Hey why do nobody jokes about us?


>almost all of former yugoslavia

>Hungary jokes about Scotland

Nobody does this, maybe 40 years ago. Stfu and go back to Re ddit

Im surprised only Hungary jokes about us Scots

But Belgium is coun...
actually nvm, no one does, sorry

We joke about you a lot, but we make fun of Germans more often


>Hungarians joke about the Scottish
Why? Or is that not the Scottish flag?

It's a common joke most likely because Hungary was a multi-ethnic country and in public, it was the safest way not to unintentionally offend somebody. Also, due to links between the Scottish Presbyterians and Hungarian Reformed Church, many of our countrymen knew Scots and their frugality was alien to the Hungarians (even the Protestants).

Belgium (non-country) and luxemberg.

Also not shown: the USA, most of the planet.

Jokes are usually told in good spirit.
Everbody hates the fucking French.

low-hanging fruit

So only irrelevant countries?

because no one gives a fuck about france

>implying somebody give a fuck about estonia or bosnia

>Italy joke the most about Italy
It's true, Italians are all fucking niggers

Switzerland does


wowowowoowowowowoow take that back about estonia you frommage licking baguette inserting immediatly surrendering when sniffing danger faggot from algeria

didnt heaps of scottish bankers go to hungary or something


>mountain jews
Pick one and only one

>Britain jokes about Ireland the most
>Ireland jokes about Britain the Most
>Spain jokes about Portugal the most
>Portugal jokes about Spain the most
>Czech Republic jokes about Slovakia the most
>Slovakia jokes about Czech Republic the most
>Russia jokes about Ukraine the most
>Ukraine Jokes about Russia the most
>Italy jokes about itself the most
>Belarus doesn't joke about anything, they sad.

Why does Hungary joke about Scotland?

Albanians are worst

Tell us some jokes about Scotland.

Belarus is a dictatorship, they're not allowed to joke

Scots were disproportionately active across Europe for much of the 19th cent

And people were saying Germans have no sence of humour...look at Belarus now

Be careful chef boyardee by 2050 italy will be the 3rd albanian country!

In Flanders if we joke about a different country we usually joke about the Dutch. The running joke is that they are cheap and they joke that we are stupid. Which is both kinda true to some extent but we have walloons dragging us down.

>Italians joke about themselves

Spanitards, tell some jokes about us please, I'm curious.

italians are worse than niggers

Albania is Italy.

based belarus, no time for jokes

Was italy* hetalians cant hold us back, now we rule their country

Actually, Italy is Albania.

Q: Why do most Portugal fans book 2 seats to every Portuguese game?
A: One to sit in, the other to throw when the fighting starts.

Q: What does Cinderalla and the Portuguese soccer team have in common?
A: Both keep running away from the ball.

Q: Why did god invent alcohol?
A: So Portugal fans can get laid too.

Q: What is the difference between a Portuguese fan and a baby?
A: The baby will stop whining after a while.

Q: What does an Portugal fan and a bottle of beer have in common?
A: They are both empty from the neck up.

Q: What is the difference between the Portuguese soccer team and a tea bag?
A: The tea bag usually stays in the Cup!

Q: What do you call a Portugal fan with half a brain?
A: Gifted.

Q: If you see a Portuguese fan on a bike, why should you not swerve to hit him? ?
A: It could be your bike.

Q: what is the difference between a dead dog in the road and a dead Portugal fan?
A: Skid marks in front of the dog.

Q: What do you call a Portuguese fan with no arms and legs?
A: Trustworthy.

Q: What happens when a Portuguese player loses their eyesight??
A: They become a referee

Q: What is the difference between a fat chick and a Portuguese striker?
A: Even a fat chick scores every once in a while!

Q: Two Portuguese fans jump off a cliff. Which one hits the ground first?.
A: Who gives a F**K!

Q: What is the new Portuguese official cologne creating a lot of buzz?
A: You wear it and the other guy scores.

Q: What do you call a Portuguese player in the World Cup Final?
A: Referee!

Q: Did you hear about the new Portuguese Bra?
A: Lots of support but no Cups.

Q: What do you get when you cross a Portuguese Fan with a pig?
A: I do not know, there are some things a pig just will not do.

Q: What do Portugal fans use as birth control?
A: Their personalities.

Q: what is the difference between a Portugal fan and a vibrator?
A: A Portuguese fan is a real dick.

Nigga go back to the Middle East. We'll take your country over like we did in '39.

>not having an ireland-uk style rivalry
>not literally killing each over it
pitiful nationlets

How will you do that after we breed you out of existence?

did you just mix me up with fucking Belgium? we joke about the farting austrians dickhead

half a century ago we ordered some nukes from you but you didnt deliver because of muh non proliferaton....gib nukes

>Everyone in Scandinavia jokes about Sweden

t. Man from Free Derry.

portuguese and moustache jokes about them are popular in Spain

also pic related

>Bosnia, Germany and Sweden btfo

>Denmark, Norway and Finland
I nearly feel bad for sweden.

I was talking about the French Swisses, they often jokes about us being cheap and living off of their economy.

Can't you just make fun of French together?

>when you realize the albanian talking shit online probably looks like this


We wouldn't joke that much about pepiks if they wouldn't fall from hills here each fucking week.

I bet that literally half of our investments into healthcare goes into helicopter transport for pepiks wich fell in hills.

"Hey p-pretty white woman...want to b-breed with me?"

That shop.
Smudge the flag a bit, the left side looks cut.

The Scot and his son went to the fair.
-Dad, buy me a slice of watermelon.
-No, son. It's expensive.
The father eventually gives in, and buys him a slice.
10 years later the man and his soldier son went to the fair again,
-Father, buy me a pint of ale.
-Are you daft, my son? Drink beer to watermelon?

How can you fall into hills though?

You're supposed to be neutral, why do you need nukes, you warmonger?


Low hanging fruit.

anyways everybody hates the french, or not?

>when an austrian starts talking

No Time for joke in my country!

>anyways everybody hates the french, or not? Everyone should hate the French for inventing Belgium.

You are just dead inside already.

Brain stopped working, fugg.
And to support the bantz.

fair enough...sry i called you a dickhead

armed neutrality bitch
if anyone attacks us we lose in the short run but I want as many dead attackers as possible

What do other Baltics make fun of Estonia for?

>everybody hates the french
Your ruling dynasty is french dumbass. You even have fleur de lys on your flag. Show some respect, pablo

i will contribute to this bot thread ...

Jewish strategy, as expected.

we joke about you but we're small ;_;

FFS those hills aren't even big.

he's talking about czech tourists being lost and dying in Tatra mountains......almost every week..
It mostly happens because the majority of them don't even have the basic "equipment" for mountaineering

for being literal mongrels?

noo its a pre-jew, you know before a gasman has the power.
Anywaaaaay I think you saw this coming:
>french strategy

>Serbian flag
Woah dude did you see black hawk down?

I mean ya man, but your whole state income is selling us your disgusting goat dickcheese, so you're welcome.

>Belarus has no jokes.

We didn't surrender in 1515.
>tfw you BTFO a country so hard they become neutral for the rest of their existence

Fuck are you talking about cunt? Those are road numbers.

Also, he meant the High Tatras.

France actually shilled for annexion of Wallonie along with Great Britain which wanted Flanders.
The only responsables for Belgium are the Belgians which bitched on everyone wanting to govern them.

yeah thanks for that, but we live know so gib nukes

Bitch we dont joke about the danish, we fucking hate them.

Protip: they are jewish jokes disguised as scottish jokes

>What do other Baltics make fun of Estonia for?
It is just local bantz.
We just shitpost together, you probably can't understand it as Americunt.

Wrong country, Slovenia here. Close to the baltic sea.
I bet that 2nd country we joke the most about would be the Germans.
We still got that kind of a joke here "Do you know how you call a beautiful woman in Germany? A tourist" etc.

>The only responsables for Belgium are the Belgians which bitched on everyone wanting to govern them.
But I still hate walonians.

>Poles and Germans

Never stop

Scotland is part of the UK...shouldn't it say England & Scotland?

why does everyone hate us :(

Untrue. Our jokes are mosty about he polish however.

They are SLLOOOOW, really.

Let's dispel with this fiction that Belarusians don't joke about other countries. They are exactly joking about foreign nationals. And these foreign nationals are the Jews. Hence you can't see it on a funny PC map.

How many times is this picture of these gypsies going to be re branded?

I have seen this fucking headline with Serbia, Greece, Italy, Spain, France, Austria, Romania, Bulgaria, England, Croatia and now Albania.

>pic related
Nigger what?

Ya, Germans are second for us as well. When will we stop pretending we are separate countries bruh?

We don't Ioannis, we just need you to stop spazzing out all the time.

Stop making fun of us Bosnia

Hungary and Scotland share the largest Calvinist churches in the world.

Calvinist church = Catholics without the pope and with an extra dose of CAPITALISM (God loves the rich because they work harder. They still condemn crooks and corruption.).
