Polish PM just resigned, pic rel is our new lord, Mateusz Morawiecki

Polish PM just resigned, pic rel is our new lord, Mateusz Morawiecki

But can he into space??

Eurofag or Brutal Polish Sausage?

what happened?

reconstruction of government
local self-government elections loom near, nearly all positions in hand of german agents from liberal PO
now politicians like previous PM mrs Szydło will claim those positions to purge the wicked and corrupted out of Poland
this is bullshit when Warszawa city is in conflict with people who live there

>Mateusz Morawiecki
Head of Santander?

also, it is not confirmed yet, Szydło resigned but Morawiecki is still only candidate, but best one

the guy is a banker

yes he is, and he have both jewish and catholic connections
but still guy is best finance minister we had

is he /ourguy/ fellas or did you just get mega cucked

Brutal Polish Sausage

Yep and very pro German.

>but still guy is best finance minister we had
Because? We've never had and we won't have a good finance minister, because the country has some 50-something % GDP debt and half of it is owned by foreigners, so this isn't an issue of one single finance minister. This country will go bankrupt and I'm only patiently waiting for it to happen, I don't even know whether any savings make sense

For all non-polacks, no biggy, they replaced a good and loyal PM with a beter one

It's like an upgrade from SA to SS

Looks like a stinking kike

This faggot can rott in hell

Looks like a jew. Then again a lot of poles probably have jewish admixture.

best of bad is still the best
>country will go bankrupt
HAH! good one
so very pro german he is pro reparations and wants to blow PKiN to oblivion

have faith guys, at least he is not Rysiek

Fuck jews.

is this going to be a yearly thing now?

>Yep and very pro German.
That I don't know, but I assume he acknowledges that shitholes like Eastern Europe develop materially and technologifcally only thx to Western Europe and predominantly Germany. Poles refuse to understand that Poland is a dependent shithole and we always have to take into account Western Europe

Thank fucking god, at least I won't hear her souless monotone voice ever again

poland is of finished

depends, you plan to shoot down some planes again?
we are like WH genestealers
we stole kike greed gene from them

That's objectively wrong. Szydło was much better and conservative than this greedy Jew Morawiecki.

>HAH! good one
do you know what ZUS and pension system is you retard? This is generating debt and unless you produce 6 children then it will go bankrupt

looks kike it

U know the old saying

Scratch a pole,find a kike

He doesn't look vary white. I think he got mongrolized or something.

yes, cause there is no way in hell that ZUS will ever be improved by some smart guy so that won't happen
zjedz cebule bo pierdolisz

I have little grasp on Polish politics beyond PO=merkel and PIS=cathlicucks, so can you explain exactly what this power shift may cause? Will he suck up more to Germany? Will he stab Poland in the back and take refugees? Is it all part of some scheme to increase PIS power over Poland?

I am going back to the country with the beginning of a new year. Bring me up to speed polbrose is he /ourguy/?

better in what, i dont remember her doing shit other than talking about things her ministers did

"Bez względu na wszystko najważniejsza jest Polska.Dbająca o rodzinę i wartości, bezpieczna. Wyrosła na fundamencie chrześcijańskim, tolerancyjna i otwarta. Nowoczesna i ambitna. To mój kraj. Przykład dla Europy i świata. Tacy jesteśmy Polacy"

This shithole was finished the moment it was a kingdom and allowed kikes to settle here.

>unless you produce 6 children
>pumping this many babies into a Polish girl
Somebody twist my arm!

Morawiecki was our best finance minister and he will be good PM.

Kek, funny cause its true. I have a Polish professor who admitted halfway through the semester to being jewish, but I suspected he was due to brown skin and his nose.

God bless you Poland.

quick rundown

We are fucked.

>yes, cause there is no way in hell that ZUS will ever be improved by some smart guy so that won't happen
ZUS is a leaking waterfall and unless you have children, nothing will change, this is a debt machine. I don't understand how can you refute this when I'm just saying simple facts and simple mathematics. Every other european country has the same problem, why do you think they brought those migrants

>PO=merkel and PIS=cathlicucks
PO = party of counterculturalists and opportunists who drool to get attention from Western Europeans and who generally want to destroy tradition

PiS = gaullists, bonapartists, romantics who want to replace religion with patriotism

>what this power shift may cause?
we will use him for more pro USA deals, some of those may be shady or straight up dangerous, like deal with Morgan Sachs banksters
probably only in case of better deals
hell will freeze and jews will start giving all their money before Poland take refugees
>Powers scheme by PiS?
dude just bit down on tax evaders like doubledog and budget can handle 500+ now
I say yes but remain cautious

Is he going to follow his Dad's politics in WiS? Might either be a puppet to elect someone else or a real change in politics for PiS.

Will this have any impact on Poland's resolve to be "refugee" free?

>first budget surplus in history
>all polish companies making bank
>more jobs
>coal mines and shipyards back on their feet
>Orlen growing like a motherfucker
>LOT biggest airlines in eastern europe

>unless you have children
you voted PO or something? entire "need of workforce" is bullshit
changes in high places to remove PO german agents from local governments in local government election that are soon


>scatch a polish jew, find a jew

here, fixed it for you, shlomo

Stop being a spook and do a major rundown or get the fuck out faggot


shut up gayropean union

Poland is about to accept 200,000 refugees lol

report's on AP

>entire "need of workforce" is bullshit
it's not bullshit, because unless you pay enough taxes, then the pension system generates debt. You can increase the retirement age, you can cut drastically pensions, you can impose more taxes, but practically you must have children to cover that entire debt machine

i wonder if he's going out next week
so far we can be sure that szyszko will be change and that ministry of digitization will cease to exist

This dumb polak kike comparing this corrupt ukraine 2.0 shithole of a ((((country)))) to Iran and China.


yeah right, like month ago and month before that and month before that and month before that and month before that and month before that and month before that and month before that and month before that and month before that and month before that and month before that and month before that and month before that and month before that and month before that and month before that and month before that and month before that and month before that and.....

Poland already accepted a buttload of refugees, but they were actual refugees from Ukraine not "refugees" from Eritrea.

wypierdalaj z mojego kraju

it is bullshit, you fell into "need of workforce to pay for boomer retirement bubble"
it is totally possible to avoid all that crap with smart economical decisions or the retirement funds will just be smaller
>Szyszko change
yeah, probably not
there is no good alternative

>Polish PM just resigned,

why ?
anything to do with EU court case about illegal migrants ?

Clown fiesta of our retarded goverment continues. No to immigration is the only thing they are doing good.

nope, internal politics to screw over remnants of german agents from PO

meh, it was all an illusion anyway

now they just put a jew prime minister in poland openly, as a big fuck you to eveybody

dude's sadly a socialist, he's called MAOwiecki

"Państwa odnoszą sukcesy nie jak to się mówi dzięki niskim podatkom,a poprzez sprawiedliwy podział dóbr i pomocy dla przedsiębiorców,nie ma dogmatu na kapitalizm,zasady kapitalizmu wcale nie są święte,nieubłagane i jednolite,na świecie są różne warianty kapitalizmu,my wybraliśmy ten bardziej prospołeczny wariant "

Can some good Polak or Polka translate that?

Ty nie masz panstwa, ani ja

Bo zydo komuna dawno rozpierdolilo je

Wiec Pierdol sie kutasie

Mam nadzieje ze muzumani najada na ten pierdolnik pojebancow i wyjebie kilka miolony tych skurwielow tutaj

why the fuck am i seeing more and more shitskins then?
just today i saw FIVE fucking arabs

>screw over remnants of german agents from PO

beata was a kraut spook ?
didnt see that, thought she was a good PM for Poland.

What do you think?

Legit question. Does this mean you'll get flooded by shitskins? Europe needs mighty Poland

nawet po polsku mowic nie potrafisz, znajac zycie pewnie jestes czeczenskim psem. Z calego serca zycze ci abys umarl w bolesciach.

>or the retirement funds will just be smaller
how much?

It says "jet fuel can't melt steel beams bernie sanders 2016 buy digibite 420 blaze it fgt". I don't know what that's supposed to mean, though.

Cause were in fucking schengen, thats why. If all the shitskins from Germanistan and Swedistan decided to move to Poland they are free to do so. We need to lobby the EU to close its outside borders.

a co kurwa, nie umiesz korwinisto?
masz nieuku, pomogę

"Countries are successful not because as it is said low taxes, but because of just distribution of goods and help for enterpreneurs, there is no dogma for capitalism, rules of capitalism are not holy or plain, there are different varieties of capitalism on the world, we have choen that pro societal variety"

ale i tak się kurwa nie zgadzam, 1 quote from a guy can be used in any way you deem fit

Pierdole cie za niedlugo ty rowniesz nie bediesz napierdalal tym jebanym jezykiem

umrzyj pedale jebany
not that guys, Beata will now be probably used to replace Mayor of Warszawa which is kraut spook
who knows, but there will be protests

liż dupę panu hansowi cioto antypolska

so it's like polish 4D chess

Does he browse Kara??????

>>or the retirement funds will just be smaller
>how much?

Dont let them jew you.
We need migrants to pay taxes to pay your pensions.
Is a fucking lie.
Dont buy it.

Thanks for the input.

lel, piškvorky more like

Tak jest polaczku zydaczku kacapiaczku

Araby nie podaruja wam za wspolna napasc na irak

Wy zkurwiele zaplacicie za to

Zrobia z tego gnojowiska irak elropy

Oh the irony

>cioto antypolska
to nawet polak nie jest, popatrz na jego jezyk.
czeczenski pies albo inny brudas, jak bog da to wypleni sie ta zaraze z naszej ziemi.

more like bierki, but yes

Dobra zanim modzi skasują ten temat, czemu Szydlo zrezygnowała?
Nie oglądam tv i nie czytałem gazet(mała przerwa od polityki)
Pomóżta ziomki.

can you fucktards start using english on this english website?

>but there will be protests
will there be impoverished people?

His official stance is anti EU, anti immigration and all the other fashionable things that get votes in Poland.

What he doesn't advertise is that he's a career politician who never cared about such things earlier. His political program is about centralising government power to regulate the public sector.

Long live the PM!

>Mayor of Warszawa

Hanna Gronkiewicz-Waltz
This bitch ?

Holy fuck she is full kraut.
gay loving whore
tusk whore
jesus, what a traitor

next election when ?

>We need migrants to pay taxes to pay your pensions.
>Is a fucking lie.
>Dont buy it.
It's not a lie, it's the truth. The reason behind multiculturalism is an excessive welfare state, predominantly in the form of state pension systems that generate debt

no prob qt 3,14 :3
wyjebane mam na ciebie i na arabów, na razie nieżle im idzie sranie pod siebie i mordowanie ciot tobie podobnych na zachodzie
when we have to choose:
>PiS - USA/Kike agents
>PO - German/Kike agents
>.N - netherlands/belgium/kike agents
>SLD - commie/kike agents
and Cookiez'15, agents of chaos who wish good but do nothing of importance

in fact, i would prefer if that chechen dog used english instead of sullying our beautiful language with his dirty tongue, he cant even speak it well enough to pass.

Bo jest posłuszna Prezesowi. Zostanie prezydent Warszawy po tym jak powieszą tą kurwę Gronkiewicz-Waltz. Morawiecki jest wybitnym biznesmenem i ekonomistą, był najlepszym ministrem finansów w historii Polski, premierem też będzie dobrym.

Shes a jew too



>Zostanie prezydent Warszawy po tym jak powieszą tą kurwę Gronkiewicz-Waltz.
Kupie bilet do koloseum na te okazje.