Toonami actually has a pretty good line-up now. What would you put on it Sup Forums?
Toonami actually has a pretty good line-up now. What would you put on it Sup Forums?
Dragon Ball Z
Gundam Wing
Outlaw Star
Cowboy Bebop
Sailor Moon
Us 90's kids XD
>dragon ball buu saga kai (green shit)
>dragon ball super (worse version of mediocre movies)
>JoJo (memes)
>HxH (a speck of gold in a turd)
>naruto (shit)
>one piece (piss)
>gundam (good)
Dragonball (not z kai super or any of that shit)
G Gundam
Ghost in the shell
samurai champloo
Heavy Object
Toonami isn't really great right now, but it's a few solid shows in a row followed by a few shows you know you can skip in a row, which is usually as good as you can ask for.
>Jojo (memes)
edgy, you can't say Jojo isnt good
>Dragonball Buu Saga and DBS
both premiers on Toonami and doing pretty well in terms of views
>Naruto and One Piece
are on the two latest timeslots, theyre just on it just cause
Black Lagoon
also, daily reminder that this shit is dead.
It was fun to watch when I was 8 and didn't know anywhere else to watch anime at and staying up well past my bedtime was fun but now I'm not staying up until 3am to see one episode a week of a dub when I can just watch it on my own
Move it earlier. Seriously. I really don't fucking get why Dragon Ball Super was on at 2000 while the rest of Toonami started at midnight.
Fuck off back to
Cause adult swim is jackasses and won't give up showing family guy reruns
And why would they? Family Guy does better than anything on Toonami
Out of curiosity I to a look at the HxH dub and immediately killed myself when I heard Killua's voice. Thanks Toonami, I'm a ghost now.
Fuck off you samefagging piece of shit.
Reading Rainbow was pretty good, I'd like to see it on Toonami.
Reeding rainbow and Star Trek TNG back to back
Whats the line up? Does it have Psycho Pass and Boku no Hero Academia? If not then I would add those.
I'd pop some re:zero in there. Then it'd be the perfect line up.
Where are the mods. Toonami cancer from Sup Forums is leaking again.