Incredibly underrated anime thread/unpopular opinion thread

Incredibly underrated anime thread/unpopular opinion thread.

Starting off with one of my favorite of all time.

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That show was incredibly depressing.

True, but depressing doesn't equal bad.

Yes it does

Not really.
The MC was a dumb fuck that liked to get beaten for no reason. It's hard to sympathize with retards.

>evangelion is bad because it's depressing
>berserk is bad because it's depressing


13 episodes isn't a lot to be able to put a lot into a character, especially when over half the plot revolves around someone other than said character.

Wasted Potential: The Anime

more like overrated
oh wait we've got a bad ending which makes the message unconvincing

To be fair though, Hamdo was a sick fuck, and got what he deserved.

The only thing that made the message unconvincing was having all of the war shit conveniently solved by SUDDENLY, WATER MAGIC.

This is absolutely true. But then don't give me this heavy subplot with the fat bitch and the MC going "plz no stop war don't kill Hamdo war is bad let's just do a picnic"

Only a sheltered faglord will say war is good.

Unless the subplot was that sometimes you have to ignore the whiners and put foot to ass in order to do the right thing.

That and the fact everything Shu and Sis worked toward was annihilating millions of human lives by inaction

Depends, which whiners are you referring to?
Pretty sure the anime criticized the village soldiers for doing everything right (except not succeeding at killing Hamdo for a kinda dumb reason)

It depends on how you measure good. Certainly modern wars are looking less and less good. Fucking collateral starting in WWI was a little crazy.

>which whiners are you referring to?

Picnic Whale and her crew.

>When Sis tries to stop Elamba from taking Lala-Ru hostage, she is shot in the leg and dies in the final episode from the bleeding.
you might be right after all

I fucking love it.

Halfway through watching that, refuse to believe MC is a human. There is no way anyone can be so forgiving and idealistic in such terrible conditions. Not sure if this show is grimdark or just edgy.

He gets even more unbelievable, but at the end he gets legitimately believable, at least somewhat. It's worth watching a kid's optimistic worldview get fucking shattered.

>conveniently solved by SUDDENLY, WATER MAGIC.

Are you seriously claiming that Lala Ru was a convenient plot device that appeared out of nowhere? Because she was the fucking MacGuffin for the entire anime, her powers were well-known, and she used it like three times prior. It's not an asspull.

Why did they wait until the very end to use it just so they could be saved before recognizing their anti-war message was fucking dumb and would've gotten them all killed along with millions of other people

Seems like yet another dumbass on Sup Forums ignores the entire anime's plotline.

Okay, so Lala Ru's magic is literally connected to her life energy. As in, if she would have used it in any other way than saving their asses in the situations prior to the end, she would be dead, or very close to it. You can see that she becomes progressively more weak throughout the anime as a consequence of using the magic the times that she does.

The reason she doesn't just do her final water burst at first is that it's 100% guaranteed to kill her, and the only thing that's happened to her since she came to that world is torture and abuse, she sees NOTHING positive there, why sacrifice her life for a shitty world like that? Then Shu comes along, along with Zanzi Bars, and shows her that not everyone there is a horrible person, some are loving and actually give a shit about people.

Because of this she finally decides to sacrifice herself to give the planet a chance. Sis may be dead, but most of the kids aren't, the world DOES have a potential future, and Lala Ru knows this, so she makes the sacrifice.

Weren't they all going to die because of the sun getting bigger?

I'm not arguing against that part, I'm saying it's awfully convenient they get superior military power right after preaching how bad it is to use military power but right before they reap the consequences of their dumb vision, making it look okay when it just doesn't fucking work

I thought it was pretty mediocre to forgettable outside a few scenes. It felt like it could have been something

This didn't make me feel anything because it was kind of so relentlessly merciless that my sensitivity to it just switched off pretty quickly.


Great show, reminds me need to rewatch BD

No, it was never really touched upon why that world became the way it was, nor if it was a major danger, other than the water shortage.

Also, the "other world" is most likely Earth in the far future, as when Hamdo was begging to be sent somewhere else he exclusively said "time" instead of other things like "worlds", meaning that it was probably a time machine, not a dimensional hopper or something.

I'm sorry, who are you talking about? Hellywood getting reactivated? The radicals of Zanzi Bars taking up arms? The final EMERUDO SPRESH being activated? Not a joke, I genuinely don't know which you mean.

>Incredibly underrated
>constantly on "best of" lists

Explain further.

It's more unwatched than underrated.

I've seen it on one "best of" list to my knowledge, but I could be wrong obviously.

Underrated as in you hear a lot of old anime being praised constantly (eva, berserk, stuff like that) and no one talks about this one anywhere other than those occasional lists.

I'm talking about the village being captured and enslaved after Hamdo came, which could partly be attributed to Shu not helping out the rebels with their assassination plan. They followed Sis' teachings and it did jack shit.
Then, La La Ru destroys the enemy instantly because you can't have the anti-war message lead to everyone being enslaved and killed. Gotta have that happy note to justify the characters doing all that, otherwise it'd prove they were wrong.

Well don't forget that EVA and Berserk are franchises that are still live and having new material released to them. Also, EVa is EVA, and little else has had the impact it has had.

Oh, gotcha.

The ending wasn't perfect, but if you really think about it other than "muh shitty antiwar message", "muh shitty kony allegories" and shit like that, the message of the ending is incredibly true. It basically shows that being 100% a pacifist won't help, you'll just get killed like Sis was, but it shows that if you go too far, you end up with people like Hamdo or the radicals at the helm. The only way to combat violence IS with violence, but only with just enough violence.


Because Hamdo is shown to be the most irrational fucker on the face of either planet.

they took a water generator kid instead nigga

Maybe outside of Sup Forums.

I watched this show throughout a single day while drinking a whole handle of alcohol in anticipation of the oppressive sadness.

I don't remember a whole lot about this show. Went back and skimmed through it and was surprised to find out Shuu makes it back to his world. I thought he didn't.

I should probably rewatch it.

the only thing i remember of it is the rape. I don't like anti-war bullshits.

Are you pro-war?

Incredibly underrated manga time.
Despite the amount of positive feedback this thing has gotten, I still think it's criminally underrated. It's by far the best piece of media I've ever seen in my life, and has legitimately changed aspects of my life. The fact that there isn't a constant thread about this manga is, to me, a sign of how underrated it is.
>inb4 it's shit lately
Even if you do consider recent installments bad, the sheer fantastic nature of the early series is enough.

we rated it alot over here

Not that guy, but eh. I like western war movies and arslan, but I dislike almost every fight after WWII for various reasons. So many countries wouldn't have turned out so bad if everyone kept to themselves. And the winners don't seem to get anything nice like land, they just seem to be serving some cocksucker manipulating the world to some unknown end.


>13 episodes isn't a lot to be able to put a lot into a character

Then don't make them look stupid as fuck if you don't have the time to make that stupidity redeemable.


I wish Sunrise would make more fun anime originals instead of gundam/idolshit

That's overrated, not underrated. It doesn't come up that much nowadays (though still not obscure, just not as much as it used to), but every time it does it's some shit taste faggot trying to make it out to be good drama. Probably the same guys who keep trying to push SaiKano even though the rest of the world forgot about that trash ages ago.

>you don't hear about it as much as NGE or Berserk, so it's underrated
What the fuck? Do you understand how massively popular those are?

>Probably the same guys who keep trying to push SaiKano even though the rest of the world forgot about that trash ages ago.

Oh fuck, I fell for that, and read the manga. It was legitimately one of the worst things I've ever read.

3/8, almost got me mad, still got me to reply.

You're a mongoloid.

There are broader ranges of positive emotions beyond "This cute 2d girl is making my dick hard!"

I don't think Scryed was unpopular back in day though.

There's no season 2.

Made the mistake of continuing with the manga. I was naïve to hope for a better future.

>calling a 10 year old kid that transported into the future where only the cruelest could survive.
>a normal 10 year old kid with no super power at all only a titanium sized balls
>going trough hell with nothing but a stick and overall a good kid who refuse to be corrupted by the world.
>a retard

Yes, a big fucking retard who could have it easy if he wasn't such a stubborn little faggot.


Yeah, the first series captured everything good about GSG. The rest just felt like dragging things on too far. Also, the first series' soundtrack was amazing.

>Incredibly underrated anime thread/unpopular opinion thread.
>Starting off with one of my favorite of all time.

This show was garbage. You fuckers have some really warped sense of quality to think this shit was good

its not underrated just avoided because of all that fucking edge

I was misled by that cover.
I thought i was gonna get some post-apocalyptic ancient mecha story.
Shit sucks for a few ok characters, but a good chunk of my friends will probably hate some of its more "triggering" content.
I should have them see it and witness their reaction

most interesting concepts i've seen in a while

I dislike S2 because it had Pinocchio fight on par with supersoldiers and had Triela(best girl) job like a motherfucker the whole time.
Why do you hate it?

i have no fucking idea how they ruined everything so quickly

delgados are the fucking goat

>anywhere near as good as "I'm Sorry" boy (female)

What weirds me out is why Sarah decided to stay. She should've gone home and got an abortion, or left her half-breed bastard child in a dumpster.

This is just me, but I don't think the MC accomplished anything through the entire series.

In the beginning of each episode they were always saying something about 10 billion years, which I think is roughly the lifespan of the sun, so I connected it to a dying sun/star.

Good anime, but I hated the anti abortion message, and the main character could be insulting at times.

SaiKano is okay. The romance is good at times, and what it does is interesting. The main character is a bit ugly and maybe annoying, but it's an anime worth watching.

The first episode was so painfully generic that I couldn't get myself to watch the second for three months and ended up just deleting it to make space for other shows.
I know it gets depressing but is it actually interesting or just a darker version of every show about a boy and a girl with a blue pendant?

I've literally never heard of anyone but myself dislike Kino. It's incredibly highly rated by pretty much everyone.

it's different which gets it a lot of points with people but a lot of the character writing, overall plot, and setting is actually retarded

>it's different
Ok, I'll admit it tries it's hand at something different and some of the things that happen to characters are real, like the rape stuff

But holy damn it's just bad



yeah Shuu being a completely static character and refusing to really confront reality is what really makes it insufferable for me, the leader of Hellyland is also written like shit and the fact he doesn't die in his first assassination attempt is beyond unbelievable, similarly his second in command lady acts completely nonsensically-a person like her would have killed him, Sarah's decision to stay is also incredibly unsettling and it really seems like Shuu and Sis forced that decision on her, Lalaru is not likable and it's painful to watch Shuu obsess over her and ignore Sarah when they are captive together, the world is so poorly defined that it goes beyond vague world building and just makes no sense

Not really underrated but no one ever talks about it anymore. This was the first anime I watched that wasn't broadcast on American TV.

It has rape. I'd give it a 10.

Why the fuck did Lala Ru even exist?




Kino is one of the Sup Forums's most liked anime

Now this is almost unknown. But it's the best SoL I know of.