I has political and racial opinions!

>I has political and racial opinions!


Other urls found in this thread:


They can proceed with starving.

t. shill

I like it. THOT BE GONE

Don't give these kikes your shekels

sage in all fields

Have you congratulated yourself yet?

And let's not forget your well-coordinated friends in the MSM

Hubris is a whiny little bitch-boy.

>"More women need to be trad and stay at home moms!"
>"Wait, why are you all telling me to get back in the kitchen? This is why we need feminism!"

The sheer stupidity of these thots is astounding.

( ( ( campaign ) ) )

Fucking whore

>We get called virgins for years
>Finally starting to actually build a movement which has some influence
>Can't have us reaching some of our goals guys, better start attacking every woman in the alt right

Only that is not what they are saying. The problem is posts like this

Really shows on whose side these shills are.

>internet beta alliance
I told you guys that /r9k/ spergs would ruin any progress we made. Cull these idiots

Look at that, a false-flag conspiracy, just as I and many others believed it to be.

You're the only shill here dipshit. The CBIDF is here, tell us all how coal burning is perfectly fine and we're just going to have to shut up and take it if we want womyn to lead this movement!!

You take whatever allies you can get or you fail.


lel, fuck off pleb and take your coalburners with you.

That's the dumbest thing I've read today.


No, these thots pretending to be trad while enriching themselves by using the talking points found on this board is why there is such a backlash. That and the fact that they have established an army of beta male whiteknights that constantly shill for them on here is why there is such a negative reaction towards tradthots. If they would stop attention seeking so much and fuck off then most people wouldn't mind them as much.

I understand why people don't like Lauren Southern even before she was confirmed as a coalburner.

What's so bad about Tara McCarthy? She's an ethnonationalist and not a mudshark as far as I know? Is it just cos she's like 1/16th pooinloo?

>tell us all how coal burning is perfectly fine
It isn't. You deal in disingenous arguments

Stop whining about "muh purity" and become realistic. If you want to actually have some success, you will have to start small. How is driving pretty much every woman away ever going to help us?



The only backlash is against you.

This Canadian is one of them. He is in all of these threads, always switching the topic to coalburning no matter what.


If their audience dried up and they wern't getting anymore beta bux donations, does anyone think they'd still keep posting vlogs?
Of course not.

Are you defending a coal burner?
The argument is completely valid, fuck off and take your e-celeb shit with you. They have no place on Sup Forums.

Well for one, she's not white. And her attempt at feminist tone policing was unappreciated. And then when she got smacked down for trying to tone police a male space, she began to put and pulled her social media down and ran away crying. Typical basic bitch nonsense.


How is having a bunch of dumb whores peddles washed up talking points from Sup Forums helping us again?
>They totally are redpilling normies Bro!!
No, no they fucking aren't and you're braindead if you think so.

bald racetraitor cunt

Yeah, I'd bet you'd love it if they fucked off and stopped ever making pro-white content.

She's an egotistical maniac who is threatening to discontinue her pro-white activism unless she stops receiving ANY criticism from the right wing. She's clearly very unstable and emotional, has an overinflated view of her worth to far right politics, and it also calls into question her convictions in the first place because who the fuck would abandon their people over some twitter banter?

>Every Canadian is a shill!

Looks like we've stumbled upon another beta male whiteknight. When did I even mention coalburning? They won't fuck you if you keep shilling for them, bud.

And usually two Americans are always present with the leaf too. There is also a third one, a Brit usually hiding behind a trollflag.

If the mainstream media doesn't like someone, we should like them?
What sort of pathetic reasoning is that? You understand that by merely basing your opinion on what they say, you are giving them power OVER you.

>TFW you really do want roasties and opportunistic coal burners out of your male hobbies and off the internet more than you want to spread traditionalism to the point where you don't even care if it's a trick or mind if the left wins this one.

>Calling someone who is 1/16th Indian "not hu-wite"
I dare you to post a pic of your skin. We will see who is more white

We hate thots and e-celebs. Most of Sup Forums doesn't hate white women, hell, most white women don't like niggers to begin with.

I'd like it if they stopped being shilled here daily and getting more attention than they deserve.

Hey Sup Forums, we need to BAN these tradthots that reurgitate our opinions from the alt-right movement! Women shouldn't be in politics, also they should go back to the kitchen and make me sammich! I fucking hate women, don't we all folks!

I'm not doing shit for you, roast beef. Tara McCarhty is not white. You can scream and shout about until you're blue in the face, but she will never be a white woman.

Kind of obvious that the only people still harking on about this are shills.

You're so fucking dumb if you think the frustration this board has for this e-shit stems from 5 people. Fuck off, the more you shill for these basic bitch e commentators, the more the board resents them. Maybe you and your beta friends shouldn't have shilled them here 24/7 before this entire ordeal.


Unironically this. Please more. Our movement is comprised of 94% males who are biologically designed to get infiltrated and destroyed by women let them purge themselves.

She's like, what? 90% white? Looks pretty huwite to me.

He "leave wimyn alown!" stuff was probably dumb, I'm wondering why were people on our side going after her in the first place? If it's literally just because she's very slightly mixed race then that's retarded.

You absolute idiot. No one, I repeat no one is saying these people are 100% redpilled. But's at least a step in the good direction. We're running out of time, and you think you can make the people just go full 1488 in a single day.
This is the problem with a lot of anons here, their goals are clear but they can't figure out a realistic way to get to them. So they waist their time attacking their own movement until it collapses.


clearly, any opposition to this is
>don't read wikileaks because the Russians want you too

OP here.
Not a shill, if I was I wouldn't be so poor.
Thought the video was hilarious so I decided to shitpost it.

>i'm big on loyalty
>can you LITERALLY believe people distrust someone who held the opposite views 2 years ago

This, never liked these ''''''''''''/ourgirls/'''''''''''''''' and I never will. A women cannot comprehend feelings of brotherhood, culture, and country.

It's obviously ironic

>She is not white because muh 0,000001drop rule
>t. 54%-er
Idiots like you are the reason you're unable to do anything about your country going down the drain.

I hate them if I ever learn that they were women on the internet when I did not have to learn that fact. I politely tolerate them if they had to expose that they were women for some reason.

>You absolute idiot
Here is a pic of the average beta view of LS and the like. They aren't redpilling shit, they aren't attracting the right type of people, they aren't smart and don't even know how to argue their own "viewpoints", they rely on men still while sucking up views and money from prospective donors, etc, etc. You're the one who's delusional.

Who cares what the reason was, if anything? Since when do women need a reason to misbehave other than lack of discipline? These thots are undisciplined, loud mouth roasties. She thought she could tone police and her beta orbiters would protect her, but her beta orbit was too weak. These thots can't handle the banter anyway. Just one more reason they should be drummed out.

>People changing their views and becoming more red pilled should be treated like scum
>Because this will make people want to join us

>He thinks people will want to join us because he white knights for trashy sluts on the internet.

Pay attention to their posts, they are easily recognizeable. Every thread they use the same non arguments

>join us
not running for office, not selling a product
fuck off

tradthots must go!

>claims to be pro white
>0 children

That's how you know you're getting scammed.

You're trying way too hard, Dutch faggot.

It's not just the "thot wars".

There was a major operation on most e-celebs crap. But, it's almost over.

All this thread saying "hey guys, look at this" are just buthurt trolls trying to fan the flames of something that it's caput.

If Tara is out of the game, then the game wasn't for she.


Yea, right. They act exactly like /r9k/ retards. Good job alienating automatically 50% of the white population.
Don't complain about "muh white genocide!" when you can't be smart enough to understand that you are only damaging right wing politics with this shit just bacuse you can have some lulz.

You have to admire what a fucking cliche' it was for her to come out with the whole "Change everything about your movement or I'm leaving!" She expected it would go like a romcom, where we all followed her out to her car going "Tara don't go!"

>I'm wondering why were people on our side going after her in the first place?
Where have you been for the last few years? Our side has ALWAYS attacked our own. Infinity/pol/ doxed the TRS guys. Sup Forums constantly attacks Spencer, Jared Taylor, etc. There have always been people on the far right who attack the outspoken far right people. The difference is when men get attacked they generally don't give a fuck, Mike Enoch literally jokes around about geting doxed on TDS all the time and Spencer said on a podcast "if people aren't calling you a CIA plant you're not making any progress". They just don't care. These women are acting like this is something new. The reality is they just need to toughen the fuck up.

"Good goy"

I'm like a 4th jewish and I look infinitely more white/roman than her.

Instead of ignoring people you don't like let's cause internal strife and fracture the group into ever smaller pieces.

Truly a smart move and not something being injected to dismantle the movement.

Oy vey!

>You're the one who's delusional.
No just realistic. You want to create a movement entirely made of 100% white, smart, successfull, wealthy people from scratch?

> they aren't smart and don't even know how to argue their own "viewpoints",
We need women to attract women. They don't need to be smart, just popular. Do you think it's the smart women all the girls want to emulate?
Think of modern pop stars. They have an insane amount of influence, and it sure as hell isn't because of their IQ.

If they don't belong here, I don't want them here. This is how cool shit gets co-opted and civilized.

That's not the problem. The problem is these THOTs counter-signaling.
They need to be called out on their bullshit.

Who the fuck is we, weednigger? Maybe you don't belong here either.

legit this
I just want to shitpost with you guys on Sup Forums but reddit just had to take the MSM bait and fuck up the board

>only shills reject coalburners

Ah the good old "there is no we" argument.
Can you explain how losing public faces left and right helps right wingers in general? I assume you are a right winger since you have a national socialist flag

I'm not white knighting you idiot. I just want to work with what I have.

Fine, have it your way. You might as well give up.

not an argument
I'm not here because I am so fond of LS, Tara etc. I barely watch YT to begin with. I just get tired of idiots here on Sup Forums who think that by posting stuff on some obscure Mongolian throat singing board they can actually change the world

>"Good goy, yeh, attack these women. In fact, why don't you go full MGTOW? Why have white kids, uh i mean kids anyway?"

>mfw when Sup Forums falls for a lefty shill campaign to divide men and women

Fuck off reddit


We do.
Our main strength has always been that we have no figurehead/leader. Why should we start now, especially with a coalburner?
>Become realistic
The vast majority of white women haven't burned the coal, mate. We're not setting up unrealistic standards.

pic related, I oughta know what I meant

I'm no MGTOW retard but I'm not gonna ignore hypocritical women who virgins put on a pedestal for parroting entry-level bullshit.

>"There is no we"
And this is why people like you never have any success. It takes nothing to get you to attack people who at the very least are somewhat sympathic to your cause.

I'm talking about our countries, not Sup Forums, you idiot. Or are you fine with your country being overrun by savages as long as they don't come on your board?

>mfw Sup Forums is legit falling for a coordinated effort to wedge men and women in the right - at the direction of non-White Roosh and two anti-White Twitter fags

You should stop being a cuck. We don't need women in prominent positions in this space. This is just a crypto-feminist marketing point. This is a cycle many of us have already seen over and over again. Women get their foot in the door with the "hey, what are you guys doing? Maybe I can help because vagina!" pitch, and then once through the door they sow division and factionalize. And heres' the thing, you betamax. The beta orbiters that these thots gather are worse than the thots themselves. I'm not nearly as displeased with these dumb bitches for being dumb bitches, they're roasties, that's what they do, what really makes me sick is the white knights they call forth from their beta orbits. You are insufferable cucks and male space destroyers.

>You want to create a movement entirely made of 100% white, smart, successfull, wealthy people from scratch?
You're right, we should accept all the WN 1.0 and BASED brown people, and who cares if a woman happens to prefer fucking niggers? You've shown me the light toothpaste, thank you. It's late there, go to bed.

MFW reddit is trying to change the culture on Sup Forums because they need a new hugbox


Presentable, well-spoken, friendly representatives, both men and women, are going to make previously unthinkable right wing ideas mainstream, and push the pendulum back so far to the right that it breaks off the end. Leftist narratives will be permanently dismantled. These people are they key to growing beyond the internet and forming a massive culture & voting bloc in real life. And reaching women, because women listen to other women, and they make up 50% of the electorate, and our race. And all of these non-degenerate women will provide a much needed dating & marriage pool for right wing men, who can find compatible mates and raise large nationalist families, without the risk of dating a modern / leftist woman and the inevitable disagreements & screaming matches over how to raise the kids, eventually resulting in divorce.

+95% of the people opposing this are not on our side at all, but rather are paid soros shills who are posing as right wingers to sabotage us - because they understand the power of this new strategy and they're terrified at how fast we're growing.

A tiny, sad handful of dim right wingers are unwittingly helping the shills by following them in their false flag attacks on right wing women who are doing gods work. If they aren't shills they might as well be.

>I'm not here because I am so fond of LS, Tara etc. I barely watch YT to begin with
Sounds like you don't really know what the fuck you're talking about, huh?

And how the fuck do you think you're going to change women, frog? Because they're not going to do anything because someone on Sup Forums posted something. You need to have women to change women's behaviour, make arguments (or whatever you want) that speak to them.

>jordan peterson


>muh womyn's opinions mattering