Career in politics

hi /pol,

I want to become a dictator. What could be the first steps? Look, I think politics are important, but I hate the people usually involved with it.

I don't mean to conquer foreign nations btw, I just need to fix some things on a national scale.

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Continue to exhibit excellent taste. You are well on your way.

You want to become a dictator because that is the ultimate power and since people always want the opposite of what they have currently you are absoulutely powerless

And to tell you the Matthew principal, those who have more will be given to, those who have nothing more will be taken away.

I’m saying that you will never have what you want to have since you’re a weak and pathetic powerless little scum. Yiu are nothing and you’ll stay a nothing you little bichtbaced low class white trash

What race is that?

Try to get into an art school.

You gotta start small and build great solid support in your local community.
Look at Duterte - he started as a mayor

The tallest towers require the deepest foundation

>I want to become a dictator. What could be the first steps?
Receive a small loan of $1 million from your slumlord father.


if you are asking you literally cannot do it and are a psychotic individual with delusions of grandeur.

i suggest you dont try, all you krauts do is just fuck up anyways

You should get the military on your side. You can either join them and rise through the ranks or have a message that appeals to them.

she's from Romania

rest: sry I thought this was political board, but you guys seem to have no idea how accomplish anything in real life. a real downer.

When will that clothing become a thing?

Have tits say want open borders watch the sea part

First, you have to read Hegel. Then you have to figure out how to be a world-historical person in your current epoch. Then you have to be that, and talk to a bunch of people and get them to recognize you as a world-historical person. Then you just do whatever you want - just make sure that all your followers want what you want.

Study Marx and learn how to brainwash people using his terrible ideas. Once you've got a big enough following of mindless sheep, you can achieve anything. They won't question things that don't make sense. They'll give you all of their money and even fight wars for you. They aren't very expensive to feed and they ask for nothing in return. Godspeed, user.

>read and study

come on guys, don't let me down. I have less than 48h to become a dictator. I need to start somewhere.

Start by having charisma.

Have none? Be a total bitch to those that have it and can get power. Suck on their tit until they reach the top, and when the opportunity strikes, try taking over.

The problem with that is, that usually doesn't last.

Read "The Dictator's Handbook".


nothing you can do.
germans are not fit for leading

>I want to become a dictator. What could be the first steps?
go molest some kids, then call yourself in to the FBI

You don't ask for power.
You take it.
If you are the one, then the world will know.
You start a militia. You go by historical lessons.
Take out the current one, install yourself.
Generals should want to follow you.
You get the army on your side, you have yourself control.

I'm amazed there are people on Sup Forums who haven't read this book yet.


Read mein kampf and study up on german history from 1919-1938

>people always want the opposite of what they have currently

I want to die and I didn't know it

Join the Democrats.

That is all.

You'll never amount to anything significant if sexual refuse is rotting away your mind.

Want to know how Hitler did it? How he had the energy, the enthusiasm, the motivation?
The power of sex transmutation
- He abstained from masturbation and sex and sexual thoughts.
It made his mind much sharper.

Old thread but good info here

"Want to know how some nobody from the Austrian countryside from a broken family who originally wanted to be an artist, managed to nearly singlehandedly become leader of Germany and change the entirely world?

He practiced one secret, known to all other great men such as Tesla, Newton and Pythagoras
>Sexual Transmutation
He abstained entirely from sex and even masturbation.
It gave him superhuman powers and actual control over the higher faculties of the mind.

Most people do not have total control in their own lives which is why they never accomplish anything.
They are a state of what Kant deemed heteronomy-- they might have good intentions about career, or what they want out of life but these intentions are never acted on, because, a stronger urge is subconciously directing their paths and they willingly let it because they think it will give them pleasure. In reality, when they give into it, they surrender their autonomy.
The sexual portion of your brain will overtake the intellectual if taken to an excess. This is why the "ultimate goal" of most people is nothing more than "gettin sum pussy", and they through out all higher ambitions and goals out the window to do it, even if it is just imaginary.

The most advanced portion of the human brain is the frontal cortex. Whenever you do not think about or engage in sex acts, it is constantly being used, reinforced, and put to higher purposes; when you engage or think sexually, it goes into hibernation and connections to it become weaker. He was a prolific reader. He read during his formative years and sheer intellect was the only thing going about in the ether of his mind. This is what you can accomplish whenever you rise above your carnal desires."

>I dont mean to conquer foreign nations
You dont need to lie adolf its okay

>and since people always want the opposite of what they have currently you are absoulutely powerless
So the most powerful people on Earth want to be powerless?

I have met many people claiming to not want power, yet I have never seen a person who doesn't strive for power in some form or another. There is no breaking free from the evolutionary demand on aquiring power that has probably been there for over 3 billion years. Organisms that didn't care about themselves got quickly selected away.

Read about the early beginnings of the Nazi party. You need a group, a small and loyal group, to change the world.
You don't manage a revolution, you inspire one.

With your premise the power should be in the hand of those who first got it with sticks and stones hundreds of thousand years ago?

Do you see your fallacy ?

>Mfw I don't come home to this
Sad story.

To be a dictator, pick the groups most detrimental in society. Do the math. Do they constitute a majority? If so, pick a different group. You can overtime create a majority by reducing numbers of opposition.

If you need tips on subdividing groups of people, leftists are actually pros at it, so start with their playbook. For how to pit people against one another, see "British Empire".

Look at all the billionaire carnegie, Rockefeller

Gates and even SOROS are giving their money away in some for or another

Elle calle

If I was dictator the first thing I'd do is suck on her tits like a deranged madman.

Which is why you'll never be one because you are controlled by your nigger brain and this the apex of its imagination. Somewhat pathetic in all reality.

Best bet is military career ---> armed coup. This would take at least 20 years and by then your chances as a cis white male to get into a general rank would be nearly impossible.

Or create your own rebel/revolutionary paramilitary where you take power by force.

Join the military become a colonel or higher and stage a coup de tat francisco franco style

fug das a hot hoe man

Your JBP is showing.

Hitler practiced giving speeches by talking to / shouting at a large mirror.

Hitler was a NEET wannabe artist till 25.

is this actually worth a read or is it just a meme book?

politics is aboout networking. first of all, you have to get out of your basement and actually meet people. you have plenty of options: ngos, political parties, assiociation etc. the thing here is to join other people who have similar goals and philosophies as yours. once you're in, you have to constantly demonstrate you can take on leadership roles. network. that is to say meet and greet with everyone you can until you have plenty of friends, after that there is a high chance more career options will open up. politics is a harsh world, and you will NOT become anyone important by next month. it's years of hard work and harvesting your options for later. go be proactive. do something for your people, organize talks and events. get your name out there

It's decent if you are new to this kinds of stuff. But if you've spend a bit of time reading up on power, politics, historical conflicts and shit like that, then you probably won't find it very revolutionary. But I'd say for a normie this is a pretty big red pill to swallow.

I listened to the audiobook and I enjoyed it, even though I didn't find the contents that enlightning.

Military or para-military. It's the fastest way...
They'll have some kind of sexual behaviour about being dominated 99%

Thnx for the response. Ive spent a good amount of time reading up on all those things. I actually have a backlog of books bout politics, history and philosophy. Gonna read thru em all this winter break. I'll defs check it out then. btw, are there any good books on Irish culture and history? Genuine question

Don't listen to these faggots, OP.
>Do it. Be an ubermensch

Learn to love sucking jew dick and fucking and killing children in occult rituals, you'll reach the stars, go get em kid

I'm not irish, I'm a Sup Forumsack, but "How the Irish Saved Civilization" is a genuinely good read.

>Join military
>Rise up the ranks while creating a loyal following
>Wait for economic crisis or any other disaster. (Terrorism, foreugn invasion)
>Blame it on a certain enemy while everyone is in fear
>Have connections willing to create a disaster for you if you have to. Make it hurt,make people scared
>Come in as the big hero ready to take on the enemy who made everyone hurt
>Stay in power forever because no one wants to be hurt once again
Create an enemy, create an attack or problem, make people afraid, come in as the hero, take out created enemy, fix the problem you created, take all the credit

Go to Africa
Kidnap children
Give them AKs
Overthrow mungumbo

Lol alright. Ill check that book out. Thnx yo.

Are you Femanon? If so first step is marrying me.

First you need an strong ideology which you can form people around. Then when you get the majority of the power you destroy the old elites and possible contras.


No prefrontal cortex lol

Here is my 8 step program for becoming a dick tater.
Step 1. Drink a lot of fluids
Step 2. Go grab a tater
Step 3. Lay down with your ass kind of still on the couch but your back on the floor.
Step 4. Balance the tater on your forehead.
Step 5. Get your dick out
Step 6. Aim it towards your face
Step 7. Pee
Step 8. Profit

Looks 56% to me