There are literally only two reasons Hitler lost the war

His allies.

Italy - Mussolini's disaster in Greece and subsequent bailout by the Wehrmacht meant a delayed Operation Barbarossa and not defeating the Reds before the winter weather.

Japan - Pearl Harbor attack meant America entering war against the Axis Powers.

Is it really this simple? Am I missing something? Munich Conference, Non-aggression pact, etc?

Sup Forums historians weigh in please

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he also lost his shit and became a retarded jonkie towards the end , literally if he'd just go chill and have the military guys run things from the invasion of poland onwards we'd all be speaking german\hebrew .

Being a cryptojuden double agent didn't help.
Explanation in link.

The dude was under pressure from day 1
France and Britain tricking poland into attacking Germany.
The US Embargo leaving the german industry dependent on Romanian Oil (which was allways in danger of a soviet Invasion)
And the russkies preparing for a westward Expansion after crushing Poland.


terrible analysis, op

A few things worth adding
1. Hitler meddled too much in the war instead of simply letting his generals, who had proven themselves time and time again, win the war.
2. Hitler put the entirety of the Soviet Union on "death-ground" by threatening them with extinction (he intended to genocide the slavs). If he tried to turn support away from Stalin,like the Second Empire did with the Russian Empire, he could have made the Soviet Union collapse, as Stalin was very unpopular.
That's all i can think of.

atleast he didnt take 2 scoops

Having literal traitors in the army that lied to Franco to keep him out of the war didn't help either.

Explain yourself, Shlomo

I admit is a simplified approach but prove me wrong. Even Hitler himself said that his friendship with Mussolini was part of hid downfall. Leon Degrelle in his book I believe also said this was the reason.

The germans were too optimistic about the number of soviet trains they would capture and had to poorly retrofit their trains to meet the width of soviet rail. So their logisitics were always going to be fucked. Secondly, the germans didn’t coordinate with the finns as much as they should have. This meant that army group north was tied up by a soviet army that was numerically inferior to the germans, the opposite of what usually happened. So assuming leningrad fell, they would have enough free troops to avoid defeat at stalingrad;however, they still have a monsterous battle for moscow in 1943 which they wouldn’t necessarily win.

>first 2 posts are filthy kikes
>first one doesn't even hide it
Disgusting. Kill yourselves you filthy parasites.

Well that's true.

Fuck off with these forced memes.

Japan had little/no choice in war with the US.
Basically the US was using every possible means outside directly declaring war, to hobble the Japanese economy. The attack on pearl harbor was known ahead of time by the US government, they did nothing because it provided a good casus belli for war - it's very likely the US would've declared war on the Japanese eventually, even without pearl harbor.

But the real problem with Japan was their refusal to fight the soviets. Hitler needed the Soviet army to be divided between Japan (or china) in the east, and Europe in the west.

I think what hurt Germany the most was not getting the scandinavian countries, poland, and spain as allies. Poland was on board with a german alliance until pilsudski died and deals were cut between the new government and britain and france to invade germany and repartition it.

Even with these issues Germany probably would've won the war if there were a free communication system in the vein of the internet back then. They failed on the propaganda front enormously in every country but their own.


he was funded by jews.

>these forced memes.
i bet you have a le 56% face folder.

Leave your jewry and join civilized humanity. Why would a kike say Hitler was a kike? you're a kike for being this autistically subversive.

Backstabbing everybody he made promises to, German inefficiency, constantly changing goals in Barbarossa leading it to be a disaster, and so on.

>believing hitler actually had a chance against the jew world order
a blackpill but nothing can stop them sadly, not even Hitler. Its a shame, imagine what a White mans world could of been

He was in the jew world order. Which is why he meddled as much as he did in war and commanded his talented generals to do dumb shit.

he was too autistic about public opinion and delayed full mobilization until like 1944 when the war was already decided. if Germans were asked to sacrifice half as much as the Soviets it wouldve been almost assured victory.

Very bluepilled opinions desu

The slavs weren't threatened with extinction (this is propaganda bud) and there was no killing soviet support. Germany had cut the jew strings controlling them, those strings were still working their magic in the """Allies"""

It's amazing how few people question why Britain and France declared war on Germany for the invasion of Poland, but not on the Soviet Union who ALSO invaded Poland. In fact, I think part of the reason Hitler invaded in the first place was because he assumed if he did so alongside the soviets, that he'd at the very least finally get France and Britain into action against them.

The soviets were a paper-tiger simply because they lacked the logistics/infrastructure to support any kind of invasion.

It was only allied supplies (especially from the US) that changed this.

If Trotsky led the Soviets instead of Stalin we would've seen a Nazi victory

I think we would've seen more infighting in the soviets, at the very least.

The thing about sociopaths like stalin is that they know how to kill everyone around themselves to stay in power.

his mistake was to not obliterate the retiring Brits at Dünkirchen. He tried to convince that jewish puppet of Churchill to switch sides.


The excellent 10-1 K-L ratio vs. the Soviets early in the war masks the fact that Hitler was losing his best troops in this exchange.

>Italy - Mussolini's disaster in Greece and subsequent bailout by the Wehrmacht meant a delayed Operation Barbarossa and not defeating the Reds before the winter weather.

I hate Metaxas regime now

Hitler rushed into war despite Mussolini telling him multiple times that Italy's industry and military wasn't ready for war yet.

the founding of israel was part of hitler's grand plan since before gaining power in germany , if the war went well german sponsored fascist paramilitary groups were supposed to take over palestine and declare Independence founding the state of israel . the plan was delayed many times because of german losses and lack or resources and was eventually changed completely because of anti-fascist sentiment post WW2 to create a non fascist israel .

The best thing he could've done at dunkirk is taking the entire british army hostage. Had he managed that, there would not have been a UK in that war. There would've been a UK parlaying for their boys to come back home and the UK would've signed some kind of armistice or similar

Which would've effectively ended the war right there. Then it would've been Hitler trying to convince europe to stand against the soviets.

Ja, if Italy had been given another year then Japan would've been given another year as well. Prolific industries should be given time vs the depressed western markets

Hitler's plan was to deport all the jews to madagascar, not palestine

>Le Brits would have surrendered had the Germans closed in at Dunkirk
What part of the words "We shall never surrender" do you not understand?

I didn't know this. Someone also told me Hitler wanted war even earlier, in 1938 and was shocked to find out his marching into the Sudetenland didn't bring about this war.

Madagascar was the backup plan, IIRC and the Holocaust was the final solution after both France and Britain stonewalled the first two plans.

>anarchist flag
>acts as though he's proud of his nation

You're a walking talking hypocrite

The holocaust never happened buddy, it was post-war propaganda, largely pushed by the soviets.

How much do you want to bet? I would hate for your to lose what little you earn as a shill.

partially true, Hitler was under pressure, he couldn't wait for Italy to catch up.

>Taking a direct quote from Winston Churchill means I am British

the madagascar shit was a british plan, not german .hitler didnt want to deport the jews he promised influential international jewish leaders the full support of germany if they sided with him and most did .
theres literally documents of lehi members going to europe for secret meetings with members of the zionist congress and high ranking nazi officials .

Never understood this reasoning, it was Mussolini who decided to be retarded and invade Greece against Hitler's wishes. He also did it to prove he wasn't Hitler's bitch, Mussolini really was fucking retarded

What rifle is that? Looks like CETME or G3 clone, but I don't recognize the sight. Either way that's real fucking nato.


>Le Halt Order

>Hitler wanted Von Rundstedt in charge of Panzer Divisions
>High Command knew Rundstedt was overly cautious, removing his command without informing Hitler
>Hitler finds out, furious, puts overly cautious Rundstedt back in charge

There was no "halt order." Hitler insisted on the wrong man for the job.

How about attacking all of Europe at once against the advice of his generals because he was a power-hungry amphetamine junkie?

also desu madagascar would be way better then this shithole . comfy climate,more space,assloads of dirt cheaps labour that isnt as ape-y as palestinians are here .
i mean they literally walk thousands of kilometers to come to our country and work shit jobs i can only imagine what we could accomplish if we had them from day 1.

90% positive it's a FAL

Used to be Canada's service rifle before we dumped it in favor of an M16 clone.

Don't need brains when you're that level of alpha.

>posting faked bullshit webms instead of the real video

Fucking retarde jew cunt

I thought the brits offered a part of Uganda and Kenya to the jews as their state, but the zionist congress in Basel refused that idea.

Having some place to send the Jews to was, not necessarily in Palestine though. The Lehi story is interesting, but I don't think Sterns proposal ever reached Mussolini let alone Hitler. They got jewed by MI5.

Truly the worst president in history.

Does anyone else regret voting for Drumpf? I've come to realize only rural and suburban retards voted for him.

I 100% agree on madagascar being the better choice. You'd have had Rhodesia and South Africa as trading partners, probably would've formed a South African Union, and there wouldn't have been muslims breathing down your necks.

The country also has more natural resources, more easily accessible natural resources on the mainland of Africa, AND a major trade route. A developed Madagascar + south/eastern africa would be a competitive world power today.

You guys actually got the short-end of the stick because you put your religion ahead of sanity.

Shit commander, micro-manager, shit tactics, shit everything. The man was a disaster.

hitler fucked the economy, only a peace in the west with trading agreements could have won the war germany lacked resources. also hitler declared war on the US .. idiot
also he fucked the jews this was abad decision, he could have made an arrangement, like well you control the world more or less, we might kill you all or you help us getting world domination and fuck communism, and get some israel as trade.
would have worked out
worked out for the usa ....

Why are burgers so dense?

Or because the united states and the united kingdom were traitors who came to europe to slaughter their brothers and sisters

Someone's been reading Leon Degrelle...

absolute chad

America was helping allies b4 entering the war. It was bound to happen with or without the japs fucking our poop decks.

There was room for deals immediately following the annexation of France. I'm 100% positive when Germany had the initiative there, that they could've negotiated some way to peace.

But at that point in time Germany was looking pretty fucking successful and future success seemed assured, so I don't think they were pressing too hard on negotiation when they thought they'd clinched Europe and could dictate rather than negotiate.

>Japan had little/no choice in war with the US. Basically the US was using every possible means outside directly declaring war, to hobble the Japanese economy. The attack on pearl harbor was known ahead of time by the US government, they did nothing because it provided a good casus belli for war - it's very likely the US would've declared war on the Japanese eventually, even without pearl harbor.
MORE people should know the facts behind this. the US embargoed japan and all of the resources it was receiving, ALL of the external resources- how long could 1940s japan last while neither sending or receiving supplies? meanwhile the local military stationed in hawaii KNEW that a japanese air attack was going to be launched from a base in the ocean, AND they even sent ships out to stop it- but MIDWAY to the japanese base they received DIRECT orders from the president himself to TURN AROUND and go back to where they had been stationed- coincidentally near the port, only to be blown up like sitting ducks. i cry when i see the pearl harbor memorials- but not because it happened, because it was already on its way to being AVOIDED entirely.
source- richard maybury’s world war 2 book, follow the money folks. i recommend ALL of his books

There it is.

leand lease even prooves that americans had a dog in the fight and were not simply non-interventionist

its what (((they))) want you to think , also they hated cuckssolini .
its not religion its national identity , basically almost none of the people who founded israel or the zionists were religious .we just already had a lost of people already living in israel and having their own paramilitary and pseudo-government because arab bandits kept raiding them and the brits didnt give a shit . so palestine was the obvious choice .

israel also had great relations with both rhodesia and south africa .part of me thinks we should just partially do the madagascar plan and start colonizing some african country like china is doing .

>its what (((they))) want you to think
What do (((you))) want me to think? Source me up senpai



Absolutely false.

Hitler himself chose among the offered plans which one was supposed to be used for the invasion of France which is arguably one the greatest military achievements of the XX century.

After that, Hitler started fucking up(not giving winter gear to his soldier etc.)

Hitler lost the war for several reasons:

1. The allies of Germany where for the most part useless. Italy was not ready for war in 1940 and could not even win against greece in 1941. the only part in the war where The italian army was good and usefull was in North-Africa when the Italians where assisting the german Afrika Korps.other then that the Italian army got BTFO'ed in everything they tried to do. Japan was a worthless ally to. they where on the other side of the globe and they had there own agenda.The only thing Japan could have done to help Germany was to invade the Soviet Union together with Germany.which japan did not do. The only good ally Germany had was Romania. Romania kept the German war machine going with Romanian oil. and Romania used there entire army to invade the Soviet-Union together with Germany Romanian soldiers where known to the Germans as very brave and trustworthy.

2.Declaring war on America was the final nail in the coffin for Germany. The reasons for why Hitler did declare war are not sure.But declaring war on the most economic powerfull and industrialized nation in the world on the same moment while The German attack on The Soviet Union was stopped at the gates of moscow is 1 of the biggest military mistakes in the history of warfare.

3. The cracking of the enigma code also contributed very heavy to the German defeat. Because the enigma code was cracked the Allies could very easy find out what the german army movements would be. and where the Germany army would plan there offensives. an example of this is the Battle of kursk. thanks to the enigma code being cracked. The Soviets knew months in advance where the German offensive was going to be. which allowed them to prepare and eventually defeat the germans at kursk.

There are ofcourse more reasons why germany lost. but the three i just stated are the most important in my opinion

you also wouldn't have muslim terrorism or wars against them

Add to your list
Not developing a naval float in preparation for the brits and changing the artillery of his planes when he needed them cuz fuck listening to my strategists, I AM FUHRER.

its [[[me]]] not (((me)))
(((they))) are goyim senpai .
also checked the digits
he only chose it because people with actual military expertise told him to and he happened to listen . germany had the world's best army and best military command and only lost because adolf became fucking retarded for some reason and started ordering around people he had no business ordering under the circumstances .

we'd literally have world peace, colonies on titan,europa and mercury ,working worldwide fusion power ,quantum computing and orbital habitats by now if it wasnt for his stupidity.

>Mussolini's last words were 'aim for my heart'

he really was a fucking chad

no he was an idiot
he insisted on putting all of Germany's manufacturing power into building stupid things like untested fighter jets (came too late and slowed the production of traditional fighter planes) and the extremely complicated tiger II which even though they were impervious to russian tanks at a distance were built 10x slower than the factory made russian tanks and were too complicated to be fixed on the field so most of them just got abandoned on the field

tldr: Hitler thought he was playing the protoss but he wasn't and Russia zerg rushed everything and won

The use of jets was necessary due to the lack off quality fuel, jet engines will run properly on liquidized coal.

Never, never, listen to anything a dirty kike is saying about Hitler. They still fear him even after all this time and for good reasons.
OP is basically corrrect. Italians can fuck up everything and they will drag you down just to not take the fucking blame.
Dunkirk should also be added, but good faith and hope were at the base of the decision.

>Japan - Pearl Harbor attack
>Be Jap
>Plan to attack USSR
>Get BTFO in minor border skirmishes a few times
>Ok samurai-san we need easier target
>Like USA
Always makes me smile

His biggest fuck up was a blunder in russia his troops were closing in on moscow and instead of continuing he redirected them south to secure the ukraine.

Labelling Hitler as a kike would completely destroy his followers' narrative.
I don't think you actually knew that and pretended to be a normal person.
I just think you're dumb as fuck.

>Romanian soldiers where known to the Germans as very brave and trustworthy.
Especially under Stalingrad desu. We got your flanks bros!

>It's amazing how few people question why Britain and France declared war on Germany for the invasion of Poland, but not on the Soviet Union who ALSO invaded Poland.
It's almost as if secret treaty existed that only guaranteed protection against Germany


Do you know what the Soviet's position was on zionism during the war?
Were the commies working with zionist?