Stop posting these mutt memes. Why is it funny to you that we white Americans are becoming minority?
Stop posting these mutt memes. Why is it funny to you that we white Americans are becoming minority?
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It's just leftists and butthurt kikes
Show your flag you fucking leaf
>T. Amerimutt
Because it's happening to Europeans and they're bitter and lashing out.
Cause your a God damn neet with no self esteem? How u gonna let niggers control you?
Hahahha they are literally 56% white
That is still 182,000,000 million white people, more than all of Europe.
>this is what mutts tell themselves
Stupid goyim.
>The UK is white
>France is white
This meme is funny because it hits home for ALOT of shitposters here especially the latinos who think they are white. They look in the mirror and see the exact image of le 52% man.
It's the product of a shilling campaign meant to promote infighting. Go to /bant/ if you're looking for laughs.
Everything is funny, even bad things.
lmao if you believe this youre legit retarded
>parents both from Poland
>live in a upperclass white new england town free of mutts
Feels good to be muttless. Ive been around this country alot. Down south and out west the amerimutt meme is true. We have some encloves here in new england where people are still actually white
>the biggest asshole of a country of the century is getting what's coming to it
>not funny
Choose one
those are all nigger mulattoes you troglodyte. They are minorities among both whites and niggers
Meme flag asks leading question about divide and conquer shill tactic. Wonder where you came from JIDF, shareblue, or (((university))) class project.
You're obviously a newfag as you cannot spot a forced meme/D&C propaganda.
The most moronic part is a lot of them look like every pakistani over 29. The male pattern baldness, the sloping forehead and the double chins.
>Why is it funny to you that we white Americans are becoming minority?
Because of this
always the irrelevant yuro countries and canada posting this meme.
Its our trained animals, dont be mean to them...its useless they are too stupid to understand so its a waste of your time