Gabriel Dropout

Raphael oneesama~

Other urls found in this thread:

>oh damn she's talking to a dog, she's so cool
They're easily impressed

I want Gabriel to shove her 3-week-old pantsu deep down my throat

Can your onee-chan talk to dogs?

Well, Sup Forums?


banner tier

not gonna lie, my hopes for this show dropped significantly after episode 2. episode 1 was kind of weak in the last few minutes, but episode 2 was a yawn fest. this show is among doga kobo's weakest works. looking at directorial credits it's not surprising, the same guy directed doga kobo's shittiest shows

Here, user, if you made it to the next topic.

It's not a literal one-cup conversion, but that's the general rule. Specifics will vary by size.

Feeding in Satanya's size gives results in pic.

Why would heaven send angels to Japan, a country that is pretty hostile toward Christianity to this day?

Because Japanese cartoons often take place in Japan.

who is the most evil girl?


Gabriel needs help with her survey


Who here has already fapped to this show? Just finished rubbing a fat load off to pic related.

angel pussy

I've fapped to Satania more times than I can count already.

French Fries


Sushi. Alternatively, a well-cooked steak. I also like sweets.

Deep-fried hellfish


Fried food

Onions, carrots, and potatoes, properly stacked in a tower.

She hasn't even had any lewd scenes yet though. You should save your cum for when she shows us her feet.

Oh trust me I'll explode on the spot when that happens.

The top image could use some work, but that bottom image is fucking perfect

Udon with (probably more than) seven shakes of spices.

>for when she shows us her feet.
I don't think my heart will be able to handle pumping that amount of blood to my dick.
Reading that alone made me rock hard.

Sup Forums is my outlet for anger and autism. If I didn't let it out here, I wouldn't be able to function in the real world at all.

Devil's cherry.

I already fapped to her months ago.

When you say well cooked, you'd best mean "cooked properly" and not "well done".

Pure white panties that descend from the heavens.

Of course.

Gordon 'Yaoi Hands' Ramsay

Is there a more bullyable character in all of anime?

Just checking. There are some real faggots on Sup Forums these days.

Based chef Ramsay smiles upon you.

He seriously does have giant hands

Sushi, ramen, and french fries here.

The better to hold his knives with.

Medium is the upper limit for me. Any more cooked and it's just dry and disgusting.

Barbecue ribs are good too.

I hope you fapped to the full pic kek!

If I didn't know any better, I'd say you were trying to win my affection.


I'm just trying to gain some sense of validation from anonymous people by showcasing a sense of taste despite the fact that it's really a mundane and pointless fact in the end.

I hope they have some lewd Satania scenes in store for us. Imagine her smug laughter as she tramples your damned masochist dick. She'll tease you and assume a dominant act but in reality you're simply tricking her into giving you sexual favors. As time goes on and you exploit her eagerness to break taboo and sin you'll eventually discover you're unable to cum by yourself anymore and go crawling back to Satania's feet where she'll gladly step on you and smother your face with her sweet-smelling feet.

Best thighs of the season.



You've earned the praise of this faceless, nameless person.

And don't downplay the importance of food, people who eat well done steaks are either old people or just retarded.

excellent feet too.


not him but I had quality rare steak for the first time last weekend and it was the best shit I've ever had.

dipshits don't appreciate juicy tender meat.

kek banner tier material

All this food talk is better than religion wars I guess.


I'll never understand how you can look at a nice cut off red meat and think "You know what would make that taste awesome? If I cooked the shit out of it so it got all dry and had the texture of leather."

>flat-chested loli but with juicy ass and sensual thighs
I'm glad the anime knows what her most prominent assets are.

Chef Ramsay and medium well steaks >>> arguments over the bible and which religion of peace killed the most people



People are used to eating low-quality meat that needs to be overcooked for safety.

I'm curious about unpasteurized milk, have you tried any?

I read the manga user, she's obviously waiting for a meal to come in

Never heard anyone ever mention that as a reason over here.

chef Satania's steamy dumps.

Anyone got a non-fucked version of this stitch?


Here in burgerland if you indirectly cause someone to sneeze you're looking at a crippling lawsuit and bankruptcy.

We need our FDA-labeled bubble because we're scared of everything.

Well maybe "need" is not the right word to use, but that's the main misguided reason I have heard for people overcooking steaks

>none of them wear thighhighs

I love the gritty taste of protein bars. Also they're a rectangle so that's cool.

I have a friend who works in the food industry and he pretty much says "Yeah all that is bullshit".

Most of it is just capitalizing on trends by trying to appeal to the sheep who'll follow anything that is presented as "different" and "healthy".

Pulled Pork Carolina Style

Don't (You) me with Kansas City or Texas-style. Slapping sugar paste on pork is not barbecue you faggots

American Chinese food

>I skipped the ending

My dick is gritty and shoots protein.

>not beef

But is it a rectangle? This is important.



They aren't good for you, user.

Depends on if you make them yourself or buy fast food burritos.

I'm a little bitch gook so I mainly eat chicken and fish. I'd say 90% chicken 9% fish 1% pork.

beef once a month at most and that's only because I ate out.

Would you like to find out?

I don't think single men like most anons cook themselves, much are the type who buys pure organic and healthy alternatives.

This thread got weird

Let's talk about how amazing Satania's fashion sense is instead

Well, it's why they always bitch about undercooked pork, lamb and chicken on all those cooking shows.

Why does she have a union jack tie

Chicken has to be thoroughly cooked though Doesn't even taste nice if it isn't.

Of course, there's a difference between "thoroughly cooked" and "cooked until it's a dry turd"


Which DropOut is most likely to have a penis?

Because McDowell.

Is this even a question

It's too damn easy to imagine a bulge on there

abalone and strawberry danishes

Brit Bongs are devil worshippers.
