Sup Forums... how do I respond to my girlfriend who doesn’t share my point of view?

Sup Forums... how do I respond to my girlfriend who doesn’t share my point of view?

Lol get rekt nigger

>Starbucks app

>something can't be terrible and funny at the same time

Someone shut this virtue signal bot down

By laughing in her face and breaking up. Just walk out, no words needed, except the aforementioned laugh.


Why are you dating a man

We have no responsibility for other people and have every right to criticize them or make fun of them no matter who tells us otherwise, don't like it? Kill yourself because there is no other option left other than dealing with it, which she obviously can't

that is genuinely fucked up and I hope she fucks a nigger to show you what's what

Why do you think we fucking care about your non-existent girlfriend? Fuck off cunt.

That's sick OP some horses have died don't be an arsehole.

>how do I respond to my girlfriend
don't give a fuck

Isn't Cali home to lots of those shelter cities or whatever the fuck you call them? Respond by ignoring her 'muh feels' and point out that the state has already made it's choice and that choice was not for the rule of law.

You don't. You did it wrong nigger. What you're supposed to do is be the best boyfriend possible and then she must decide you the best boyfriend or Trump.

>women ever being impartial
>women not even being consistent

Don't mention it again until marriage and children. Women are not made for politics. They're made for caring children.


>user asks Sup Forums what to message
Oh boy here we go

>implying Californians are Christian

Just text: "But they're not people, they're liberals. There's a big difference."

by breaking up with her, right before Christmas.

You don't.

Or if you do, you do it after you did everything you wanted to with her in bed, because if you tell her your political views she'll want to break-up anyway.

>blue bubbles

Stop bothering her when she's with her bull.

Sounds like a good way to get accused of rape


>Still has 3d gf


I want yank gf :(

This is the only correct answer but keep this (((slide thread))) in /adv/

its even more funny because they are all atheists

Keep your shit under control, dumb ape.


step 1: build tension with disagreements
step 2: release tension with rough sex
step 3: repeat for several months
step 4: you have redpilled your gf with your dick, she will now get wet at the sound of a right wing opinion

It's clear that she doesn't respect you because she doesn't hold your views. Now whether or not you've been dating for a week or a year, that's up for speculation, but bottom line is that the only way a woman will adopt your views is if she respects you. If she does not respect you then she will have opposing views and will probably cuck you.

OP stop being a manchild, start lifting, improve yourself physically and mentally. Start being assertive and take charge and tell your girlfriend that you're the one in charge of the relationship. Women don't think for themselves. Don't ask your girlfriend "oh hey Ashley, where do you want to go to eat?" Instead say "ashley we are going to eat some Italian food at Mama Mia's"

Just think of the poor redwood trees.. truly saddens me.. there not burning yet are they? Just liberals I hope.

She's right. Stop being a spergy edgelord.

Apologize and tell her you were just kidding.

Another thing, assuming she's a virgin, don't have sex before marriage.

>can't understand black humor
>has the nerve to call you out for it

Why are you dating this bitch?

The digits want answers OP

I assure you that you do not.

The fuck kind of name is that?

Find a better girlfriend, faggot

this feels like a Sup Forums thread
if doubles OP says
>Well m'lady!!! *tips fedora* i must apologize for my behavior, *flips cape* i miss bid thee farewell in this case, i shall return as a supreme gentlemen yes mmm? ;)

If you dont know how she looks like how can you judge?

Don't. When you see her next do ass the mouth. Assert your dominance.

Or just tell he it's a fucking joke and to lighten the fuck up.

Find one that does.

At least don't back down and laugh at her for being so serious about everything. Cuck out and you're pretty much done for.

Break up with her on Christmas Eve.

My girlfriend hates when i talk about politics, but i do it anyways.


Looks like someone's getting coal for Christmas

Hey, start banging Kyle and Jason like this guy. Stop being a fag OP.

"you planning on doing something about it?"
"well no not really"
"then why cant i laugh?"

I saw what you did there...

They started it by trying to get him kicked out of his home and removed from his job, at least since last christmas (before he even moved in)

"lol no Cali libs can get fucked. Speaking of, I'll be around at 7 prep your asshole."

probably sipping on a soy latte

nu/pol/ has arrived

*tips fedora*

Those who have a heart don't share your point of view.


California pays literally all the federal aid in America you rural and suburban retard

I do buddy

>If you don't cuck every time your bossy girlfriend henpecks you for having the wrong opinions, you're a spergy edgelord.

Do you justify this pathetic attitude by telling yourself that you're just being "realistic" and "an adult" and that everyone else is a child?

Your point of view is wrong. You're fucked.

>kikes of hollywood

pick one

If double digits call her a nigger and post results.
Also fuck gook moot and his filtering, this isn’t spam.

This, user.

You want to be in control of this relationship? Dump her ass. Tell her 'sorry, darlin, this just isn't working. Your world view, or lack there of is completely absurd and I can't share my life with someone so simple minded. It's over. Bye." Then you ghost her for 30 days and she'll come back begging and probably hating the jews too.


gonna guess she has had a black bf

I drink black Starbucks coffee every morning before work. Shit is strong


I want a fin gf :DDDDDDDDDD

>how do I respond
christmas? yeah im sure they will be upset they wont make it to christmas mass. lol

It's just in bad taste.
It's one thing to post such a meme about an anti-trump person.... But your fellow americans are losing their homes. They're not all anti-trump, even if most of them are.

You tell her that together you can donate to local families and children that need a better Christmas (i.e. boots, gloves, toys)

lack of basic empathy towards a natural disaster is a sign immaturity. CA is more diverse than you people think. We're a blue state but there are strong conservatives as well as leftist


Pumpkin spice late. Extra soy.

Tall blonde and handsome? Come on over friendo.

Strong conservatives own multiple houses and are out of the burn zone. Leftist faggots like you are poor and winney, and depend on others

>your fellow americans
What era do you think this is? The left and right can no longer coexist; we are in the middle of a civil war, even if it hasn't gone hot for an extended period of time yet. My fellow Americans are those who share my principles. These Californians are not my people. They are my enemy.

>1 post by this ID

nu/pol/ deserves this shit board


You're on the wrong side of history

>being this much of a faggot

It's almost as if the almighty God is reaching down from haven and killing off the unbelievers.
I support this.

This. And I'm a Californian

Get a new one. Do you have the original picture? I'll send it to mine and see the response I get.

He also owns an iPhone, OP is a redditor.

No, it's not too late to fix it. If you support trump, you support the idea that there's a path to unity. (Obviously OP supports trump)

>but muh white people! But muh volk! But much nationalism!

>he doesn't know that black coffee is lower in caffeine than milder blends
muh "black coffee is manly" meme

>being this naive

Time to grow up Christopher.

>If you support trump, you support the idea that there's a path to unity.
No. I support a wall. Path to unity? Seriously go the fuck back to R*ddit, my dude. You seem a little confused about where you are. Your normie sensibilities make you stick out like a sore thumb.
And OP is a troll/shill. This is a bait thread that just happens to have spawned some interesting discussion. Evidently you understand a lot less than you think you do.

Black literally means no cream or sugar you mentally retarded mong. What you are trying to say is "dark roast"

So what if he is? Plenty of us are polgbt

>how do I respond to my girlfriend who doesn’t share my point of view?

She has a vagina and now is the time to make use of it. Slam her hard while she leaks liberal tears.

If she's just about to come, whisper "Think of the puppies and kittens" to send her over the edge.

respond with a smug sam hyde face


Holy shit, no. Speak for yourself, and be sure to choke to death on the next dick you suck.


>Sup Forums is only for edgelord faggot opinions
lol no

Happening fags are always wrong. Trump is actually healing the divide.
Civil war isn't going to happen. Better to work towards the solution, than to work against it.

Sorry soyboy we are here and we are queer.

They're programmed. Just give up.

tell her they are all atheists anyways


I will and I'll love. Maga.