why are you so lewd Sup Forums?
Sup Forums is full of little girls in their curious phase.
Lala is worst dullahan
>implying doujin artists will do anything with that
even the few doujins about the dullahan from the other monstergirl anime not a single one fucking uses the fact that she is a dullahan for anything.
>NTR doujin with sensei taking the head for another date while the body gets gangbanged in some backyard ally while sensei constantly ask why she is making funny faces
>Once one is out every meme artist on the market will jump on it and add their own flavour to the NTR
>Two weeks after the show has ended Asanagi will release a doujin filled with cock worship and mindbreaking like the bandwagoning slowpoke he is completing the flavour fo the month serise to make doujins about.
I would rather not
Goddamnit I can totally see this happening.
Don't jynx it you fuck
>no vanilla with the body spooning and holding her head toward your chest.
why live.
I can't believe Sup Forums still makes a big deal out of this hack.
>She has two jobs
>Both prostitution jobs at different venues
>They ravage her body at one job
>Facefuck/bukkake her at the other
I can't wait.
Would you put your dick in her mouth when you don't know what's happening to her body? Just suppose something happens to it that makes her suddenly clench her teeth.
That's not something I thought about.
Dullahan a cute! A CUTE!
She's strong.
>try to rape Macchi's body
>she ends up raping you
Macchi reminds me of Christ-chan
Can I imagine... the real question is how can't you imagine.
I never thought about monster(girls) in a sexual way. There has been that encyclopedia thing for years now, but aside from that the thought never really crossed my mind.
I don't consider myself a pervert, but the first time I saw her in the manga the first thing that crossed my mind was how often she eats her own pussy.
And that's vanilla. So very vanilla. The amount of shit that a doujin artist could do with this character is astronomical.
Also, that's not even including the fucked up shit.
That's all I can see when I see her
are you retarded?
lewds when?
I can as long as they are with the best girl
>on date with head
>body gets ravaged by your boss
>there will be no pure yuri doujins with the two of them
>there will be no threesome doujins either
Why even live?
Are the nips even liking this show? That's all that matters
Is it cool to hate fatalpulse now?
What have I done
That's a great question
Man she's really cute
Cuter than that vampire bitch
It's sooo cute when Sup Forums expands it's horizons and learns of /d/
This thread has nothing to do with /d/ick girls.
No, they just have shit taste.
You could make her watch herself get fucked in first person.
/d/ is just degenerate fetishes which is pretty much every fetish a 9 year old has. /h/ is for christians
>every fetish a 9 year old has
>9 years old
Normalfags out.
Last I checked /d/ was /d/ick girl enthusiasts and /h/ was for filthy casuals.
On Sup Forums you can at least find some bona fide deviants.
get out, crossboarder
/h/ has NTRfags so it's garbage.
I want NTR where shes getting fucked while her head is on a walk with sensei. Or her head is forced to watch sensei fuck the succubus from a window level shit.
Just picked this up today, might honestly be AOTS. All the girls are cute af and the teacher is actually an adult. Whats the deal with Japan and dulahans? I had never even heard of them before I started watching anime
Does it lead to the realm of demons?
Hikari can without a doubt.
How does this image make you feel?
She doesn't know much about them though.
>Whats the deal with Japan and dulahans?
Dullahans are cute and Japan likes cute things.
Where are the head jokes?
Are you all Mamifags or something?
Time to head out.
Made for head holding
Safe, secure
He could tear someone's head off with those.
Not an issue if he's with Macchi.
No, because everything is fucking 2hu and Mobage shit now
Doujinshi is dead
Gangbang with her head being passed around
that's hot
I wonder if I can drink beer from her head.
I want to have unprotected premarital sex with Christ-chan and take responsibility afterwards
>and take responsibility afterwards
Gay for him.
>Hikari is in the sweet spot of being aware of the dick but not knowing what to do with it
truly the best girl
Is there even a contender this season?
I bet she's totally tried cunnilingus on herself before
Nib nib?
Dullahans can be cute as fuck. And Japan loves cute stuff.
>a type of monstergirl as vanilla as a dullahan
So what does the bottom of her head, where her neck should've been, look like?
Covered in skin.
Her neck exists but it's in another dimension where it connects her head and body. If you send one of those snake cameras down her mouth she'd be the same as a normal girl.
>you stick your dick into hyperspace
>you now have the longest dickwhen measured interms of Euclidean space
Remember dunkfags are /from Sup Forums
just caught up on both episodes...
I've loved Dullahans for years and I'm glad they're getting some representation finally
>there are only 3 dullahans in the world
So they aren't born but become one? Seems a bit silly considering its the case with everyone else. Does that mean she should have met an unfortunate fate via decapitation but somehow magically became one? Pretty stupid