Is Japan our greatest ally?

Is Japan our greatest ally?

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Yes, and don't let anybody else tell you otherwise.

Yes they are honorary aryan and based

No Israel is

We shall see when Korean War II starts.

Yes, and I would argue they are our only Ally that is worth anything, Israel is a backstabbing cunt.

I'm sorry, Sam, it's time to wake up...

Now I have coffee all over my screen.

Last I checked, Japan attacked us 76 years ago after we gave them the Hull Ultimatum that started the war for us.

Israel attacked us 50 years ago.

>literally raze two of their cities with hellfire
>several decades later, we're allies
>blacks get fried from slavery hundreds of years ago
>still whine about it today

You young kids don't know shit. Israel is our greatest ally

South Korea is you cunt. SK forces can kick anyone's ass in the world except for US and Brits.

>Nuked them twice

Please be our friend now Japan?

Japanese are our property.

yes, friends nuke each other.

>Is Japan our greatest ally?
>Not Canada, NZ, Australia, or the white portions of the UK.
Everyone else is legitimately shit desu.

In fairness, it's thanks to US that Japan survived the economic consequences of the war.

They are just smart people who are aware that the moment US troops leave the island, China
will invade them.

Never bowed down to the Jews and were on the right side in WW2. What do you think?

i bet those american men gave that gook a good fucking

>white portions of uk
Why would any nation align themselves with this?

>No muslims
>No Jews
>racist but polite about it
>proven capacity for militarization
>don't chimpout like other ethnic groups

Pretty sure they're our greatest ally but we need to leave them to their own and not do the typical America thing of pushing 'muh diversity'. To preserve their ethnostate, non-Japanese shouldn't live there and if they do,they shouldn't have voting rights and citizenship should not be granted to non-Japanese. That's not to say we can't visit or trade, but there should never be more than 5% of the total population composed of non-natives in the country at any given time.

Every Britfag I've met in person has been surprisingly based and easily relatable. Culturally we're pretty compatible ad even expats who've been here for decades aren't as close.

Because they have ICBM nukes, share a common language, history and culture ("special relationship is a meme right?") and are your most powerful ally ("b-but muh putin").

Also nice cherry picking pal

South Korea is a loser culture. Period.

Lmao fuck off gook

that special relationship is becoming less and less important with minority white America .

why would any spic or black care ,,it isn't there shared history

Greatest ally
>Supports us in our wars
>Delivers aid to areas in need
>Trains alongside our forces more than NATO
>maintains a huge force on a shoestring budget

(((Greatest Ally)))
>sinks one of our ships, machine-guns the survivors
>steals nuclear technology and uranium
>sells our missile technology to China
>frames us for the murder of foreign scientists
>has never once helped us in any war, ever, and indeed has started many of them

Tough decisions

You don't own shit, you loser. The Japanese don't even talk to you, except when we're mocking you.

Too racist

They did have shared history, quite intimate...

America is Jew infested. We should be nice to Japan, but not push our diversity shit on them.

The Brits are great, but their country is too compromised to be considered our closest ally. The Japs have a good lock on nationalism and though they're pretty anti-war, with Abe in the lead that's starting to change too. So long as the Marines don't keep fucking things up than I think they'll be our closest ally going forward. Not trying to slight you Brits, it's just that you've got too many domestic problems right now; once we're finished fixing things at home we'll come for you.

No, Japan just proves that 2 nukes are not enough.

It kind of helps if you speak the same language though


you're closest ally will be mexico soon.
UK closest ally will be Pakistan.

No wonder Okinawan hate US Army.
Burgers are fucking creepy

I think those might actually be Worst Koreans in the photo, unfortunately.

Japanese are beta cucks, there’s tons more foreigners there nowadays and Japanese women walking around with foreigners, some even carrying their half niglet babies with them.

No Uruguay is.

No such thing faggot

You mean once you've finally succeeded in reducing your white population to 0?

Is there any good US army fucking Vietnam/Nip/Korean women porn out there?

Im kinda hard


Speaking of goat molesting Pakis...
>Okinawan hate US Army.
Luckily Japanese hate Okinawans more than Okinawans hate us. :)

Mexico hates us BTW. All our "mexicans" are third world criminals that get funneled up from central america by the mexicans themselves. that's why they hate border control because it means they'll have to house them on their own.

I live in Texas and even here, actually Mexicans from Mexico are rare af unless you're in El Paso. Most hispanics are from elsewhere.

We are, we have even blocked chinese investments, which would possibly be a competition for american factories and corporations. Thank you for all that missles America-senpai, we still wait for the nukes tho.

I vote for Australia

Rip peep

Japan will gladly join the war against subhumans


Please help us America, we need an ally in this globalist world.

Also terribly sorry about the whole 'no representation' thing. #NotAllBongs


The UK will BE Pakistan soon.

We're not talking about London here


checks the pic

>worst koreans
>no sign of japanese troops
>filename is a japanese word

fuck off absolute retard

Why do japanese girls love american men?

Australia and NZ have sent our children to die in your pozzed kike wars too m8

...and we would have gotten away with it if it weren't for those kooky kids!

Japanese are jews. The jews don't fear the samurai, the samurai are the jews.

Koreans and Japanese hate each other.

>>Not Canada, NZ, Australia, or the white portions of the UK.
Literally all of the whinge and cry when we do anything. Japan backs us up.


I bet you fap to the sound of your own voice.

No, Mexico is. Migrant workers drive your agricultural industry, and in a nation that deals heavily in the agricultural industry this is important.

no, and keep your military bases far away

>Japan backs us up.
That's odd af because ANZAC troops were in Iraq and Afghanistan and Japan's weren't.

BTW, the reason you hear about them shitting on us is because you actually speak their language.

Don't let weedman ruin the based 5eyes alliance which is probably the best that's ever existed on this planet desu senpai.

Either them or australians

They are your greatest vassal


Isnt the korean war still technically going on but its just an armistice?(idk just asking)

korea is far superior.

9/11 wasn't 50 years ago.

The Japanese have a rich culture with deep roots, a proud ethnostate, and are so fucking well-behaved the police have nothing better to do than hunt guys who steal panties from women's laundry!

(OK, so they're also a bit weird and steal panties from women's laundry, but no-one is perfect.)

>Based Poland FTW
>Russia should be
>Israel should be nuked
>Japan is a subservient ally

I think it's just in their nature to be a little strange comparatively. I can dig it though.

kpop is trash, japanese traditional war music 10 times better

(((Muh gibs)))

Their country preserved heritage. Did yours?

the us has no allies.
only vassals and minions doing their bidding.
a superpower/empire has no friends lol

Jpop is bretty great.

weeb faggots.

Back off bong, I wasn't insulting the Japs, just stating they've always been that way and it's fine.
Canada can't preserve shit because we are a new world country that isn't even old.

that band is shit

I love the strangeness! I've watched so much anime I'm an honorary Hikikomori by now.

Germany has no pride or testosterone, its basically a dumpster fire full of pathetic cucks

lol you fucking faggot hiding behind the meme-flag
or should i say

I don't know about that user, seems they are doing ok.

Only if you don't mind that over 50% of the attractive females there are a product of plastic surgery and look identical.

maybe if you stopped watching anime like a fag you would grow some balls and start taking out the muslim invasion instead of letting them rape and kill your women & children


Until your nigger soldiers raped the locals

Agree 100%

god i hate this image, it makes my blood boil just looking at it

all of their smug as fuck faces, they need to die in their sleep

Nippon for the Nipponjin

Arrrrrr Germany be a nation full of pathetic cucks with low T! even ye rightwing men are cowards and spineless... muslims will make ye walk the plank of cultural suicide while they pillage your women n children!

muh dick says asians are masterrace idk

Stab you in the back greatest yes.

stay mad mehmet

yes. tokyo is an amazing city filled with high trust and polite people. America should strive for that. too bad we have niggers.

>maybe if you stopped watching anime like a >fag you would grow some balls and start taking >out the muslim invasion instead of letting them >rape and kill your women & children

It is not yet time.

There has never in history been a successful guerilla or resistance movement that didn't have the full support of the people they served. At this point, 5 out of 6 Swedes are still voting at pro-unrestrained-immigration parties and hate "nazis" who wish to secure the border.

They will have to be raped some more before the Swedes are ready to back a movement that actually does anything about it.

Until then I'm watching anime, and I'm loving it!

Apu knows how to deal with the muslim invasion!

Oh shit thats Kadena, I was stationed there a couple of years ago.

>tfw no japanese waifu to make master race hafu babies with