Canadian Rural Internet

Is the CRTC ever going to step in and stop these companies from getting away with financial murder just because they know there are no options for internet in rural areas?

Internet is essential these days but if you don't live in a major city in Canada you're pretty much out of luck, what is it going to take for the government to at least set regulations for how much they can charge for useless speeds like 1.5Mbps?

The monthly bandwidth limits are the worst part.

>50 GB/month
>"Great for big families that love to stream!"
Its like these companies think no one has noticed that its not 2004 anymore

move to the city

For the love of fuck don't get Xplornet. There's gotta be another option.

A lot of people have jobs and family that they can't just leave behind like that.
There is no way I'm moving south again anyway, I don't feel like getting shot and/or stabbed on my way to buy some milk

No thanks, if I get shanked by some sketchy crackhead I'd want people to help me instead of whipping out their phones and recording it.

>shot and/or stabbed
stay away from niggerhoods

Well to be fair they're marketing to rural Canada...even y'alls "Top Music" radio is 10 years behind.

but the entire extended GTA is a niggerhood

come to ottawa then
very safe

holy fuck
here in rural ireland i get 70+ mbps and VoIP landline for €60 a month. bandwidth capped to 20gb a day

So its either a niggerhood or a capuche nègre

ottawa is white unlike you

Sucks to be Canadian, I live in rural part and I have unlimited 30 Mbps wifi for 14$ month.

They did do something but of course it take time. It'll probably come as an added tax to consumers.


is it mobile internet? because if it's not then holy fuck

>expecting government regulation to lower prices

I know it is rural and things are going to be difficult but the government is not going to magically fix things for you. If you really want better access and the market will not address the situation why don't you form a co-op, purchase a fiber connecting, and link all the remote sites with microwave dishes in the ISM bands as they don't require any govt license. It would be relatively cheap and you would be your own community ISP

50g who still has data caps in this day and age where they are just there to extort you money ?

They don't even make sense. There is a throughput limit - you can only get say, 1mbps on the line because that's what it's designed for.

But you aren't consuming a resource by using the line like that. You could run it at 1mbps all day every day so long as you have the electricity to power the equipment. So functionally a 1mbps max throughput line has a monthly limit of ~325 GB - not because that is imposed by the ISP but because that is literally the limit of you saturating your line with transfers every second of every day for a month.

Let's take the OP's image for example At 5Mbps, your can transfer a maximum of 1.6 terabytes per month. The ISP is cutting you down to 50GB / 1,650GB's. Why? Because they cannot actually give you what they say. You were sold a 5Mbps line, but if you actually tried to use it like that you'd reach your ISP's artificial scarcity limit within a few days.

For a 50GB limit monthly limit your actual connection speed is ~20 KB/s but sometimes it can spike to 625 KB/s (they say 5Mbps - this is actually 0.625 MB/s; the difference is megaBIT (1), vs megaBYTE (8), but people don't know this. Then they go and represent data cap limits in gigaBYTES, not bits, just to further confuse you.)

Truthfully what a data cap says is how much your ISP oversold their infrastructure, and/or how much they're trying to extra jew you because you don't know that a datacap on information transfer makes literally zero sense, because data isn't a tangible thing like water that can even be rationed to begin with. They only do it to keep you from actually using your full speed so they can advertise higher speeds on a network that can't actually handle everyone doing that.

in other words they need to upgrade their infrastructure

No it isn't, brainlet.

Net neutrality has no effect on what the tech giants do except to prevent the telecoms from selectively partnering with them/censoring them/censoring their competition.

Literally fite me. You don't know a goddamn fucking thing about what you're talking about.

The data caps exist because the ISP's want to extort more money out of you.
The artificial limitation is honestly hurting innovation in the online marketplace as companies cannot create new products/services that would use a lot of data.

Just move dickhead. Canada is huge. Be thankful you can get internet at all. Plus your saving billions on municipal taxes so have plenty to spend on internet.

Moronic idiot.

>upset about the true cost of servicing the wilderness

It ain't fucking clean water, suck it up butter cup

The free market is sacred, goyim, just start your own ISP lol!

Truly rural internet shouldn't have any datacaps at all. There shouldn't even be enough customers to saturate the network.

I don't disagree that it would/should be expensive, but there's a point where it's just monopoly exploitation. I'd prefer internet became a utility at this point quite honestly. It's clear that we can't avoid monopolies in the telecom market in north america

>live in an unspoiled wilderness paradise
>gee, this sure sucks I can't get any puke porn on my basic contract
Get off the fucking internet and go fishing or whatever. Shoot a bear or something real. This hellhole is what we urbanites do because it sucks here so much.
>gonna fix a random hookup with a tranny tonight, gee my life is so fulfilling, I'm nott going insane or anything, this is totally normal human behaviour

I know you're being sarcastic, but I want to make it clear that a few companies did EXACTLY this.

>Just start your own isp lol!
Google did it, a number of other companies did it.

What happened? Why didn't it work?
The telecom companies paid municipalities to sign exclusivity contracts. So City A that was going to get Google Fiber, signs this deal and now only offers internet from Comcast.

In the few places that the major telecom companies couldn't use regulations to enforce their monopoly, what happened?
They started offering high-speed internet in the cities google was considering opening up shop.

Surprise surprise, when the ISP's weren't buying market regulations, they end up actually providing better service at lower prices. (Which is the end goal of capitalism - it was originally floated, not as a way to make money, but an alternative method to communism to drive prices down to nothing via the free market)

You should leave Britain before it turns into Gomorrah and God nukes it out of mercy.

Somewhat bitterly amusing, it is in fact incredibly difficult for Brits to gain entrance to other countries for anything more than a holiday. Even with mad skills and solvency. I guess the rest of the world isn't as dumb as it looks.

Well, how is the average housing price in Toronto going to hit $5M with you people continuing to live out in the open country?

There are immigration agreements between commonwealth nations that make it easier to immigrate/emigrate between them.

tl;dr move to Canada or Australia.

All the commonwealth nations are fucking ass, but holy shit britain you are leading the pack by a mile.

>Spend 75 dollars on internet
>Can barely download a video game
The fuck is this shit?

rural internet on monopolies

don't do monopolies, kids

Is that why they do this? Globalist juden hate rural people. They want everyone on the teat, not even able to live for a day without them

I mean I can understand if the company is trying to run a line miles and miles into the wilderness to one house, it aint cheap. Good cheap internet for rural people should be subsidized by the government

Rural VT here sadly sometimes my gigabit fiber is closer to 800mbs

tfw u pay $10 for 100mbs

and unlimited

Leaf internet volks. You can't make this shit up.

Cable guy here

Those rates are for satellite, not wired internet

I can't wait for spacex internet

first satellite goes up this month

It’s true, leaf internet is garbage. The gvt had to step in to prevent metering.
Meanwhile, most conservacucks bitch against the CBC, which is basically a mom and pop garbage state tv with no viewers while we get railed by the mediajew.