Spam all the racist mutt memes you want yuropoors, just remember than we own you

Spam all the racist mutt memes you want yuropoors, just remember than we own you.

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based black man

>Spam all the racist mutt memes you want amerifats, just remember than we own you.
>t. based kike


I don’t know why euroahmeds mock us when they will be under sharia law within a few decades

At least America will still be culturally white

Switzerland literally has a Rothschild street. You calling anyone else a kike is fucking hilarious. You are the Jewiest there ever was. I can literally smell your judaism coming off the monitor, and it's disgusting.

oooh le melting pot strikes back
sure BTFOd us White Europeans there

You don't even your own country goy


>implying this is a good thing
Fuck off faggot

Kek, its g zero Amerifats. Nobody owns or controlls shit atm.

In 2018 we will see who our new overlords are. My gibs is on china

140.000 People working for that site.
Damn america showing the world how racemixing is done

Every time I see americans and europeans fight over some forced meme from Sup Forums, I kek.

Come, mister tally man, tally me banana
Daylight come and me wan' go home
Come, mister tally man, tally me banana
Daylight come and me wan' go home

You mean Jews you fucking shill

Damn, Germany showing the world how it's done.

>56% and falling


Not so fast UK.

>be so-called “master race”
>get utterly BTFO by patriotic American mutt soldiers

How can racists reconcile this with their ideology?


Taking an Analysis done by a Dentist serious
Le 56% intellect Shows again

We are literally 56%, maybe even less desu since the census includes middle easterners and Hispanics as white


I think you mean culturally Jews, correct?

You cant make this shit up
>English name

shoo shoo dixiecuck loser

Not Americans

They were fighting on 3 fronts Soviets, British and American/Canadian forces.

It took 4 giant nations to actually topple them down.

When someone tells you that you need multiculturalism, you tell them to get in the oven. I don't have any articles for Latvia so I guess you're lucky.


Mutts are importing millions of refugees into Europe, best friends with Israel, yet they think they have a say on this board. My patience runs dry, the day of the grill is coming.

>God save the queen

You won’t do shit mehmet

Niggers and Jews own you.

>just remember than (((we))) own you.
Sad but true

>mfw we save Europe from destruction twice and liberate them from fascist/communist regimes
>mfw they thank us decades later by posting unfunny racial memes on an anonymous imageboard

Such is the life of an ungrateful euro

>poor little kraut guy

Divide and conquer

>being an autistic neo-nazi LARPfag
>not being an american patriot


This, our immigrants are based and actually integrate. Euros willl never understand this feel.

me on the left

Integration is a meme

We have hybrid vigor. Mixed race people are superior.

Reminder that the Amerimutt memers are leftists, leftists are the real racists.

>we save Europe from destruction twice
Of course you did

Sigh. No more "Nigel" huh?