fat women are unironically the best
>I love your crop top
well my REAL dick aint turning into a REAL boner i tell you hwhat
every woman is fat compared to the skinny trad cuties you've got walking around shibuya, hiro
>Landwhales walked down the sidewalk because no modeling company can sell stuff with them wearing it
>"american" beauty
i'M SO GLAD our women do not look like that nor behave like sluts
Yes because real models aren't actually real women and don't have real beauty. Lol.
Fuck fat cunts. You're not 'beautiful' you're just a Christmas hock ham.
That definitely is 'a load of woman'
Fucking americans, is it really that hard to workout instead of trying to force everyone to love your ugly fat ass?
>Eat the box you'll get the pox
Those ham planets probably have exceptional gabagool gashes from the egg plants they've been jamming up their clams.
kek, what makes that so funny is the irony
It's genetic
All your women are here, already pregnant and getting fat
>A load...
That sounds heavy...
The threshold for what a woman has to do in order to be considered brave is so low it's fucking astonishing.
Yes, working out is a pain. It's easier just to sit on your ass and shit post tumblr and twitter
Curvy 'Rubenesque' women are certainly beautiful, but obscenely morbidly obese girls with rolls of cellulite are not. Tired of these idiots thinking unhealthy is 'beautiful.'
I would fuck the one in the middle to death.
we just dump our worst on america and you guys keep taking them! thanks :)
That's not how vaginas work
How are thin girls not "real"?
And now i have REAL nausea
>real women
>real beauty
Imaginr being so insecure about your outer form that in order to validate your own existance you vehemently claim that your version of beauty is what's real, that you are what a real woman is. It's truly sad how much these feel they need to prove themselves to anyone or think that outer appearance matters.
>Real beauty
Yet if a man doesn't make over 70k a year, is 6 feet tall and will do anything they say, they are a rapist/creep/mysoginist
feminists are cancer
well my girlfriend is rather big, but she can't help it.. She eats very little but still gets fat..
a small peanutbutter sandwich with cheese is enough to make her bloat like crazy for example.
she looks a bit like the one on the left.
How about jogg a bit after buying genetics from nearest 7/11?
No. That nosey looking fat slut is ugly. Stop pushing the curvy meme.
The White woman at least still looks human
who the fuck is she?
does she have insta account or something?
So now women accept men of all amounts of wealth and types of behavior? I don't think so.
>your diabetes results were negative
>She eats very little but still gets fat..
Look under her mattress. And check her path to the work, i bet she like donuts.
You didn't mention how much she exercises...
Mexican girls are sluttier than white girls. My Mexican Chad buddy says the easiest way to fuck a mexican girl is to tell her you have a girlfriend. Those hoes love it when guys cheat.
The Roast showed up.
you can only blame genetics for a small part of it. It's nurture having shit parents teach their kids it's okay to suck down soda and eat shit food all the time and laze around on their asses
Kek peanut butter and cheese sandwich is healthy in United fat fucks of Israel.
Big girl on the right can get it! I'd lick and kiss her stomach.
This is so true it's not even funny, you complete fucking assholes.
the white one would be pretty hot if she had some fucking self control
well she can't really do any exercises because of her knees. .they are not in a good state according to her.
Only to niggers and their coal burning girlfriends
quote from this shit:
>“Selfies are not only not selfish, they’re absolutely necessary. It’s the truth, and I’m sticking by it.”
― Jes Baker, Things No One Will Tell Fat Girls: A Handbook for Unapologetic Living
>i love you
>they are not in a good state according to her
Fatass being lazy, who could have guess that!
what? she's just an average girl here that post her selfies on fb
Kaypea. Enjoy english teacher.
I know, just let me lie to myself
i wish i was memeing, but california and america in general encourage the worst of mexicans to go there
You guys should learn to appreciate real beauty. Look at these sassy young ladies!
So much cottage cheese...
This is what's wrong with the world.
All those gorgeous girls around her, and that middle aged fatass is the one getting naked?
maybe like 1% of mexican girls look like that, the rest look like indio goblins.
>She eats very little but still gets fat..
That's not how thermodynamics works. You can't store energy if you aren't taking in more than you expend.
Well, they are average, but since they are alone in such age makes me think something in their mind is really fucked up. No wonder men don't want them.
That woman on the left in a burka looks quite hot!
>girlfriend is in amazing shape because she looks after her body
>apparently she's not real wimmens
Fats need to be gassed so this fucking HAES shit gets purged from society
Some old cunt like that in my office asked me yesterday if I could hook her up with a man her age. When I told her that men her age look for girls 10 years below, she laughed hysterically and told me I don't know nothing. When I suggested her to look for men 10 years older, she got angry and told me they're too old for her.............. she's doomed but doesn't realize it in the slightest.
What the fuck that goblin just ruined my appetite. Fuck you man no dinner for me tonight
>skin doesn't stretch
Fat and small tits, theres nothing worse
>traditional jap women
holy fucking kek delusional weeb, those slanted roasties have had as much black dick as the avg white roastie
>peanutbutter sandwich with cheese
Might have discovered the cause of her phantom obesity m8? Tell us, does she also bloat significantly when she eats a bucket of pork scratchings too?
Have some real women goy, we are gonna change what it means to be a woman in 2018.
t. metro.cu.ck
I'm not of the opinion that everyone needs to get married out of highschool or anything, but once you have an established career around 26-30 these broads have to realize what time it is.
Only hot thing about that is that her tits look like it’s about to tear that shirt open.
Otherwise pretty disgusting desu.
If that isn't real le 56%, I don't know what is.
>8 pounds of makeup
I hope the cat walk leads to the gym.
>real women
As opposed to actually attractive models who are androids.
we don't eat those kind of things as she has a meat allergy..
we do eat eggs (actually she does mostly) for breakfast every day though
The "sweetie" endgame lol
You silly boy, (You)
>only fat women can be "real"
>she has a meat allergy
Sports allergy too i presume
I agree, I wish there was another awesome country on this gay Earth that could nuke us
mirin calves
left and right are not good
middle girl is decent but cant gain
they're all brits, 100% guaranteed sociopathic huffpo subscribers that fill their facebooks with rape culture so they can shriek "I WAS RAPED" when someone replies
i remember taking the bus one day, a group like these was sitting in one side of the bus, it was literally tilting and the driver said "please distribute the weight" the absolute madman, they didn't complain though
why do fat roast flaps always seem to think that fat is the same as thicc/ curvy? You need to have big hips narrow shoulders and a small waist to pull off thicc, most fat women have no hips and broad shoulders and laughable tits. Have fat flaps and a double chin is not equivalent to being a bbw/ pawg
>real women
Imagine being so pathologically insecure that you decide attractive thin women simply aren't even real
It's EMPOWERING to be a fat, disgusting slob!
muh standard of beauty is a social construct anyways! If the obese were portrayed by the media as being attractive then standards will eventually change! muh marxist professor said so!
t. butthurt roastflappy
well I love my girlfriend for who she is.. Besides it's only 120 kilo.. it could have been worse.
Due to her weight we can't really have sex either, but I've accepted that and I'm oke with it.
>real women
>just a bunch of fat american whores
They only exist in media like videogames and only virgins want to see those.
>I'm too lazy to change my body to become fit so I'll force society change the way they think about unhealthy obesity instead!