Hello Sup Forums.
There's plenty of apparel with symbols of left ideologies: Che T-shirts, anarchy T-shirts, you get the idea. What about the right? The only thing I could think of is pic, but surely there's something else. It has to be socially acceptable so no swastikas and no nazi stuff.
Hello Sup Forums
Other urls found in this thread:
>I carry a gun: the t-shirt
don't do this, keep it a secert
All serious right wing movements in the west are considered socially unacceptable. There isn’t anything.
Not applicable to where I live. But not many people would understand what this is about, either.
>socially acceptable
Wear a blank shirt
Why do you want to dress like a tool? Just dress sharp and be the face of whatever you believe. Why do you need to slap logos on yourself to showcase your ideology
There is esoteric shit out there
Evola tee-shirts etc.
Only nationalists and Jews would know who he is.
There is also red ice gear
IE gear
Funny how conservatives in the US are simultaneously like "we're so radical, we can't express our views in public without being lynched" and "we have the highest ratings of any media and are the most popular thing in American culture"
They have the highest ratings because there's less conservative media outlets. If viewership was divided among multiple channels like MSNBC, CNN, CBS, ABC etc, they wouldnt have higher ratings.
I'm not sure what you mean. I meant that Republican media figures simultaneously boast of their popularity and complain that they are underrepresented.
This. And stop asking stupid questions.
I like your style.
T shirt in OP is only socially acceptable Right Wing t shirt in US.
Look the fact I'm stuck posting on a board where nazis, furries and bronies also post is not by choice.
easy. pic related
>There's plenty of apparel with symbols of left ideologies: Che T-shirts, anarchy T-shirts, you get the idea. What about the right?
Suits, ties, shoes made of actual leather, polo shirts, etc...
Anything that screams "I am employed"
in actuality, just live your life as a positive example and let people know that your lifestyle and beliefs directly impact your family's and own happiness. also, i'll chip in to a gofundme to send all blacks back to africa with some cash
>those dimensions
is that a children's tie?
This desu senpai.
Be the best human being you can be, and when people ask what your politics are, don't label yourself with sides. Explain your views on case-by-case basis. That's it.
thor steinar