Americans have their weddings at GameStop

The Absolute State of Burgerland

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Why does it matter?

Because its tacky and trashy ? It shows that the burger has no culture and that he substitutes it with empty consumerism and children's toys




More than one couple has done this btw

this is so embarrassing jesus christ, he's even a manlet

ya get a big debt inducing marriage. im sure that wont put a strain on things

We have more people in a single state than you have in your entire country

You cherry picked 2 people out of 400 million and act like they represent us all, meanwhile Canada's actually full of braindead liberal redneck white trash and taxpayer subsidized trannies and male boob jobs

You're retarded, your country is a joke and I almost feel sorry for you

kek was /bant/ just a means of diffusing any meme that sharts all over 56%ers?

gaijin goomba also had a le videogame wedding

why is your country such a real life reddit meme ?

Why not mcdonald's?

What? It's cute. Two fatty gamers found love over the cyber. It's sweet.

No, was supposedly made as a place people could take their off topic flag banter somewhere off the politics and news board, but the mods obviously don't care.

its too classy for them

>the mods obviously don't care.
good. they should focus on cp and nothing else

Please, you can get married by an elvis imlersonator or a fucking klingon in Vegas but two nerds taking vows at a game store is the big issue neck yourself faggot. People do stupid shit the world over but when its done in America suddenly all the butthurt masses come out of their holes to talk shit.

>braindead liberal redneck white trash

LOL if you are a redneck you aren't liberal

Ehehehe that made me laugh

Canadian weddings involve covering the bride in maple syrup then letting every guy in attendance have sex with her.

Clever idea, weebs need love too.
>its not what you wear or where you do it, its what makes it memorable and happy.

The husband and wife literally have the 56% face