So I decided to visit the Pizzagate Voat. Amused with what I saw, I started making rebuttals to the “evidence” that the masterpost/quick rundown presented. Good luck refuting these counter-arguments, conspiracyfags.

>Listed first on Comet’s website under “friends of comet” is the band Heavy Breathing, which performs at Comet. Heavy Breathing leader “Majestic Ape” wears a ski mask and sunglasses, and uses a voice modulator, hiding his or her identity. Majestic Ape joked about pedophile Jared Fogle and said “we all have our preferences, hee hee hee”, bringing laughter from the audience. In another video, Majestic Ape talks about killing a baby. Majestic Ape also referenced pedophilia in a caption on a music video. Heavy Breathing’s website features art involving both children and sex.

So, uh is GWAR also grounds for suspicion? The Bad Luck 13 Riot Extravaganza? GG Allin? The Mentors? Deathspell Omega? Ghost? Is any sort of band that uses masks and pseudonyms and references malicious behavior towards children in their act now grounds for suspicion?

>An employee of Comet posted many images portraying pizza in a sexual way., further fueling our suspicion they are using “pizza” as it is commonly used by pedophiles: a symbol and codeword for sex with minors. Another example.

Neither of these examples portray pizza in a sexual way involving children, though.

>An admitted pedophile on a dark-web pedophile forum acknowledged a trend of pedophiles using pizza parlors as fronts for child sex trafficking.

“He said it on the Dark Web, it must be true!”

Other urls found in this thread:

>Alefantis posted a photo of a child taped to a ping pong table.

So? Parents make jokes about duct-taping their kids all the time.

>and one of “spirit-cooking” queen Marina Abramovic.

So, an edgy performance artist doing the kind of shit art fags go ga-ga over?

>Comet had a painting of a man playing ping pong, to which graffiti had been added to show him ejaculating on the table and wearing a Satanic upside-down cross.

Graffiti dongs! Surely these are the results of secret pedo rings and not bored teenagers!

>Comet had murals of people with heads cut off, and the artist who painted the murals also painted adults decapitating children.

The winner for my high school’s senior year art fair was a painting of baby doll parts hung up from a rack like animal parts by some vegan chick. Was there an organized pedo ring going on at my high school too?

>John Podesta received en email suggesting that Hastert should vanish to an undisclosed Japanese island after the news of Hastert’s pedophilia broke.

The story was more about Hastert’s financial impropriety rather than his sexual misdeeds. And given how the sender works at Goldman Sachs, there’s a strong chance that it was cash-related rather than sex-related.

>John Podesta received an email from Tam Luzzatto saying that children of ages 11, 9, and 7 will be “in the pool for further entertainment” and stating that the children “will definitely be in that pool”.

AKA, “keep those little shits busy so they don’t annoy everyone else”

it's real, and you posting here like a faggot repeating that it's not proves it. Fuck you Shlomo.

>In another email, Podesta was told that he left behind a black-and-white handkerchief “with a map that seems pizza-related”. A handkerchief with a “pizza-related” map? What the…? Note that in the gay community, handkerchiefs are sometimes used as code for sexual preferences. It is possible that others have adopted this code as well. Black symbolizes bdsm/domination in this code; some have suggested that white could symbolize pedophilia, due to the association of white with innocence and purity. Furthermore, as discussed previously, “cheese pizza” is a common code phrase meaning “child pornography,” so “pizza” could be an adaptation of that.

So in other words, speculation and conjecture, no solid proof. Do we even know if Podesta is gay?

>In another suspiciously cryptic email, a friend complained that Podesta had changed “strategies that have long been in place” and remarked that Podesta sent him “cheese” instead of “pasta,” asking if Podesta thought he would do better “playing dominoes on cheese than on pasta”. Why would Podesta regularly send this person pasta, why would there need to be a strategy long in place for doing so, and who plays dominoes on cheese or pasta?

The message is coming from the charity, the Sandler Foundation. Again, leads me more to suspect financial foul play, not sexual.

>Tony Podesta sent John Podesta an email titled “Last night was fun.” The email read simply “still in the torture chamber”. One could argue this could have been a metaphor

And it probably is.

>but consider it in light of the fact that Tony Podesta collects art by Biljana Djurdjevic, which references or depicts extreme physical and sexual abuse of children.

I looked up his art and no, it doesn’t reference or depict that at all. Instead it focuses on unnerving, “uncanny valley”-style portraits that cover a large variety of age groups.

>He also collects photos of naked teenagers

The linked article just says he has photos by an artist who, upon doing my research, doesn’t seem to have taken any portraits of naked teenagers. Also, it’s a WaPo article. Why would we take them seriously again?

>and he has a taste for art portraying cannibalism and murder,

You mean the same stuff I scribbled on the edges of my notes in high school?

>such as his headless Arch of Hysteria statue which seems to reproduce one of Jeffrey Dahmer’s decapitated victims.

Except that’s not what it’s depicting at all, I googled it and yeah, it’s actually about hysteria just like it says it is.

>John Podesta also likes artwork portraying cannibalism, such as this piece is in his office.

Is there any evidence that that painting is portraying cannibalism? Who painted it? What’s its name? How do we know that’s not surgery?

>James Alefantis himself was deemed one of the 50 most powerful people of Washington D.C by GQ magazine.

That sounds fishy! How does a pizza parlor owner get so much power? Given how money and power intersect, that suggests to me that Alefantis is doing some shady bookwork. Alternatively, Comet Pizza could be successful and a pillar of the community, giving him a good deal of local influence.

>He was the romantic partner of David Brock. David Brock is the Chief of Media Matters, a major instrument of the Democratic Party. Brock is also the founder of Correct the Record, a Super PAC that supported the Clinton campaign.

That too, though “was” is an interesting word choice? Are they no longer together?

>James Alefantis is seen with Tony Podesta here and here. An email from Alefantis to Tony Podesta, which Tony Podesta forwarded to John Podesta had an attached file which was an image of Hillary’s Logo with a pizza slice in it, above a Comet logo. Alefantis also made desserts for a Clinton campaign event. (Notice another photo with Alefantis and Tony Podesta together, and that Alefantis visited the White House on at least five occasions.) Clinton personally thanked Alefantis for cooking for one of her fundraisers. Comet received payments of over $20k from American Bridge 21st Century PAC, a primary funder of which is billionaire Clinton-backer George Soros. Payments can be seen here, here, and here.

Maybe he makes good pizza. Has anyone tried it? Or, you know, he could be moving around a lot of dirty money for the DNC. There’s nothing that suggests that isn’t the case.

>Bill Clinton is known to have flown multiple times on the “Lolita Express” of disgraced billionaire pedophile Jeffery Epstein to visit Epstein’s private “pedophile island,” Little St. James. Hillary Clinton also joined him on occasion. Bill Clinton even ditched the Secret Service to make these trips Interestingly, Jeffrey Epstein claimed to be a co-founder of the Clinton Foundation.

And that connects to Alefantis how?

>Hillary Clinton was sent email updates on the prosecution of Laura Silsby, who was caught trafficking children in Haiti. Laura Silsby was got off the hook by Jorge Puello, who was later convicted of sex trafficking, and was wanted on charges of sex trafficking in four countries.

Was Silsby trafficking the children for sexual purposes?

haha your damage control is showing. Take it easy, you obvious kike lmao

>Izette Folger, a close friend of James Alefantis, gave a statement in support of Silsby. Folger is the daughter of Michael Maccoby, who coaches leaders of Nuestros Pequeños Hermanos, or NPH, a large organization that runs orphanages all over the world. His son, Max Maccoby, is on the Boards of Directors of an NPH orphanage called Friends of the Orphans, which is one of 760 orphanages operating in Haiti, and happens to be the orphanage from which Silsby was caught trafficking children.

That just further suggests Silsby wasn’t partaking in CSA. More realistically, she was probably trying to get “muh beautiful black babies” to the USA as refugees or some shit

>Max Maccoby gave an emphatic and lengthy statement of support for Comet during a contentious neighborhood commission meeting.

So in other words, sticking up for a family friend. Makes sense.

>Frank Giustra owner of the Radcliffe Foundation is on the board of directors for the Clinton Foundation, and is a major Clinton Foundation donor. The logo of Elpida Home, a refugee center founded by the Radcliffe Foundation, happens to be almost identical to the pedophile boylover symbol.

Where’s the Alefantis connection?

>A purported FBI leaker posted claims on Sup Forums’s “Sup Forums,” an anonymous political forum. Admittedly, the forum he chose is not exactly reputable.

That’s the understatement of the century, lol.

>However, this fits with his claim that he wanted to surround himself with noise in order to prevent his FBI superiors from detecting him, and it fits because he knew many in that anti-Clinton audience would take him seriously and investigate, employing what the forum’s users call “weaponized autism.”


>The alleged leaker’s central claim was that the NYPD and FBI had discovered immensely scandalous information about Hillary Clinton through Anthony Weiner’s laptop, but the FBI is not yet acting on the information for reasons we will not discuss here. For our purposes, the relevant allegation is this: The purported leaker alleged that the Clinton Foundation is a front for human trafficking, including child sex trafficking.

So why hasn’t the FBI or the NYPD done anything yet? What’s stopping them? Trump would love to bring the whole thing down, so why isn’t he?

>He told us, “Dig deep and you will find it. It’s sickening.” Well, we’ve been digging, and we seem to be finding it.

Given the questions and counter-possibilities I’ve proposed, that’s pretty debatable.

>The same establishment elites who try to control politics also control the mainstream media (this includes Fox News). They do not want corruption of this magnitude to be exposed.

Why? Are they involved in this?

>As soon as word of Pizzagate went viral, the mainstream media began a coverup campaign. They began denouncing the allegations as “false,” “hoax,” and “fake news,” without directly addressing the evidence.

Because honestly, all of this evidence is circumstantial at best. There’s no way any attorney could get a conviction based on this sort of thing. You don’t even have a victim, so there’s no evidence anyone’s been molested at all.

>Prima facie, the media have no basis for labeling an ongoing investigation, which is entirely rooted in real evidence, as “fake news.” In fact, Pizzagate is not an allegation of a specific, individual crime (e.g. the abuse of a specific child on a specific day and time). Rather, it is an investigation into the possibility of certain individuals being involved in certain kinds of criminal activity.

That’s not what pizzagate investigators or people ITT seem to think. They think it’s undeniable that Podesta and friends are guilty.

SAGE, is a lovely spice.

Nice copy pasta, asscloud.

>Therefore, labeling Pizzagate “false/hoax/fake” is patently absurd and dishonest, especially considering the media’s refusal to address the evidence directly.

How about “unsubstantiated”? That strikes me as pretty accurate.

>The Washington D.C. Metro Police Department claimed it investigated Pizzagate and concluded the allegations are false. However, a response to an FOIA request demonstrated that no investigation was conducted. Therefore, the position of the DC Metro Police must be based on (1) the dishonest media coverage of Pizzagate, (2) willful complicity in the coverup, or (3) some combination of both.

Or, you know, they’re just lazy as shit.

>Reddit CEO Steve Huffman banned the Pizzagate research community from Reddit on bogus grounds, accusing us of engaging in a “witch hunt,” even though we only used publicly-available information, and never called for vigilantism or harrassment of any kind.

You’re basically going into this investigation motivated by a preconceived conclusion. That’s almost definitely a witch hunt.

>While we understand Reddit may have had legitimate concerns of legal action, there is plenty of reason and evidence to believe the decision was politically motivated.

…like what?

>Bot accounts denying Pizzagate have been discovered on Twitter

Ignoring how both links here are broken, bots exist for everything.

>Twitter has also been suspending accounts of users who discuss Pizzagate, and censoring #Pizzagate from its list of most tweeted hashtags.

Well yeah, public amateur investigations are legally dubious and not a good look for potential users. It’s not good business to make something like that public, especially if it goes south.

>Facebook has plans to censor what it deems “fake news.”

You mean Macedonian shitposters trying to make adbux.

>An Immigration and Customs Enforcement sting operation called “Project Flicker” caught 5,200 people purchasing child pornography. Of these, at least 264 were Pentagon employees or Pentagon contractors. Some of them had security clearances at the top-secret level or higher.

How is this related to Comet Pizza?

>There was a 1994 Discovery Channel Documentary that covered pedophilia rampant in our government, but it was banned and never aired.

Because the claims made were legally actionable and the Discovery Channel would have been sued into oblivion for accusing people who were let off by a grand jury of being sex traffickers.

>Washington Post reported that sex slavery is a big problem in D.C.


>The largest pedophile ring ever discovered was exposed by the FBI coincidentally after Anthony Weiner’s laptop was taken.

So why wasn’t Weiner considered to be a part of it? Also, why would they act so quickly without gathering evidence first, unless this was a separate investigation?

>Another pedophile ring exposed in Norway.

Not even trying to connect it to comet pizza anymore?

>Some historical precedents include Margaret Thatcher’s coverup of VIP pedophilia in the UK

Never proven, only people who support the theory despised Thatcher and her government and her legitimate right-wing agenda so it’s all very sketchy. For fucks’s sake, they tried to claim Enoch Powell was a diddler.

>the Dutroux Affair of Belgium

Never any convictions, Dutroux was found to be a liar

>and the Savile scandal in the UK.

Which was one guy, not some organized pedo mafia.

lmao you're not even going to try and rebut me? Could it be that you can't prove pizzagate is real at all?

Get some sleep James.

SAGE in all fields

enjoy being a fucking shill/le pedo OP.


Go debate them on Voat and have your ass handed to you faggot. Sup Forums is the place of mememagic and summoning KEK to destroy your cults. We are aware you exit and have been for years. Your time comes soon fuckers.

Stop sliding threads with bullshit you mentally ill fuck

sage this fucking blog, this shill keeps spamming even though absolutely nobody is replying, what a faggot. Fucking copypasta.

wtf are you talking about? Are you OP samefagging?

Go take your pills man they'll make you feel better

How am I fucking samefagging? I'm from This nigger glow in the dark OP can go fucking suck baphomets thorned cock and die.

sage in all fields

Have you considered debating mememagic and KEK over on /x/?

So you're making a pro-pizzawhateverthefuckyoucallit thread then when it archives you make an anti-one?

I hope you're just (You) farming and not legit mentally ill

>So, uh is GWAR also grounds for suspicion? The Bad Luck 13 Riot Extravaganza? GG Allin? The Mentors? Deathspell Omega? Ghost? Is any sort of band that uses masks and pseudonyms and references malicious behavior towards children in their act now grounds for suspicion?
Yeah, actually. They've all taken part in these behaviors, especially GWAR. GG Allin did everything. I have no doubts he fucked children. Probably killed them too.
You're far too entranced by your heroes. I've spent time around the music industry and I remember the more shocking things that I am told or have overheard.
Keep believing your own bullshit. We've been trying to tell you about this shit for a long time. Hollywood is totally rotten and they reach their tentacles into every aspect of entertainment here in the west. Your "counterculture" was cultivated by the same people that created the "mainstream". Your heroes are dancing puppets strung up by their own crimes.

Schizophrenics never stick to their own containment board.

g00k should make a rule where its an offense to LARP outside of /x/ and Sup Forums even ironically.

This shit is so glow in the dark it's like a Snoop Dog on a hockey team.

>Yeah, actually. They've all taken part in these behaviors, especially GWAR.

Can you prove this?

>I've spent time around the music industry and I remember the more shocking things that I am told or have overheard.

So? Let's hear some shit.

Funny you mention GWAR. The video of heavy breathing that most ppl say is at comet ping pong (where they mention Jared from Subway)...That's NOT took place at a club 10mins away called Tropicalia...owned by....the guitar player from GWAR.

Which one? Pustulus or Balsac?

i prefer CILANTRO

Anti-pizzagate shills just won't shut the fuck up. It's telling. They keep pizzagate alive in the public awareness. I wonder what keeps them posting...?

If you want to know who is guilty just read any recent pizzagate debunk msm article. The people they know were clean are named in the people that have dirt are referenced. Example Hillary and one of her campaign workers. I’m sorry but she has no direct pizza gate deal but the unnamed campaign guy a.k.a. Podesta, there is the fire

DHS Blue Campaign:

Ben Swann:

I'm just in it because shit like cracks me up, I can't really speak for the other guys.

What does the Blue campaign have anything to do with this?


just post with your phone user, nothing more

fuck them, it took him no time to make a new thread, and it took him no time to finish his copypizza so...
as some other guy was sayin yes, the hunting-fishing place is next door to the pingpong place, it´s officially owned by the same dude and this horrid fellow said in an interview that one does have a basement.
so maybe when he said about the tomatos he was talking about that one because its "theirs" as in his companies, so not technically lying in either of the three statements but still existing. anyway why would he have such compartmentalized restaurants when he was in the clear? he was just saying the truth without going into much detail.

Pizzagate is fundamentally about child trafficking.

It doesn’t, that’s an IC asset who lurks all trafficking related threads

So then where are these trafficked children? Has anyone found one? Has one of them come forward?

OP is a nigger pedo

I can't speak for the DC area, but it's a menace in my home state.

Keep being salty.

Fucking shill.


well the theory is that Elefantis feeds all of the children to pigs. Yes He actually owns a pig farm and it is a well known thing that pigs get rid of bodies very easily this way, bones and all.

what about the guy who was able to hack into the pizzagate server before they changed their website and see Child Pornography on the older Comet Pizza website?

Just like a 1000 years ago when the term Blood Libel was coined.
Nothing to see here, surely everything is coincidence.

Pizza gate by definition is blood libel. Look it up, then ask why we keep assuming the Jews drink babies blood. Obviously we are just anti semetic


sage thread




KEK is at full power lads

user this was probably disinfo, the guys that did this gave a really weird story about breaking into pizza gate and the evidence he gave us was very easy to photoshop because no one can technically view it, hence unverifiable. Im not saying it isnt real, just likely that it isnt, honestly wouldn't be surprised if it was real.

>I can't speak for the DC area, but it's a menace in my home state.

It sounds more like the typical child trafficking though, like pimps just bringing in eastern european/central american/southeast asian whores of varying age. None of that connects to any of the batshit nonsensical claims about satanic ritual abuse going on in the (possibly nonexistent) basement of a DC pizzeria.


Oh for fucks sake
>missing children
>"how do you know they're missing? Find them and show me they're missing"


yes but it's at least witness testimony. Probably the only solid evidence there is. Are we referring to the same person?


Can this be proven, or is it just more conjecture?

Can his story be verified in any way?

Sure you are. It's just nonstop lulz for over a year. Sounds legit.

well i dont have the info, nor do i know where to find it but i have seen it before, im sure someone on here has it, if so please post the info.

Again: Truck stops, hotels, street corners, and clubs aren't exactly the same as urban DC pizzerias.

CHECKED and fucking KEKED

you can talk to him personally and you and him can call up the police station together if that's possible, he is willing to talk to anyone. Note that the youtube video I linked is a reporter and not the actual hacker but the hacker's twitter is revealed in the interview.

The DHS ad opens with a pizzeria

by any chance have you seen the voice correlation video? its not solid proof but its pretty damning to say the least.

Why does the term Blood Libel even exist?

Care to explain how a global child killing, sex trafficking occult cabal that runs the fucking planet is NOT POLITICALLY RELEVANT YOU FUCKING FAGGOT!?!?!?!?!





Do you put this much work into everything you think is outrageous bullshit?

>the Pizzagate Voat
oh cringe you do realize that was only good for about a month in the very beginning, then (((they))) swarmed in and subverted the shit out of it with slide threads. At this point Voat/pizzagate is a containment field for anti pizzagate kikes and shills. Only a fool would unironically go there to investigate.

thanks for giving me another thread to post this image in though

ya think your hot shit dontcha!

The ones who aren’t coerced are throwaways. Drugged out and generally too much of a mess to ever pose any danger.

No one is upset, unless you are.


Do you not find meltdowns like amusing?

Many are produced internally and groomed to succeed their abusers.

The entire world knows that blackmail and dirt is what makes politics work the way it does. The only reason to doubt that was there was no way every elite and politian has dirt to be blackmailed with. The Franklin scandal and pizza gate make the theory of blackmail more believable.
Also """""""'Blood Libel'""""""" shills avoid this term when asked about it.


2 weeks ago we had a TripFag proxyanon that came on and tried to disclose some of the information about his shilling tactics and employer. MODS QUICKLY DELETED ALL THE THREADS HE MADE. A SHILLMOD DID NOT WANT THIS INFORMATION GETTING OUT.

They can post from ANY country they'd like. They are PAID SHILLS working for the fucking PEDO ELITE. IDENTIFY AND OSTRACIZE THEM IMMEDIATELY.



But the woman being trafficked is on a street corner outside the pizzeria. And, again, if the DHS is aware of this, why aren't they doing anything about it? Why isn't Alefantis in jail?

Quick rundown?

>Care to explain how a global child killing, sex trafficking occult cabal that runs the fucking planet is NOT POLITICALLY RELEVANT YOU FUCKING FAGGOT!?!?!?!?!

Because no one can make a good argument that this cabal even exists.

No. And your claimed amusement doesn't smell very authentic. When shills do shill, they do it with just this sort of social-ridicule fake-amusement. So the odds of your being not a shill aren't terribly great.
And the day is coming. Justice is coming. If you are a bot, you are being unplugged. If you are a shill, it will be much worse. Sooner, or later, justice will come.

Can't tell if op is being sarcastic or the dumbest mother fucker that walks the earth.

I imagine DC is a sensitive topic, but they're being rolled up elsewhere.

>James Alefantis Rothchild

What's amusing is you fucking cunts shitposting every fucking day thinking you're going to somehow magically slide the HATRED of the chans for the pedoelite. Not happenin.

Neck yourself you fucking shill.

>Because no one can make a good argument that this cabal even exists.
Stop lying.
Simply the fact that you are actively "fighting pizzagate" one year later, and that others all over the internet are doing the same, is a powerful argument. THIS IS WHY PROPAGANDA FAILS. You stupid stupid people. Keep yelling about pizzagate, then get hung. Pedo shills.

Hey, John.
Getting nervous?

You lie more than a Jew. A large number are taken from the street or from places like orphanages.


The problem with Pizzagate was it's a lot of apparently suspicious things but with no solid evidence, so we had Sup Forums saying conjecture+conjecture+conjecture=certainty when the truth is conjecture+conjecture+conjecture=conjecture. I tried explaining this to people when it was all going down and this board is so full of idiots it's like they were purposefully refusing to understand.

Only the causes I think will get me (you)s.

Over half the stuff in that infographic has been debunked in my posts. Why not respond to the debunkings?

Fuck off John

Have you clicked on a single infographic in this fucking thread shill? How about the (((LOLITA EXPRESS))) you fucking faggot. Why in the FUCK did Bill Clinton travel with a KNOWN sex trafficker and pedophile 20+ fucking times on his private plane?

CARE TO EXPLAIN THAT SHILL? Why has the FUCKING VATICAN been roasted COUNTLESS times raping children?

HAVE YOU WATCHED (((AN OPEN SECRET)))? Why are Hollywoods most powerful elite RAPING CHILDREN and STILL directing movies in Hollywood? Care to EXPLAIN ANY OF THAT YOU FUCKING SHILL?

What are the implications that pizzagate has been discussed for 1000 years?

well there is a video in a dark room with a weird light, and a voice from a man who is verbally abusing a little girl. Its extremely disturbing, someone took a clip of john podesta talking and kept playing it next to the male voice and it sounds very similar. Im not particulary sure where the video was obtained but you can tell that there is real abuse going on in the video.

Friendly reminder

Pizzagate = fake news cover up of pedogate and the podesta email leaks and the dnc leaks

Pedogate= the whole enchilada spawned from the Podesta Email leaks (which you retard dems are STILL crying muh russia over) and spirit cooking(was swept under the rug and ignored)

Nothing here was debunked dont get gaslit and slid by kike shills

Dont forget how King Nigger was found out to be involved with spiritcooking and pedophilia.

>actively "fighting pizzagate" one year later
seems like they try too hard to convince us we´re wasting our time, like he gives a shit, still wastes his time on debunking "stupid conspiracy" for stupid people
>the lady doth protest much,,,, toooo much

Here comes the antisemitism. For shame.

I don’t speak Hebrew. Take your pilpul somewhere else

You are confused about where certainty enters an investigation.
All pizzagate ever asked was legitimate investigation of obvious fuckery by sincere law enforcement. The burden of proof on pizzagate was light. The whole game has been to make it seem much greater than it is.

Shills do not like this term. Yet it supports their stance? Hmmmmmm or does it. Seems like it is relevant

Your debunking is LITERAL conjecture you fucking idiot. LITERAL shill tactics. That's your definition of "DEBUNKING" fucking pedo fuck.

Kill yourself.

The 'solid evidence' shill is in an of course it's a mind poisoned bong whose been watching a necropedohile on telly for years.
Fuck off bong. You're compromised forever, all of you.