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Why We Are Afraid, A 1400 Year Secret, by Dr Bill Warner

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The reconquista was a crusade though

There’s nothing in North Africa worth invading anyway.

Idon'T fear it to be honest, it doesn't have the slightest chance now and then

what enables the events that are taking place, are traitors inside our countries, and not muslims

so direct your attention to the responsible parties, instead of blindly hating muslims who are only the opportunists in this game



There are alphamales ready to impregnate wh*te women and improves wh*te genepool


This map is unfair the least, you should count all christian battles too

unrelated comment, but for pic related you shouldn't compare All Islamic empires battles to bunch of Euro cucks that you call Crusaders; If you know history you'll know that they were very shit, and did nothing, a least compare them to Byzantium and Roman battles.

And Crusaders are literally overrated by some idiots

Not really fair. The Roman Empire did lots of battles to conquer muslim lands and persian lands.

Alpha male

French flag

Choose one

>>Roman times
>>Overlaps with Muslim times

Can you even look at 2 numbers and tell if one is much bigger than the other?

Rome fell 400
Muhammed born 570

How the fuck did Romans invade muslim controlled lands 270 years before it existed?

if you look at the map, it's not Muslims vs Christians, it's generally all battles

and After Rome there was Byzantium

>Rome fell 400
>What is the Eastern Roman Empire?
>Sasuga Amerimutt educashun

>>Muslim education

The Greeks and Persians beat each other retarded and the Arabs took the scraps and then expanded from there. There was no Persian or Greek conquering of Muslim lands, they had nearly destroyed each other and the inferior Arabs were allowed to rise up in this power vacuum.

Goddamn that picture is retarded as fuck.

>they were shit
>they did nothing
Ahmed still butthurt a few farmers BTFOd entire caliphate.

Ok Muhammed, sure, the eastern and western empires were exactly the same, except for language and religion and ethnicity and name. So of course when someone says Rome they actually mean the identitical Byzantium empire...

Muslim education... Are there even Englishmen left in England or just you retarded muslims?

Apples and oranges. The map doesn't include the entire European continent WA conquered by the christian sword.

Fear is the wrong word
Adding phobia to everything is a kike meme

Ok Muhammed, sure, the eastern and western empires were exactly the same, except for language and religion and ethnicity and name. So of course when someone says Rome they actually mean the identitical Byzantium empire...

Muslim education... Are there even Englishmen left in England or just you retarded muslims?

Oh right, strongest empires at that times, having constant battles and out of no where a united Arab tribes have battles against them both at same time with shittier equipments and lower numbers and still won every single battle.

let's be rational

dude, they were literally shit
nothing compared to the strenght of Byzantines or Romans

I read a book called war of three gods. The Muslims did actually have very capable military leaders and tactics for a few generations. A number of battles they were outnumbered and won with some cunning tactics. Good military leaders can make all the difference. Look up Khalid bin Walid (I think) he's one of the more famous ones. Was also a champion and cut down about 80 officers of Rome and Persia in single combat. Something they used to do before the battle starts is send out their champions. The Muslim army trained some in how to fight in single combat, something Rome and Persia didn't really do because they focused entirely on training in cohesive units.

they can try and make europe a caliphate.

>Don't like something (muslims)
>Avoid it (I don't go to muslim parts of town)
>Never confront it (never try to actively confront muslims)
>Fantasize about confronting it (deus vult larping)
Sounds exactly like fear


we don't faggot.You north cucks do.We beat the shit out of them


Where are colonisation battles?

Khalid ibn walid is really underrated, he never lost a battle, even against the Prophet Muhammad, that's why Muhammad wanted him so much to become a muslim, he had incredible tactics and he performed best when he was outnumbered

We owned the shit out of the whole sweaty mess.
Muslims are poo with flip flops on and there's no avoiding the truth.

Or maybe it's because they're flying planes into our buildings?

They will succeed in the (formerly) Protestant nations. Catholic and Eastern Europe won't fall, however.

You literally ignore every single war you started before and after the crusades almost the enter Muslim world expect parts of arabia and Anatolia were occupied by Christian European empires

Not anymore. It was all irrogated farmland with paved concrete roads and olive trees during the roman empire. Muslim conquest destroyed all the infrastructure and Muslim owned goat herds were allowed to graze among the dhimmi-owned crops.
Same thing with Anatolia(Turkey) When Muslims conquer a place it becomes third world within a generation or two.

>Bill Warner
Guy gives me a creepy vibe - I dont trust him

>not knowing that they called themselves Romans and not Byzantines
>still used Latin and Greek
>were Christians like the Western counterpart
>also had cultural entertainment like chariot racing
ok brainlet

Muslims aren't in the west because of anything Muslims have done.
They are here because they are wretched and therefore it turns on our cucks to virtue signal about them. They'll soon go, the idea that they can survive for one second in conflict with us is a total joke.
I'm glad they think this though, it means they can't stay.

>When muslim countries attack it's a holy war.
>When christian countries attack it's a war for dominance.

It is obviously true that Islam was much more integrated in one's daily life, but it is dishonest to credit the followers of the religion itself for the wrongdoings of its leaders.
Think of this for a second, the argument you are maintaining is that muslims fought for their religion, but you fail to realize that the average citizen was powerless when compared to the caliph or the sultan.
What say did your "average joe" have when it came to diplomacy?

The image you have posted has been debunked numerous of times and is only ever presented by uneducated christians or smart leaders that work inside an uneducated circle of dumb christians.
It does not make sense to compare crusade battles with muslim conquests, especially because The Crusades only differentiate themselves from every other form of conquest by the person it has been called by, often a pope or another religious figure.

I believe that Islam is much more dangerous than Christianity will ever be, but you are proposing that we should accept false facts to push your narrative.

Check this link out if you want to see why "Political Islam's" video is bs on that part.
The first comment chain provides a well thought out summary.

>were Christians like the Western counterpart

Well between the two the Eastern Empire was actually a lot more devout, the Western had more issues with paganism resurgences cults and heresies etc which only accelerated the collapse already happening

What is Byzantium you dumb nigger?

Oh and fuck Israel too, just gonna get that out of the way before this thread descends.

We Shall Know No Fear

Get rid of the traitors and sympathizers and we will be able to oust them - They may even leave by themselves , I mean they WERE fucking INVITED into Europe , AND are given gibs .

>North Africa
alphamales lol

we are not afraid of the muz. we are afraid of what it will do to us as a people to openly and directing nearly genocide an area of the world with multiple types of people. women feel responsible for the world now that they have a vote.

Ok i'll be honest with you guys. You where equal with us at one point. However the crucial difference is that we developed. You didn't. It was only a matter of times until your empire collapsed. This is why you will always lose to us. In the moment(which is about 100 years in empire time). You guys can be "superior" to other empires. Eventually we will outdevelop you because we are superior to you in creativity.

We are already blackening the beaurettes of North Africa.


> (OP)
>This map is unfair the least, you should count all christian battles too
Said the guy who hasn't watched the video. You REALLY REALLY should. It sheds a clear spotlight on present day.




look, now kys

amerimutts ladies and gentlemen

Does U.S.A and Russia have to save Europe again?
You've made your bed Western Europe.

>Gloating about victories against an Empire that lost it's best soldiers due to wars against the Persians and the plague

>Russia only 6k nukes
They have 6k ready to shot, 3k uninstalled on rockets and 5k missing ones. They claim that 5k small nukes have fucking disapeared during 90s", but i don't believe that. I think that they are in submarines and if Russians will launch them, noobody will be able to prove that it was them, since none of their official equipment is missing. Also there is a possibility that Russia sells them to anti-US countries such as NK and middle east, so America is busy because conflicts with that states, while Russia prepares for the Cacasus and Ukraine+Belarus annexations.