Im a race realist

>Im a race realist

Enlighten us on the correct position to take on races, Hans

more than that i dont give a fuck about race. but when its the axis of the policies that are ruining the world and we have to constantly fight it, then you should start being proficient in fighting it.

>not an argument

>implying only neo-Nazi retards care about race

>ich bin deutscher

Black > wh*Te
That's all you need to know.

>Racemixing is bad

>I am a race denialist

>Racemixing is good

why are g*rmans the worst Europeans?

ah yes, the faces of america

preganent trout

Oh yeah the EU sure does care

>Race is only skin deep what's the big deal

i expect a lot of replies to this post, have one for free

Quintessentially British opinion you've got there old chap.

>Not an argument
Don't forget to sage.

pepik, say, are you retarded or fresh from reddit?


>a lot of replies
>to an obvious truth
Krecik pls