Philly manages to pass bulletproof glass ban. City may order shops to take down bulletproof glass

Philly manages to pass bulletproof glass ban. City may order shops to take down bulletproof glass.

Sorry Asians, safety comes behind the feelings of black Americans.

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Let the citiy run the stores then. Fucking commies.

Replace the glass with a hardened steel wall with small view ports in it.

10/10 haircut

I give this six months maximum.

Absolutely insane. These guys should sell their shops if they can and leave the city. There’s no concept of rule of law there. I didn’t think they could get any dumber after the soda tax fallout but here we go again.

Businesses will close up and move out.

Six months til they start bitching that there aren't any stores in the ghetto anymore.

LOL fuck this society.

It is depressing realizing I have not where to go.

it will be appealed. the government has absolutely no right to make people lower their safety on their own property.

Let the niggers die. No one will care.

Bill bans protective barriers, not just glass. They are pretending the barriers foster a sense of disgrace which causes nigs to nog. They're ignoring the fact that nigs nogging is the reason the barriers exist at all. In B4 ransacked corner stores

That will kill sales of high mark-up crap like energy drinks and penis pills. Monkey see, monkey want.

The show "The Goldbergs" takes place in 1980's Philly. High school 99% white, kids walk around without getting murdered by nogs, mall is fun and safe place to hang out. Strangely enough, 80% of the actors are NOT jewish.

Really makes you think...

Yo man day b hurtn mi fillns n sheit.

>the public health committee voted for this
shit boggles the mind

How many nigs does it take to nog a noggin of drank if no nigs nagged negative nations?

(Trick questions)



That's the point, user. They want the asians out and black owners to move in

they're probably doing this on purpose to force the asians out so black owned businesses can replace them.


Isn't that the D-Fens?

they should all leave the ghetto at the same time

Then when all the shop owners get turned into steak tartare they'll argue about gun control, completely disregarding the fact it's just nigs noggin.

If I was a business owner, I would have sold it before putting myself or my employees at risk. How profitable can selling malt liquor and ebt food to niggers be? Just isn't worth the trouble.

because the asians are preventing them from opening stores. inscrutable bastids

If it's a privately owned business, how can they be forced to remove it?

how fucking stupid!
i didn't feel safe in philly airport, i sure as hell wouldn't feel safe in da hood with no protection

niggers managing a business? oh that'll work

its a bunch of fucking niggers from North Philly. I don't know what else to expect.

So it'll be the black owners getting shot. kek

>>Let my negros die

there are thousands of regulations regarding commercial activity

>telling koreans how they can protect themselves

they should hang up pictures from the la riots in their shops

I love the inversion of cause and effect. They genuinely think bullletproof glass is a cause of crime and not a consequence of it.

*disappears and reappears behind your back with a sword*
Sorry buddy, this market is mine now.

That'll just increase gun owners, and more nignog deaths.

They're waging war via the courts. If they can fuck you up enough to get rid of you then they win. These individual business owners can't afford massive fines for not complying and an expensive court battle.

Aww yeah
>Non-nigs bail
>Nigs take over stores
>Nigs shoot each other more

Fully comped

>asians sell land because it's become impossible to survive
>lands value just plummeted because of this
>(((acquaintance))) of politician buys up land at rock-bottom prices

very possible.

There was actually a protest march a year ago in Philadelphia BY Asians. They were asking for better policing of their neighborhoods

Nogs in Philly know that Asians keep too much cash in their homes. Some rapper made a song about it.

Blacks will ruin Philly. The hipster thing briefly made it good again but it is far past the tipping point now. The corruption is too deep. Nothing gets done. Nobody who has kids and pays taxes will stay there. It's a big incinerator for suburban hipster genes.

Build a normal wall and conduct business purely through a speaker.
>Barriers make you feel bad? Well enjoy not even directly interacting with people nigger.

>be business
>spend 30,000 on bulletproof enclosure for no reason whatsoever
>except to make niggers feel like criminals

Now where will niggers shop?

They already don't buy groceries because they can't since nigger shoplifting ran all the grocery stores out of town, and so they have to buy everything at convenience stores.

Now the Asians will leave for their own safety and niggers will fucking whine about racism.

I have seen, for years, blacks harassing Asians in the streets. Calling them chinks

The Asians sued the school district because their kids were getting the shit beat out of them and the nog teachers did nothing about it. Asian kids barely leave their homes, go to schools that are 80%+ black or Hispanic

They are going to be so racist when they grow up. So racist. Philly does that to people. It's not the worst thing in the world

This is fucking unreal.

>Now the Asians will leave for their own safety and niggers will fucking whine about racism.

It's not enough to party for their food, you need to pay for the store that supplies the food now too. Gib

Because back in the early 80's you had the local mob and bikers keeping them in check, but once they all got busted up the spics and niggers started their shit. I am by no means a fan of organized crime, but the sad fact is that it kept the apes in line better than any amount of police ever did.

Did anyone read the article? It's just fox sensationalism saying it will likely pass. It doesn't get voted on until the end of the month.

it's shit like this that makes me sympathize with Asians. I know there are a shitton of white nationalists here, but I don't think I would mind a nation state if it was all white and asian. Really if we can just get rid of blacks that would be great

Until nogs riot over the fact that there's no supply of philly blunts, 40s, and purple draaaank.

so the end result will be subsidies for businesses in poverty zone. In NJ we have had UEZs for some time now.

Except now these stores will be black owned and their won't be crime because it's a 'brother' that runs the shop and they are less likely to shoot up a black owned store than an Asian owned store

Wake up.

Nearly all of you don't have a fucking clue what this is about. This is black ethnocentrism at work. Black people think running the chinks out of town is going to be good for them, 'cause black businesses n'sheeiit.

No different than white nationalists

Very profitable it seems. More than likely because it's the only business that can run itself without having everything stolen and actually selling shit.

Mixed white and Asian from Maryland here, can confirm. Shit's the same where I'm from. Exactly as you described it.

Sad. Boggles the mind that the urban african american communities have fallen this much in the last 40 -50 years. Maybe it's just my perspective but there were definitely better AA leaders and role models in the 50s and 60s than now. This is doing nothing but continuing the downward spiral cycle of the AA community, not all of it but very large portions of it and by this tainting other ethnic and 'racial' groups perspective of the African community.

The welfare subsidies and all other benefit hand outs including affirmative action have to go. There is no way around it because all those government incentives and aids do nothing but encourage the lowest common denominator to continue being the lowest common denominator and multiply by abusing the various welfare systems and hand outs. So the blacks who actually do try to better themselves, be good individuals and start families have it twice as hard because not only do they not get all the free gibs but they are also unfortunately looked down on by rest of society because they are 'black' and therefore must have it easy or easier, creating division and seperation. It doesn't help that all the social welfare programs started in the 60s and 70s have now created what, 2 generations of deadbeat degenerates that only continue to increase their numbers and % share of the african american population.
Which is a problem because it's genetic and the government was essentially encouraging and paying the weaker, dumber gene possessors to multiply and spread their garbage around when it should be the other way.

When SHTF and it probably will due to the coming storm and global cleansing of all un Godly evil there are going be massive casualties among the gibmedats and brapdrank group.

Because Blacks only shoot White people and Asians, and Blacks make excellent shopkeepers who sell things for free.

>they are less likely to shoot up a black owned store
>blacks never commit crimes against other blacks
who's asleep here?

Implying chimps don't harm each other

Kek anybody got a good inforgraphic for our friend here?

Roof Koreans 2.0 when?

Yeah, the strong, capable black business community deserves a chance....
They could make philly the economic powerhouse that detroit is.

>Sorry Asians
don't feel sorry for the asians. they won't stay and be robbed.

be sorry for all the niggers who will starve because no business will operate there anymore

The government pays you in the form of ebt.

The rent in these areas is much lower than nice neighborhoods. Of course a shop owner would much rather be in a nice neighborhood, but that's the only place you can afford, that's where you go. They are usually tough as shit Koreans or Yemenis, military vets with their own rifles. One of the places near me has high ceilings and a gun nest up in the corner, no joke. Niggers generally know they'll get shot and killed if they try anything.

>black owners

You have got to be fucking kidding me
This reminds me of that wasp that drills it's stinger into a dung beetle then effectively controls it to act against it's own interest and help the wasp lay it's eggs even providing it's own body for food

So basically these stores put bullet proof glass up at their counters because they were being robbed by niggers on a regular basis, and now they must take the glass down and put their lives in danger because the glass keeps reminding niggers that they steal shit and that hurts their feelings.


It's the effect of pushing the race realism denial. They assume a conclusion that niggers are human and then construct arguments around it instead of realizing the truth that they aren't.

>it's shit like this that makes me sympathize with Asians. I know there are a shitton of white nationalists here, but I don't think I would mind a nation state if it was all white and asian. Really if we can just get rid of blacks that would be great

It's a sticky situation. The black population has stagnated, thank Christ. The problem now is that Hispanics are sorry if the middle ground when it comes to crime, between white and black.

But there are tons of extremely racist, right wing reactionary Hispanics. The term covers whiteish Mexicans and illiterate oval ppl as well.

Asians are OK. I lived in Asian neighborhoods in Philly. They are polite, but insular. They will not make you feel unwelcome, but they will not integrate. They are tribal and ruthless. They are mechanically retarded and keep their homes and shops very shitty, but are very industrious.

It is strange. The type of Asian matters a lot. Vietnamese are surprisingly high crime, but similar to whites re brain power and behavior

Koreans are high tier

Chinese are smarter than whites but extremely rude

Absolutely no Asians besides Koreans and Japanese are polite pedestrians or automobile drivers. It is incredible. They will cut in front of you and block your party in grocery stores in the rudest way. They will not treat you likea human being.

They are like autistic insect people. Hopefully their children will be better socialized, but I'm skeptical

Also the level of materialism is astounding when they do get money

black on black crime stats are the highest of any racial group.
They're more than happy to shoot up a homie's shop and steal his shit.

how much did a dindu do if a dindu didnt do nuttin?

Food desert!

Just once could it not be the kikes?

kek is with us

>Absolutely no Asians besides Koreans and Japanese are polite pedestrians or automobile drivers. It is incredible. They will cut in front of you and block your party in grocery stores in the rudest way. They will not treat you likea human being.
Koreans and Japanese are genetically very different from rest of Asian ethnic groups. However Koreans and Japanese are closely related to each genetically which once again makes sense if you look at their societal development level, economic and scientific output.

these stores sell stuff at a marked up price since nobody wants to do business in the ghetto.

This is widely and wildly misunderstood action.
It is aimed only at a specific class of business which is licensed to sell liquor or beer "by the drink." The type of businesses in question should, according to the previously existing law, have inside seating and tables, and serve food, kinda like a TGIFs or Applebee's.
The problem is this: the pajeets and hajis who run these shops have been getting the "restaurant" style license, but neglecting to sell food, they have the seating area locked up, and they serve the drinks to the schwartzas who then congregate outside the shops and create a public nuisance with fights, shootings, stabbings, and occasional impromptu rap battles. Essentially, these shop owners have been gypping the system to make a buck operating as open-air BARS rather than as the type of establishment they're licensed to be.
This change would force these particular businesses to be what they're licensed to be, or to keep their bulletproof glass and become a different type of establishment (that doesn't sell liquor and beer "by the drink"), or to close. Any of which prevents a public nuisance.

Yes agree.. The welfare program was extremely effective dysgenics program that destroyed the potential of black America. There is 100% no hope for them, ever. The best of them are outbreeding now.

> smarter than whites

max par

That's pretty much it. Asians are insular, but the kids tend to grow up pretty damn white like since they tend to absorb white culture fast. The kids, since they don't tend to have a religion, tend to end up being relatively white bread. Unfortunately, that means you also end up with SJW asians because they tend to take on the culture around them.

what about telepresence robot store clerks?

good question

expect riots

Stop bringing facts to a good niggerbashing thread.

How much grog could a nig nog rob if the ZOG slobs pass this law?

This happens when you elect niggers and give niggers the right to vote.

whites and asians can split up the earth in 2

all other races need to perish

>Yes agree.. The welfare program was extremely effective dysgenics program that destroyed the potential of black America. There is 100% no hope for them, ever.
I disagree, there is still plenty of hope but it's going to be an upward struggle. The night is always darkest before the dawn.

You're all missing the point, no shit black on black crime exists and is a problem, but it's not about that. It's about removing asians in general, even if it means the store gets shot up a little bit more with black owners and without plexiglass. It's about making everything black owned or controlled, swallowing up everything, regardless of the outcome.

>niggers don't rob each other

are you pretending to be retarded?

Why can't black communities just not kill or rape or steal or blame and just become normal?

I fucking hate blacks so much. What possible benefit is there to forcing store owners to remove bullet proof glass? Blacks should seriously be exterminated before its too late.

There is no such thing as bullet proof glass.

Asians hate blacks more than anyone on the planet

Sure there is. We make multilayered glass that can withstand the impact of a .50 cal, and install it in various high security buildings. Of course, what these guys are using is likely for much smaller arms - plexiglass able to withstand standard pistol rounds.


Don't let the BR government see it or else it will be imitated very, very, very extremely soon.

>be gook colonist in a white country
>receive preferential low-interest minority business loans and various affirmative action business grants from whitey
>expected to serve whitey's beloved pet niggers
>complain when whitey's pet niggers demand to be treated with respect
I don't see a problem with this law. These gooks were allowed into this country for the specific reason of respectfully distributing welfare goods to our niggers. From a Euro-nationalist perspective, neither gooks nor niggers belong in our countries, but as long as gook colonists are here they should do their job respectfully or go back home to their hellish gook ant-colonies.