Whites have dominated the world over centuries, yet they are still minor in terms of world population

Whites have dominated the world over centuries, yet they are still minor in terms of world population


quality over quantity

because without colonies were suffering
>small land mostly unfertile (not anymore)
>Can only support a small population were at maximum amount in western europe
>hard to defend


Because we're feeding niggers instead of exterminating them.


spent almost 100 years helping other peoples children instead of our own

Because we actually love our children.

The more advanced a people become the lower the birthrate.

Take Africa for example, skyrocket births. Looks At Japan, abysmally low birthrate.

>quality over quantity

>Because we're feeding niggers instead of exterminating them.

Also, more advanced forms of military tactics, politics, economics etc.
5 men with machine guns win against 1000 savages with clubs.


ask all the buttfucking kike loving christians. shitsticks don't make children.

Because we showed mercy when we should not have. Because we tolerated the enemy in our midst (one exception).

>white man meets black man
>white man hands black man a piece of bread
>black man stabs white man with his spear and runs away with the bread he was being given anyway

Nice try stingo

But the compassion era didn't start until like 120 years ago. Why didn't whites wipe out niggers when there was little empathy in the world


Give us back Steve Irwin you bastard

they used to be 60% of the world population at their peak

Because whites started exported their medicine, farming tech and science to the non-white world at the beginning of last century. The non-white world then started to have lower mortality rates. When they didn't have western medicine and science, their relative numbers were much smaller.

Because intelligent people have fewer kids, but those few kids are intelligent and powerful and continue to rule the world.
The rest of the mongrel races reproduce in vast numbers, like insects or rabbits, but their children are retarded and carry on their degenerate cultures instead of being propelled into better lives and pushed or inspired to do great things.

It's just R/K selection theory, rice nigger.

sounds like the usual merciful christian fuckup thats kept kikes in business for multiple millenia.

truly a question for the ages user

>low birthrate means people are shmart durrrr
funny because euro birthrate were pretty high for centuries.
We didn't magically became smarter, we got infested by a corrosive ideology that is flattering your sterile ass into remaining childless.
Think about it, and tell me where I'm wrong.

too busy profiting off the beasts of burden while not willing to work for themselves. typical euro's emulating the kikes abrahamic ways.

Because only animals mindlessly over reproduce. Part of white peoples success is not as much over breeding leading to fewer resource conflicts. Numbers don't matter. 2 billion chinks and hindus have no weapons or ships to get here. Europe should maybe worry. They could walk to Berlin.

Seems the others just kinda want to live in harmony with nature and do their own thing.
> However whites pretty much started building these things plus the guns and cannons that go along with them.
Now you might say that the others can use guns and build ships too, but the fact is how many of them actually work on inventing these things, compartively speaking.
> the others kinda sorta just use what they can get their hands on, while whites make new things as a matter of standard.

did they? any source?


responsibility. actually having foresight and planning for the future. delayed gratification and preparing an inheritance for your offspring.

> they have no ships or weapons to get here

Actually the mongrel races made it too easy.
So we exploited your interbreed races for eons.
And will continue to do so.
Just like domesticated cattle or sheep.
In essence you are what you are because thats the way WE want you to be.

Because our 'elites' worked out what measures would lower the birthrate and decided to use some of these measures against us. Pic very much related

>over centuries
until quinine became a thing, it was mostly just outposts rather than anything else.
also it's not exactly "domination" when the locals see you as free'ing their ass from whichever local tyrant acted as their oppressor.
shit like this is about as accurate as representation of "muh mysterious orient" in kike media, or jewish slaves building the egyptian pyramids.
goes into the same pile as 10^(shoah) folded katana and the sort.

Christendom is why.
>hurrr niggers have souls durrr

Pic related was kinda accurate, the British kinda fucked all of them over leaving them the way they are today... the brits may have been kicked out of those countries and then became betas for the world but the damage was set up as early as the 19th century.

Current Events related, Israel was installed as a product of the British laying down the law just prior to WW2.
> offered the people living there the chance to claim the territory as their own, knowing that they were too scatterbrained to actually do that and would turn it down. Then a few years later they hand it over to the world to put Israel in there.

The UK made the wrong decision in WW2 and the entire world has been forced to live with it ever since. They should have never sided with the kikes. If they would have made peace with Germany they would have not bankrupted themselves in war and been forced to decolonize.
The last great peoples to come form the UK were the Rhodesians and we see what happened to them. That will be the fate of us all in good time.

>They should have never sided with the kikes.
UK WAS/ARE the kikes. UK was always the Judenstaat; same with US. Nowadays, Israel is the base of operations (for not much, as Kissinger said), but UK, America and Russia are still the kike's colonies.

>harmony with nature and do their own thing
muh noble savage
yeah, as long as you're willing to ignore niggers eating one another, firewater niggers being essentially a bipedal blight on the northern part of the american continent and the sort.
Gotta love how people give magical positive properties to nature aswell.
Nature is filled with hate for this kind of mindset as it's pure weakness, and weakness is not exactly often the fittest option.

You are not wrong the government of both is controlled by the kikes. I still like to believe the people, the country, are not but that is probably a lie. Everyone watches kike entertainment even Christians believe in nonsense like shekinah, the jew feminine aspect of god. Not much hope is there?


It's true, the GOVERNMENT were kikes not the people though, let's be fair.

Cromwell was the bestest good goy in the history of goyim.
>Let's have a bloody civil war to neuter the monarchy and give parliament fuill control of england because muh puritanism
>Oh hello shlomo, you'll finance my campaign if I allow you back into England? Great!
Then the second best goyim of all time, William of Orange came in and traded the entire country's finances for some money to buy boats, thus setting up the first fractional reserve bank with loans guaranteed by the taxpayer.

Surprise surprise the kikes use their wealth to corrupt parliament and control the country, while national debt skyrockets so high we have to go to the new world and africa just to get shekels to pay them back.


You must always have hope. Never lose it.

The english people here are 50% actual englishmen and 50% braindead cattle, it's fucked lad. The sikhs are more english than half of the fucking cucks living here

I think whites (especially the most autistic ones, like Scandis and Slavs) have kept the most Neanderthal heritage that keeps them somewhat infertile
That was the reason pure Neanderthals died out, right? Too infertile when compared to Sapiens (niggers)?

I think there is a CERTAIN rich family that was to blame for alot of that. Pic semi-related.


Not originally, it was just a group of unnamed kikes, the Rothschilds didn't take over the BoE until the end of the Napoleonic war.

But yeah since then it's been those pieces of shit

Jews funding both sides of wars which kill off some of the strongest whites

Its almost like they forgot how to Occupy.
Even their own country.
Even their women.

Niggers, spics and moslems breed like rats

prior to the 1800s or so there was no concept of "racial solidarity"
so, the "world conquest" carried out by the white race was not "whites vs non-whites", it was the British empire vs various tribes in NA, Africa, India, etc. and the other European empires vs the same as well as each other on occasion

Technological advancements meant that a large population base is not needed, especially true in primary and secondary economic sectors that until very recently were dominating every country's economy. Also but that's a more recent phenomena

>be 2000 years ago
>be a kike usurer
>don't want competition from filthy goyim cattle
>create magical sky cult conveniently forbiding participants from engaging in usury
>shekels flows in
>few centuries later do the same thing all over again, with an extra serving of lolis, camels and goats.
>fondle my little bag of gold

Herd thinning is not an unknown concept.
The Black Plague is proof.
Napoleon's winter campaign.
Using nature.
Or war.
No matter who the vaunted leader may be.
There will always be the power struggle.
The issue is who has the power and wealth and those that want IT.
Only one description is necessary to describe the concept.
You may have the power today but, I am always there conspiring to take it back from you.
Read your history with that concept in mind and then you will see the world as it has always been.
The eternal struggle for dominance between two peoples.
The Jews and the Caucasians.
The other races have always been and will always remain the slaves.
Our two peoples are explorers and conquerers. And will always remain so. And as space IS the final frontier we will explore and conquer that as well.

Whites dominated from the 1800s onwards. Before then it's either been China or some Islamic caliphate that was the forefront of culture, technology, trade etc.
China was the last super power before the industrial revolution. I like to think that they'll continue to be after their century of humiliation and century of rebuilding.

We were already technology ahead of everyone centuries ago (metallurgy, agriculture, navigation), and birthrates were high.
This is an excuse to hide a certain ideology coddling you into a false sense of security and using flattery in order to do so (oh, you soooo smart).
Case in point: see how these leftist monkeys support that suicidal shit along with the rest of the self-destructive crap.
burn them.
burn them all.

Hmmm I'll save that infograph but I'll take it with a grain of salt. I don't trust you pancake shaped bastards.

metallurgy, agriculture and navigation were dominated by europeans.

>Our two peoples are explorers and conquerers. And will always remain so.

That is why the Jew is so obsessed with race mixing. They want to kill that part of us as it is the only way to keep us in chains. Even all the propaganda in the world will not chain the soul of a people forever. As long as there is a group of men left with the Aryan soul the Jew will once again be driven back and new frontiers will be conquered. As despondent as I can be sometimes that is what gives me hope for the future. There are forces at work greater then ourselves and I have faith in the victory if the righteous

>we became the betas of the world
Your women don't think so, we dominate the economy and sporting events.


>bitch take the pill
>body now believe it is pregnant
>fall for chad sperm donor or betamax cuckboi provider?
inb4 you think i implied all brits are bitchbois.
no, many are fine lads, but not seeing through the retardation and bullshit spewed in the media and how it interconnect with the rest is unforgivable on Sup Forums

Good thing you'll be extinct in 20 years. Allah Akbar faggot

>realize that there are more countries than Europe
>they have stuff
>want the stuff
>explore and conquer because it is fun
>most of the stuff was pretty boring after all
>try to live quietly afterwards
>niggers etc chimp out
Soon white people will get mad and the others will regret again. Whites are the masters at the art of war.

Nigger my country is 99% white.
Sissy french boi we steal yo wimminz too. French accent is qt on girls

You seem have the reading comprehension of a nigger, in what should be your own language.
Would you happen to be a paki or some other brand of monkey by any chance?

I'd give you navigation. Chinese sans the treasure fleet rarely looked out to explore rather people went in to kowtow and explore the vast empire. Junk design is arguably the best ship design for sailing (there was a junk manned by the British that successfully sailed to London from Hong Kong), compass invented by China too.
Agriculture, no. There's a reason why Asia has a larger population than Europe apart from rice giving more calories (aside anything North of the Yangtze grew wheat) - terrace farming, ox plow, water wheel power etc which were invented in China first revolutionised agriculture. Metalurgy I'm not sure but China had the first blast furnances and used them extensively.
After 1800s I'll concede the point Europeans dominated every field though. But now is the present and things are looking up for China.

Of course that is the eternal struggle.
And the war that is eons old.
You have the information.
Your only task is how you use the information.
We Caucasians caused the Jewish people to crossbreed themselves just to fit in when WE were the reigning masters of the the world before the world communist/Jewish revolution overthrew the houses that our power resided in around the year 750 and escalated in 1492. There is nothing new in what is happening now.
If you are Caucasian or Jewish the war between the two hasn't decreased. It is. That it is eternal is what confuses both sides. And why both sides write the history in their favor.
The only thing that matters is the understanding that to use the cliché "There can only be ONE". One or the other will RULE the other. I think, We meaning both sides have been at this too long to even imagine anything different.
For now we Caucasians my be the plebiscites but tomorrow we again my rule the world.
But for now the war continues.