Monogatari thread

Some new Kizu part 3 stills have been revealed including Guillotinecutter's carcass.

>the wait


Glad it flopped

So, did part 3 flop even harder?

Yes. Total fail. I'm worry about Owari 3 adaptation now.

Yup, and SHAFT has no one to blame but themselves.

They waited too long to release it and then had the audacity to split it into three parts that ran for a mere hour.

TV series will be fine. It's the jewing aniplex pulled for the movies that got backlash. Hope it happens to Heaven's Feel as well, though I doubt it since Fatefags are blind drones

>part 2 was overshadowed by both "your name" and "a silent voice"
>part 3 is being overshadowed by "in this corner of the world"

nice fuck-up shaft

You mean Aniplex. Those are publisher decisions.

>Hope it happens to Heaven's Feel as well

bitter monogatarifag

Then Aniplex has no one to blame but themselves. They should've released Kizu back when Monogatari was super popular. Also it should've been two films instead.

Shaft has nothing for spring, summer(new movie) and fall.

Wouldn't be surprised if some Madoka project is announced.

They should finish monogatari first.

A new novel was just announced in the last one.

It shouldve been one film.

Off-season and Monster Season will never be animated.

I really hope Monogatari can recover. Especially since the novels seem to finally going in an interesting direction again.

The movies themselves werent horrible either. They just shouldve made it one long 3 hour movie to make up for all the years they took to make it.

Think Shinbo will go back on what he said? I hope he doesnt.

They will probably adapt UQ Holder.

>read the kizu LNs
>felt like the scenes with cat were pretty short and the main focus was koyomi talking with shinobu and questioning his humanity
>shinobu is literally asleep for the entire second movie
>movies are 90% cat fan service
They reached for the low hanging fruit and fell flat on their faces. I'm glad it's flopping. Fuck Shaft.

Cat ruined everything. Fucking slut.

Aniplex ruined everything. It should've been one long film and should've been released years ago when the Monogatari hype was super strong.

Also didn't help that the second film was airing while "Kimi no na Wa" and "Koe no Katachi" were also airing. There was no way it would be able to compete with those two especially the first.

What was Shaft thinking

If anything, are the BD sales decent?

I can't wait.

Kizumonogatari II adds 989/220, total 42,075.

If they still continue with the TV series and it flops then forget about anything concerning the extra stories that come after Owari.

>Cat gets kizu, neko: kuro, and neko: shiro
>Cat gets three arcs that have enough screen time to be its own anime series
>she doesn't exhibit any personality aside from being "le big tits glasses girl" until she makes an appearance in Hanamonogatari, which isn't even her arc
How is it possible for one character to be so shit? I genuinely think she's worse than snake. I have so much hate, user.

That doesnt sound too bad to me but then again I dont know shit about good sales.

Do you have to watch any other monogatari to watch Kizu? (Ive seen nise, bake, neko, and "second season", but havent since and i forgot a shit ton) all in all do i have to rewatch anything, to watch whats out of kizu so far?

> Do you have to watch any other monogatari to watch Kizu?


Shinbo is a Catfag and stated that one of the reasons he continues working on the series is to look more into her character. Also pretty obvious that she's a favorite of Nisio.

She's not going anywhere, and I wouldn't be surprised if she got another arc in the future. Whine some fucking more.

I'll whine as much as I want you fucking fag.

Look alright to me since movie sales are usually around that range unless they are very popular series. Monogatari at this point isn't that popular as it used to so although the sales are alright compared to the sales Monogatari used to sell on the tv anime discs it's very disappointed for a hype up release for over 7 years.

>Shinbo is a Catfag
No shit, retard.

Wish Japan did jump off hype trains so fast for the new fad.

You were meant to see Kizu after Bake. Yet here we are.

I literally told you to whine some more. You're also an idiot, I see.

She's a communist terrorist who hates world borders that is wanted by everyone. I'd die inside if more of her was written in the future LN's.

Kizu 3 PV was terrible. I can't understand why.

I forgot about that. That is kind of pushing the mary sue to a new level. What a bitch.

I'm so glad the movies did like shit.

I gave this shitty ass studio my heart and money for years to be fucked like this. Fucking shit is nothing like the book.

This guy is totally right, they skipped so many important dialogue like the talk about araragi wanting to be a plant. Made it look like the faggot just turned into a tree because fuck you.

What was that shit about him pulling his arm out? It fucking regenerated in seconds.

And god, that awful, cringy Episode animation being repeated during the fight.

They had ONE job and completely managed to fuck everything up. Fuck SHAFT. Fuck Jewniplex. This shitty trilogy never existed, everyone back to the light novel.

Eventually she'll cause WW3 and then Monogatari will just turn into Steins;Gate with Araragi going full vamp and time traveling with Kiss-Shot to prevent it.

Yes and I will whine more. Are you stupid or something m8?

>I'd die inside if more of her was written in the future LN's.

Then die inside. She's one of the few characters that has a constant presence in the entire series.

More than one can say about Crab.

Her being an internationally wanted criminal while Koyomi a cop is actually a good set-up for another arc. I wonder what Nisio has in stores for the cast.

I would love that.

>wh-who cares if she's shit? At least she has "a constant presence"
Oh I see, you're just a catfag.

Yes, she's my favorite. She's had constant presence throughout the entire series so I don't see that changing in the future novels. I think you took my comment wrong.

The problem with Hanekawa is that she doesn't change. I liked the arc where she realized that she should embrace her envy and frustrations instead of ignoring them, but she hasn't really changed at all since that arc. She was pretty much exactly the same in Koimonogatari. The reason I prefer Kanbaru or Sengoku to her is that they changed and stayed changed after their arcs. Hanekawa is so static

Honestly these movies have felt like a rather sub-par adaptation. Which is unfortunate considering how long SHAFT has supposedly been working on them.

Yeah I still get more enjoyment with the LN over the movies.

>but she hasn't really changed at all since that arc

The summary for the newest novel revealed that Koyomi thinks Hanekawa changed the most out of everyone.

Apparently the final fight in Kizu 3 was really violent.

Well I hope you're satisfied because there will never be another monogatari movie after Reiketsu.

As it should be.

Well that's shit writing then, because she's just been more of the same "wonderful person nice girl" crap she's always been doing. I get that she'd doing all kinds of intense political shit, but she's still just doing good things. I think I'd think she was more interesting if she did something wrong for once

Is it any different than what we already got?

>another monogatari movie after Reiketsu.

You say that like it's a bad thing. They screwed up a ton with Kizu so I'd rather they stick to doing seasons.

Yes, she went from an anime cliche who's entire existence revolved around Araragi's penis to an actual person like everyone else. She has finally made it to the level every other character has started at.

Truly astounding, you must be proud.

>she went from an anime cliche who's entire existence revolved around Araragi's penis to an actual person like everyone else

If that's all you truly got from her character in all her arcs especially White then so be it.

>just because kizu was done badly that means there never was, nor will be, a possibility for a good monogatari movie
How small-minded can you get? Stop posting, catfag.

>she did something wrong for once
she's a wanted criminal in literally every nation so she must've done a few things wrong

It's literally Koyomi and Kiss-shot just standing in place and ripping each other apart for like an hour. It should be absurdly violent and over-the-top. Did the movies even show Shinobu or Koyomi digging around in their heads?

Not an argument.

I'd rather have a season over another book being split in three one-hour long films. If you feel differently then okay.

Oh. You're that faggot. The one who claims that there is amazing depth to her but always says some inane shit that everyone already knows and doesn't mean anything when pressed for details.

I'm not here to argue. If that's all you got from her character then so be it. You're entitled to your own opinion user.

>wow her stepdad hit her that one time so deeeep
ayy lmao

Dude, it's not that she didn't have cool arcs, it's just that they didn't stick at all in an interesting way. Araragi said he loved Senjougahara more than her, and she cried and accepted it. Now, she's back to being interested in him, and offers him her boobs to motivate him, just like she used to. She's supposed to have excepted her anger/envy and yet she is still the same laidback kind girl. She hasn't fucking changed at all, despite what her arcs tell you. It's annoying

Hanekawa was basically already an adult by the start of the story, it's not like she will fundamentally change how she thinks, she will only free herself from what's weighing her down. It was the same for the other adult characters, like Senjougahara, Oikura and Hachikuji.

The change for me was more that her facade was lawful good and her inner self was actually chaotic good, which is clear in musubi, but since she spoils Araragi either way it wasn't that clear with the history narrated on his PoV.

I don't think I am. If you have a screenshot from a previous thread then I can confirm whether it's me or not though.

>you should go screencap old threads so you can argue better
Shit. ACK is a catfag. That explains everything.

>it's just that they didn't stick at all in an interesting way.

Her arcs are the most interesting to me. If then aren't to you then that's okay.

Not what I was saying at all, but nice job twisting my words.

>catfag gets BTFO
>"w-well that's j-just ur opinion"

>no dude, you just dont get it. The big boobs and cat ears makes her super complex

She's the most interesting to me. I don't get why I have to post proof to back that up. That's my opinion, and if someone doesn't like her/thinks her arcs are boring then that's theirs.

> I don't want to be perfect!

Whatever dude
If the same shit gets your dick hard over and over go for it

Oh yeah. Hanekawa probably was the inspiration for that comic.

If you think I only like her for that reason then okay. I don't get why some of you get so up in arms about Cat.

Hanekawa is an envy bitch. Shit character with too much screentime.
Sodachi is a real bro. Great character with too little screentime.

Because people are sick of a character they don't like getting screentime. I'm not sure why you even started posting if you were just gonna drive by your opinion and then cop out.

She really need to calm down when freaking out in social interactions.

>just realized will get more of Gaen in future LN's


At first, I thought Sodachi was just a cold bitch who expected too much from a twelve year old Kyomi to read into her overly complicated subtext until that one scene where she said:
>When I saw your happy family, I knew I could never have that.
>That happiness looked too bright, I thought it would blind me.
>That happiness seemed too heavy, I thought it might crush me.
Or something like that. She was just self-sabotaging the whole time because she thought she was too broken, dysfunctional, or undeserving to have a happy life. And none of this is fed to the viewer directly. I wasn't able to figure this out until I thought on it for a few days.

Truly, Sodachi was an actually compelling character. She did more with the 10 minutes of screen time than Hanekawa ever did with her 12+ episodes or whatever the fuck.

That's beautiful, my man. I'm going to rewatch Sodachi Riddle.

Sodachi is actually Nisio's fav character. Amusing isn't it.

>she will one day lend her phone to Araragi


I agree. That scene where she's telling Araragi and Hanekawa about what she went through and how she hates herself and shit was adapted so well in the anime

She has three visible phones in that screencap alone. I guarantee you that it's nothing special. In fact, he should have been given one sooner.

>people are sick of a character they don't like getting screentime

Only a few people since theres 20 people including myself in the thread. It would be a nice if the other girls got more screentime, but it seems Nisio doesn't feel the same for whatever reason.

> Did the movies even show Shinobu or Koyomi digging around in their heads?
Yeah it was wierd


Just go and fucking see it; it's what I'm doing.