AtheistAgnostic hate thread

Atheist\Agnostic hate thread


I am an atheist but fuck you, heretic faggot, you will get punished by God soon enough.
Keep tipping your fedora, maybe it will cool you a little down when you start burning in hell for sins you commited.






>Trust State more than family

Instead of posting memes, try to argue with people.
But of course, why would I expect religious people to understand the importance of a discussion, free speech, open mind and critical thinking?

Another confused soul.

Atheism makes no claims, it rejects yours. Theism is the belief in a god. It makes no claim to the certitude of its existence.

Agnosticism and gnosticism makes no claims on belief of a god, only of your certainty on its existence.

All gnostics are mentally ill.

You already know this comment is just going to get a fedora image in response. It's all the inbred Christfaggots have. Honestly, the board is better when a Christian general thread is up since they don't shit up the rest of the board.

Stalin was an anti intellectual, anti-religion and pro control. Atheism has nothing to do with it. He was a bolchevik pig on a jewish leash. If anything, communism is talmudic.

>strawmanning this hard

For some reason, I still have hope in humanity.

You're portentous and always equate your lack of belief with rationale and science.
You simplify life into nothing and almost always tend to fill that void with state.
You mock Christianity constantly but won't touch islam or judaism.
You encourage hedonism.
And you have absolutely no accomplishments other then seperation of state and church...unless you count bolshevism.

That's not Stalin faggot.

>You're portentous and always equate your lack of belief with rationale and science.
Yes, I have come to the conclusion that atheism a more rational position than being christian
>You simplify life into nothing and almost always tend to fill that void with state.
>You mock Christianity constantly but won't touch islam or judaism.
This is where you should stop. You are either ignorant of the atheist community, or straight up lying.
Most atheists mock all religions. Obviously christianity will get the most attention since it is the most popular one. Of course you could say that Islam should get more attention since it is more dangerious, and I would agree with you.
But the claim that atheists are only focusing on christianity is simply false.
>You encourage hedonism.
>And you have absolutely no accomplishments other then seperation of state and church...unless you count bolshevism
What's your point?

Also, neither if your claims prove the existance of your god, so you are already starting on the wrong foot.


A very large amount of the prominent critics of Islam are atheists. You just can't handle the fact that they also happen to criticize the religion you were told by your parents to believe.

(((Communists))) want to overthrow skydaddy and replace him with their tainted (((science))). Religion is the counterbalance to their degeneracy. Whether it is correct or not is irrelevant.

Admit it, society needs religion.

Am I still an atheist if I listen to the fire spirit in my stove?