>its over
was it over when two thirds of Europe was under Saracen control?
was it over when Hitler was thrown in jail for six months?
The Greek and Canadian one isn't that
The Greeks just don't pay money to the Germans after buying submarines that's based
And we just Trigger all you morons on here because you lost a war to us
Undefeated since 1812
Germany sealed their fate (death) by... I don't know... losing 2 world wars.
Since 1871 Germany has been a failure
no canada is a number 2
Are you gonna invade us again? You know what they say third times the charm, but you're undefeated right? I guess Trudeau was right if we kill our enemies they win ;)
That's rich. Coming from fucking canada.
It's over for the Germans.
It'll never be over for the people of this country.
Our suffering will never change.
to be fair, canadian expectations are low. you guys fail miserably considering what you once were.
Yes it was, look where we are now.
t. Country that hasn't even existed as long as Canada
I-Is . . . Is Germany finished?
So it ends in my lifetime, quite the timeline.
In only 100 years:
>Start a world war in Europe
>Start another world war in Europe
Lose and get partitioned
>Start your final dirty biological invasion in Europe, demand that other countries take immigrants in
Your nation as it is dies out
Only good things can come from this
Canada is England, Italy, Ireland, France and Germany with a dash of Poland, Belgium and slavic countries.
You built nothing, you have no identity, you have no culture, you have no future. Canada is the embodiment of weakness.
Yes indeed
Germany did not start the first was. Jews did. Germany did not start the second, jews did. Some one needs a better state funded education.
Canada is England
Didn't bother reading the rest because it's going to be some liberal bullshit
Germans are Jews
Did you ever notice Jews have the name Schneider Germans have the name Schneider
Berg is a common ending for names for Germans and Jews!
You did read it, you're just out of an argument.
>56% face
>4% muslim face
Once Germany falls, they won't be the last.
That's what jews do. They change names wherever they go to blend in. Just look at hollywood. Berg is also a common name in nordic countries.
pick one
I didn't know Wilhelm II and Hitler were Jews.
Move to eastern europe
Canada is Anglo
Anglos built this country
Everyone else is just mooching of the Anglos success
Subhuman conintentals are too stupid to build railways and steamships and high rise buildings like Anglos they just come to or cities after we build them and bring socialism and Catholicism and destroy this country
As mentioned above, someone needs a better state funded education. Just watch Europa.
its blatant genocide
Let's see how well you hold us off without daddy britain's army this time leaf
I wonder when Europe is going to actually feel the effects of this.
Already starting to see this in the States, something like half the kids in California can't read but somehow are expected to provide for the next generation.
>Fight the whole war by ourself
>Britain defeats napoleon comes to America burns down Washington
>we surrender!
>Britain leaves
>you get butt hurt and kill some red skins and claim to be undefeated in war
Is that why one in two Supreme justice judges is from Quebec? Is that why the entire country is forced to display both languages? Is that why half of all PMs are french?
You are a cuck country taking in deep from a province that lost the war in 30 minutes. Seriously, a fucking embarrassment.
>you are a cuck country
Get the Hell out of my country then if you don't like it
I find this very difficult to believe
That's what German people wanted. So who cares? They have an army do they not? They have a government, right?.. Here's the reality. If German people wanted to get rid of the people, they'd deported them tomorrow. They don't.
Germans are genuinely more concerned about being called "racist" and violating "human rights" than caring for the future of their own race. So be it.Germany will crumble and that's that. And whatever will be left of the Germanic race will liklely leave & emigrate somewwhere else.
It's not your country, your just a cuck being invaded and having yuor rights slowly striped away one by one. Take it like the good Canadian you are eh? Make sure to say sorry when you bump into muslim rapists, and ask Trudeau to give them millions.
Migrants make up 70% and more in big cities among the under-6-year olds today already. The direction is clear. The future is a mathematical certainty and nobody cares. The majority welcomes its replacement and destruction. When you speak about it, you're a racist.
I am watching my country deteriorate in real time. Ameribros, pls save us from Cultural Marxism!
I don't live in a city with Muslims
Wow, now that takes the crown I think. Holy shit if this is true... might as well get rid of men in Norway.
>can't read but somehow are expected to provide for the next generation.
They won't. and Calif will eventually collapse just like Detroit did. That's ok! it's not the end of the world, just prepare yourself accordingly. Idiots will pay the price and smarter individuals will simply leave to a better part of the world.
germany is the 49%
>Wow, now that takes the crown I think. Holy shit if this is true... might as well get rid of men in Norway.
We can both agree that we've reached a point of no return. It's not funny anymore and it looks like a genuine mental illness. It truely seems like some form of psychological problem. I don't know how to cure it but for whatever reason, some seem to be affected by it.
Still can't believe this is reality.
Everything changed in one single generation, effects of which will be felt for hundreds of years.
does it really say migrant children make up majority in these cities? I can't believe that. if true you're actually fucked big time. how is this even possible? only 1 million new migrants came to germany and there were already another 4 or 5 million.
The next European war is inevitable - the sooner the better.
>I am watching my country deteriorate in real time. Ameribros, pls save us from Cultural Marxism!
You can't be saved. Not as long as the average German cares for the things such as "human rights", "equality", "antiracism", "diversity"... As long as Germans worship these ideological concepts like a religion...Then there's nothing you can do. Except leave. Move to a whiter country and hope for the best.
Your country was already dying after the end of ww2.
Germans have to save themselves through violent uprising, organised and coordinated. Major media outlets must be taken out, politicians assassinated and the armed forces brought on side.
Kraut efforts were doomed before they began.
It ends. Not with a bang but a whimper.
>Undefeated since 1812
havent been in a war since 1811
Yes. Right column: "percentage of migrants overall". Left column: "percentage among the under-6-year-olds". It's at 70 and above.
I hope someone will stop this racist 'professor' from publishing such fearmongering.
I think we can count on the wisdom of our german brothers to make this happen though
>be racist af literally murdering people and implementing a race-class system
>literally become raping grounds for 20-something brown guys
cosmic justice ?
>and germany
Same such a beautiful country will have to go rob waste with garbage every where like in afcrapistan
We give good classes of guerrilla warfare and violent government replacement here in hispanic America. Sign up people!
We'll see
look outside ur window shlomo the palestinians chimping out currently is cosmic justice for millennia of world kikery.
much more likely in Austria
Kek I remember first seeing that image thinking "omg we need to solve this migrant crisis, wouldn't want the Nazis to come back!"
Now I just want it to happen already
I was talking about Europe
Germany is gone
> What is Vimy Ridge?
At least went to wars instead of waiting around until we got suckerpunched you burger-covering meme flag
Chinks are our only hope. Let them nuke every Muslim takeover country and genetically modify the their race to breed super Aryans.
no one is chimping out senpai , i live in a country with actual laws and law enforcement unlike krautcuckland which encourages brown people to form rape gangs on holidays .
mark my words : very soon you will see mass holiday raping sprees in the hundreds that germans will do nothing against .
The implication of this picture is that if an Overthrow can occur it doesn't matter if 49% of the country is muslim retards from out of the country.
They can be put in boxcars and the ones that dont will be happly shot and rolled over into a mass grave. Happly, after what is being done to german women.
Weapons laws in the EU are already cucked. Its not like the muslims are going to be getting their hands on weapons to defend themselves and muddy the waters.
> They tried to get some laws passed about this as a false flag for "we need to protect ourselves from racist bigots" but it didnt fly, and it didnt fly in france either
> France is already gearing up too. They're putting weapons just out of reach of civilians, but making sure the guns are around when the time comes.
> German Police & Mil are arming up like crazy for no reason. All the best HK stuff.
This is so funny, germans are so fucking stupid they let the jews run their country and banks.
>mass holiday raping sprees in the hundreds that germans will do nothing against
You probably already know what happened in Cologne (Köln) during the 2015/2016 New Year's Eve celebrations but I just wanted to throw it out there. Ironically, the victims were young women in Cologne, some of the most diehard supporters of Germany's "enrichment."
Honestly, it's over for us too and for many European countries. It really does
fucking suck. I feel really bad for the Germans. Beautiful people, beautiful
culture now all fucking ruined.
It would suck if reincarnation is true, now the chances of being born an ugly
dumb mong is much higher.
>Austria-Hungary will be paramount in the upcoming cleansing
Mark my words...
> trying to invade Canada
Good idea, while you're at it you could wrap up those wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
>non white in 1 generation
Obviously. White Germans have -20% population growth. Migrants have 5+ children each and those children will get married in their early 20s and have at least 5 children by age 30. So, take the number of Muslims in Germany now, multiply by 25, and that is your low ball number of Muslims in 30 years. Now subtract 20% from the current number of white Germans. Demographics are destiny.
The German people live in Ohio aad Pennsylvania
1 generation huh? Way to give the Shitskins a United federation of Europe. Central and Eastern Europe better fucking start mobilizing on their borders.
Romania now has the nukes we put in Turkey. The French and Germans can get fucked.
Since 1871 germany outperformed everyone on the playing field hence the anti-german atrocity propaganda, the wars against germany and the eternal weaponized butthurt of the eternal anglo and other useful idiots.
Yeah. Fellow based Magapede, you're right. Nazi Britian stopped Germany from attacking Belgium and Belgians are white, really Britain should have rolled over and accepted German domination of the European continent, only Germans are allowed to fight for their own interests.