Jamaica coalition is kill. FDP won't do the Jamaica Jive. Grüne & CSU almost french kissing each other. SPD now getting ready for big coalition Presicuck Steinmeier inviting usual suspects for anudda 4 year big coalition of doom
Isn't making Germany part of a larger barely democratic federation really, really unconstitutional? Demokratische Grundordnung anyone? Verbotsantrag against SPD when?
Gavin Harris
Kayden Green
Jace Torres
Glorious. Hopefully AfD will eventually secure a large enough amount to effectively force the CSU into a coalition. Maybe we could get an abortion ban reinstatement or something.
Indeed. So you want make to make an AfD-chan and Putsch-chan meme?
They'll modify the document so the Constitution referendums would be nulled, then force it through with no referendums, of course. Never trust your governments. They're only out to get you.
Kevin Clark
>Implying the care about what’s legal or not. Letting millions of rapefugees in was illegal too
Dylan Scott
There is a conflicting statement in the preambel of the Grundgesetz where it states that Germany has to support unification of Europe, although the main principle of our constitution is actually that all power derives from the people.
It's practically worthless and needs to be replaced and should have been legally replaced once Germany was unified again.
Alexander Morales
Your Constitution bans abortion and gay marriage too. Your government doesn't care. America could activate our occupation zone and go to war against Germany justly at the moment as having defied its post-war obligations, and AfD would be the anti-fascist restoration government, in a great twist of irony. They understand exactly what the Allied Powers intended for Germany.
Easton Cooper
"Die Macht geht vom Volke aus" Yeah, i remember that.
Samuel Cook
Some people would care, so drawing attention to the fact would be good. No one gives a shit about the undemocratic structures in the EU, because no one thinks they have real power, but that would change with the EUdSSR.
Lincoln Williams
Pretty sure what's happening now is exactly what the allies intended.
All they would need to change the law is a 2/3 majority, then it’s perfectly legal
John Russell
>They'll modify the document so the Constitution referendums would be nulled, then force it through with no referendums, of course. Never trust your governments. They're only out to get you. I dont trust my gov, but EU dont have the balls to do anything like that. They are totally powerless against Visegrad on rapefugees questions. I dont expect that from them.
Christopher Miller
The problem is, I can't really draw, it might work, if I am very patient and take my time, but in the grand scheme of things, I can't draw. I did make pic related, but only by tracing, which is kinda depressing. In the end, I might maybe rush things by tracing off of the cover I posted in , but it kinda bugs me. On the other hand, I don't want to take ages drawing the picture in a legit fashion. Which option would you go for, considering that I actually would (secretly) like to learn to draw. Well, probably the second, I am answering my own question. All modalities aside, do you think the picture even has a chance at being a good meme, or, much rather, a usable reaction-image?
Robert Phillips
Remember guys Fourth reich worldwide
Liam Gray
I feel like it's vague on purpose. >Human dignity is untouchable. Well great. I think having to work under CIS white male boss is indignifying to me as a stronk woman of nigger. Religious freedom is framed as the following: Everyone is allowed to find his peace of the soul. Well I can't because I'm not allowed to sacrifice a goat to Donar on town square.
Ryder Hernandez
can you tell me which artstyle you like? anime? (afd-chan) realism? (like italian paintings) cartoonish? (pepe memestyle) cartoonish internet style? (pic related)
Nolan Jones
Ian Foster
Realistic, but I should probably take a western-sih cartoon style for this pic...maybe. I might just be able to pull it off realistically, but human faces are hard. aybe a half-realistic animu style?
Robert Edwards
Nathaniel Edwards
Holyige Sheeeitt, ziemlich tote-Hose in diesem Faden...
Ryan Brown
Visegrad is probably going to be expelled if that sort of thing happens, yeah, but France won't. And they've already started commencing stripping Poland of its representation in EU institutions with the ridiculous condition that they need to legalize abortifacients and provide them, free of charge, to all citizens, and use Polish, not European, funds for said new government welfare program. Plus expanded legalization of abortion, an EU-designated Constitution, etc.
I can't really draw either. I just alter others' works.
Noah Morgan
>aybe a half-realistic animu style? you will see what suits you best.
Jordan Perez
>Luddite with primary school education forces leader of election winning party to retire and nominate himself - with his party having suffered the worst election results in their history - as the new head-of-state.
German "Democracy". What a fucking sham of a sick joke this is.
Can't you niggers make your nuclear powerplants implode or something? Or piss off Kim Jung Un really bad? Maybe radioactive fire can scrub your sad kind off the face of the Earth.
Zachary Cook
Jacob Collins
Schulz wants to have a binding constitution for europe, yet any questioning of the doctored constitution of germany itself is anathema for this government and will get anybody labeled who even dares to drop the name Carlo Schmid.
Jonathan Martin
Jordan Lopez
GOOD EVENING MY FELLOW KAMERADEN!!! didnt visit krautpol for 2 days i missed u
Andrew Cruz
Actually if we wanted to, the french people could grab the EU by the pussy. I mean, they need us for existing, but we dont need them to exist. The problem is our gov as always.
Tyler Hill
>das Gefühl wenn grade 3 Stutenkerle gefressen
Xavier Green
Schulz is killing it.
Samuel Perez
Agreed. The EU needs France, but France does not need the EU. The previous WEU Army proposal failed purely because De Gaulle rejected it.
Gabriel Russell
Well honestly... How you can have europe confederation without heart of europe? V4 need to stand together.
Adam Jackson
Sounds gay wtf is a Stutenkerl?
Tyler Bell
jetzt mal im Ernst, ist das echt? Hat er neben dem Alkohol noch andere Substanzen zu sich genommen?
Carter Ramirez
don´t start that discussion please
Carson Thomas
was wondering about it as well. Is it a Lebkuchen?
Ayden Campbell
Not again please.
Jaxon Richardson
It is real he said it during the SPD party convention about Groko.
Gabriel Reed
So uh ... what was Gottkanzler trying to achieve by going full retard today?
John Kelly
but that is clearly against the constitution. If we disregard the constitution from now on, I have a few ideas as well.
Wyatt Butler
Some articles are protected by the Ewigkeitsklausel and cannot legally be changed at all. This includes to my knowledge the article that says, that Germany is a federal, democratic nation-state. This would not make a big difference though, paragraphs are mainly used to rule normal people. Government itself does not care and neither do the kangaroo courts.
David Carter
Dont talk about him man... What would he say, if he saw what we've done to our, and his country. The king of the 5th Republic, we would like to have forever
Evan Price
I think of him whenever I'm on Gen de Gaulle Dr. here.
Bentley Russell
looks like some sort of traditional Butterteig dish that is served on Nikolaustag (yesterday). problem is, it has different names in the different parts of germany where it is served
Oliver Morales
>problem is, it has different names in the different parts of germany where it is served autists get heated up by things like this
Henry Morgan
yo confederate-kun, which animes are you currently watching?
Jaxon Sanders
Artikel 20 Absatz 4 :^)
Cameron Adams
Norbert Lammert (CDU) signed a similar proposal ealier. 100% Unconstitutional.
Camden Edwards
What the fuck is going on. NO!
Andrew Evans
Dies Irae, Black Clover, and Recovery of an MMO Junkie / Recommendation for a Wonderful Virtual Life, of the new ones -- and Gintama and Shokugeki no Souma (but those have had multiple seasons already)
Jason Jackson
I think he wanted to present himself as a visionary to his own party, while opening a backdoor for Groko.
Jace Bailey
It all returns to Groko. The polls are tumbling down tubmling down tumbling down.
Jordan Moore
Brandon Powell
proof that we have enough Multikulti with just Germans. (checked) interesting. concerning.
Jonathan Myers
Yeah, obviously it's called Weckmann :^)
Sebastian Collins
interesting watchlist. black clover sucks dick though. i layed it down the moment they entered this where his regiment is at. story couldn´t get anymore generic. i should try gintama, seems to be well received. shokugeki is amazing
Christopher Turner
SPD rolling back and getting cucked AfD only relevant opposition
Oliver Powell
>proof that we have enough Multikulti with just Germans. absolutely. i ain´t sure if bavarians are even accountable as germans by culture
James Miller
Ein Volk. Ein Reich. Eine Oppositionsführung.
Josiah Thompson
pshhh user. don´t be to insistent
Jeremiah Robinson
new vid of martin sellner. pretty entertaining. i let it play in the background while doing my stuff
>where his regiment is a i mean the house of his regement. this cool clubhouse woth those generic characters
Benjamin Gonzalez
>muh NGO fugee taxis
Matthew Adams
yeah i like his video too
Daniel Johnson
Well of course the CDU is not to be missed when it can betray the German people.
Luke Garcia
Let me guess, noone in the CDU got a problem with this?
Bentley Howard
would love to sniff between her legs
Hunter Edwards
Matthew Thompson
Is Shultz insane?
Gabriel Cox
That's gotta be a trollpost. The ONLY country that's literally needing the EU is fucking France. France is the shithole that came up with the idea of a European currency (Ecu) in the first place. They fapped to the Maastricht agreements as "Versailles without war".
Why? Because Germany shall pay for their failing socialist shit. If they lift the 35hrs workweek they have Bastille day on their hands!
Hunter Ortiz
No he's just drunk I think.
Ryan Nguyen
It would like treason
Adrian Clark
why are there no far right parties in German politics?
Blake Reyes
You are being such a sweetie
Easton Mitchell
How do Germans not revolt against such? Forgive my ignorance of internal politics there but it is so totally counter to American thought I don't quite understand now the normal person tolerates this abandonment of the country over supranational ideals.
Well of course there is the question is how much support do these ideals garner.
Kevin Howard
>revolt germans only chimp out when establishing a new reich
Charles Roberts
Schulz only got 81% this time. Last time he got 100%
Eli Young
I'm very sorry, was there an election or such? Could you explain the situation for someone out of the loop with most German affairs? There are coalition talks apparently?
Leo Fisher
>I'm very sorry, was there an election or such? That was just an intern vote for the head of the party.
> There are coalition talks apparently? The SPD agreed today, that they will have coalition talks with the CDU now
Camden Thomas
That seems horrific, the idea of SPD having a spot in government like that. What would the consequences be if CDU agrees to that?
Bentley Powell
The SPD wants some pretty retarded things, for an example they want to remove private health insurance and force all people into the national health insurance.
Also we can expect a lot more refugees
Jack Martin
>they want to remove private health insurance and force all people into the national health insurance. That's absolutely insane, is that legal in Germany???
>Also we can expect a lot more refugees You've taken far to many as is, good lord.
Chase Perry
Everything is legal in Germany as long you got a 2/3 majority in the parliament
Jose Hughes
How Germans can win when their demographics is so sh*t. I'm so sorry that I'm not German, I would like fight for this nation.
Daniel Phillips
SPD and Union only have about 54%
Ian Torres
There are no constitutional restrictions on laws and affirmations of individual rights?
Aiden Baker
We got our "Grundgesetz" for that but you can change it with a 2/3 majority.
Asher Campbell
Wtf AfD at 14 percent? Nice.
Dominic Martinez
Thanks for the non-shill !muh Germans subhumans" response. Automation is the only saving grace. It is the light at the end of the tunnel, the question that comes up then is, who gets the profits from the machines and how is it distribtuted? I think we will enter a dystopia of a 5-class society: 1) Richfags, own the systems, bankers etc. 2) Militarymen, they help keep the lowly UBI peasants in check 3)Mechanics, keep the machine running 4) Entertainers and human resources, literally just there for shits and giggles and because they are human, writers etc. 5)Lowly peasant, living on a susistance lifestyle, barely scratching by, if he rebels, deathsquads, tries to build autonomy, deathsquads, if ther richfags care enough, they might be exterminated all together, some make it to the military and be mechanics and Entertainers We can see this development already now, there are many rich groups investing heavily into private security and even drones, it's just a matter of time until those drones are armed. Also, if you want to see how Japan sustains itself, look no further than the caretaker robots (there was a study where the elderly preferred robots over foreign piggus, kek). In addition to this the military service that we had in a compulsory manner may be replaced with compulsory social service "drafting". I doubt achmed and co. will take care of the elderly Germans, though.
Austin Reed
Because they ppl of this nation are told, that it is empowering for women to work all day too and because our taxes are so high. If I´d get let´s say 2000 Euros before Taxes. that would be 1350 Euros after Taxes
Nolan Brooks
Doesn´t matter We will just get GroKo again for the next 4 years.
Adam Brown
Colton Gutierrez
I doubt they will make it for 4 years. I expect a Misstrauensvotum within 2 year
Gabriel Mitchell
Caleb Watson
okay then why should we need EU. tell me then. We put in more than we take from it. Only eastern countries take benefits from, like Poland. We get absolutely no benefits from it. EU is a god damn political agenda, not something we could get benefits from.
Dont try to inverse the roles, EU is Germany, not France, we're just the vassal of your 4th Reich Hans.
We love EU so much we said no to the new EU constitution on 2005. We love EU so much that we let a far right candidate euro-skeptical get to the 2nd round of our presidential election. We love EU so much that we gave her about 11 millions votes.
Maybe we did some deals with it, to get some profits from it, but whatsoever, this so-called "union", we dont need it, our economy is not based on this, our welfare totally comes from the money of every frenchmen directly (It's called CSG : contribution sociale généralisée+add to this the contribution directly withdrawn on our salaries). The rest of this is financed by the french state eventually. I dont blame you Hans, but dont reverse the roles.
Jaxson Adams
Pic related is from Thorsten Schulte's great book "Kontrollverlust", p.71. Quite fitting to Schulz statement today.
Nope. He was close to become Federal President actually.