Why does Sup Forums hate Lauren Southern, but worship Lauren Rose?

They are both (((e-celebs))) that want your sheckles and repeat talking points. Nothing is original.


Also to add on to my original point. Women will infiltrate and destroy any movement they touch.

she is actually married and having kids

Blacked when?

>Sup Forums is one person
i worship no e-whore
never have
never will

Hail Lucifer

roastie tradthot vs /ourgirl/

Assuming that Sup Forums has a single opinion about anything.

some anons hate Lauren Southern and some are not falling for the divide and conquer shills.

Because Rose isn't acting like an utter whore and didn't have a nigger lover. also she does more than just repeat Sup Forums talking points.


Lauren Southern fucks niggers.

I don't know this whore but she's way hotter, fuckable and cute all at the same time than that insecure Jewish european-trad-LARPer. Also:
>M-muh e-celeb!!!!111

I don't get why you guys go after women for not settling down and having kids. Do any of you even know anyone raising children today in the US? Shit's fucking expensive. I'd love to have some kids someday, but the simple reality is that I can't even afford a car for myself, let alone food, clothes and education all for my kids. Why should I reproduce if I can't provide for what I'm creating?

Why do you faggots keep shitting up the board with your catfights?

Lauren southern is an angle

fuck this 19 year old cunt she needs to be a lot less arrogant

I like shoe


>is an angle

bald racetraitor cunt

>why do we hate literally who but worship literally who?
>implying we have ever thought about let alone cared about either one
t. e-celeb shill
hard sage

literally who?

>Pointing out how things aren't affordable is Jewish

What do you do for a living? How much money do you make? What's your rent like?

Fucking Christ. We're now going through a campaign of shills attempted to divided the men and women here.

>an angle

how does she get shekels? she gets practically zero views and doesnt have a patreon.

she's hot, not smoking hot
time will tell
choosing nyc to go to school too
she's given too little of her background

One is a coalburning (((civ nat))), the other is neither of those things.

>she will never oppose Israel

She gets attention, which is the most important currency a female can receive

She probably already is rich, probably comes from rich family.

Isn't Lauren Rose the girl who is against white supremacy but defend zionism? Anyone who care about her should btf of Sup Forums


>Why does Sup Forums hate Lauren Southern, but worship Lauren Rose?
this is not a politics thread
fuck your eceleb shilling it makes me sick

They have started to shill against this girl too already. All right wing women will get this, no exceptions.
Current thread


Also, it sucks how she doesn't post more videos on yt. The men usually post way more videos.

ecelebs that talk about politics yes. Also I added on to my original post posting how women infiltrate and destroy movements (what the alt-right is going through now).

Good God I hate smuggies. It's like an evolved form of making the person you don't like

What did she mean by this?

I've seen the same confederate flag shill for e-celebs multiple times. Are you Finn Knight in disguise? Show your flag.

gas all TradThots

Or Americans. You fags have such a weird relationship with females. Grow some balls man.

>What did she mean by this?
She didnt mean Israel and Jews are responsible for white genocide and globalism, did she? because thats not what she claimed..

nobody cares about any of these people
Sage in all fields
Stop making these fucking topics
Sage please sage

drink this antidote & begone shill

Because there's no evidence that Lauren Rose is a coalburner

>mfw I will never ever meet an ethnically european trad 19yo girl in my country
Why live?

lauren rose is a nice girl she dindu nuffin


>You know what the main problem with our movement is? There are too many attractive young women joining it and repeating our talking points on youtube. Our strategy of just attracting angry young single male virgins was about to work and then these tradthots ruined it. We need to drive them out if we want this movement to get mainstream success. No successful movement ever used attractive women to sell their ideology.

rose knows its da joos!!!

excellent, needs to be pasted over a relevant image

>pagan necklace



True. Sexually frustrated men have turned to be the most overachivers in history. Just see Hitler or Mussolini.
Women will ruin/are ruining it, as always.

>Why does Sup Forums hate Lauren Southern
I dont

you have to be careful not to get banned
twitter is not Sup Forums

What's up fellow goyim?

I was browsing the web and saw right wing commentators are making MONEY off creating right wing media, isn't that DISGUSTING?!

(((We))) need to send a clear message that the only way to make a living is working in left wing media! Successful media creating women shouldn't be allowed in (((our))) nationalistic movement, isn't that right my goyim brothers?

we all know how poor your reading skills are antifa

because having a decent woman shill red-pills to impressionable young men and women is a good thing;

you act like it is a bad thing to weaponize ecelebs...


you're an idiot if you think you can generalize ~320 million people

but go ahead, keep relying on that European arrogance that has gotten you so far.

Lauren Rose is the best of them, stop eating your own just because you have been reading mgtow articles all day and have an burning hatred for women.

I agree we have to police our tradthot's but don't beat your dog if he brings you your newspaper.

confirmed and unapologetic coalburning thot vs white nationalist beauty


gas both of these (((eceleb) thots

ever watch the news.every cunt repeats talking points. unless you pro-white.
also scared of white woman repeat same pro-white talking points. JIDF shill

Joo already know..and bulk bear is pretty funny on the twatter

This right here.
Quit eating our own you stupid faggots. If you faggots want to support them financially, then do it. If you don't want, whatever...just stfu about it.
This movement is being driven by shills to cause disorder amongst us and to drive a wedge between us.

Literally no chick is truly red pilling a dude. No guy is interested in their ideas. If their audience is not at least 50% women, they are e-thots, period.

Shut up Moarpheus


Lauren Rose is a sweetie and a sister in battle in the social war.


Our constant abuse of Lauren Southern is making her extremely horny right now. Why else would she dramatize it so much? Her asshole and pussy are throbbing with lust for our cocks. Women love it when the men they try to "tame" push back against their shit-tests. Lauren, if you're reading this I'm coming for that sloppy, wet cunt you haggard bitch.

shorter version

These memes are absolutely true, but I am afraid the average 95 IQ moron will not understand them.

can't hide from me

Do you think she even cares about it? She has a strong support and she know, that this is just /leftypol.

One fucked a nigger and one hasn't?

I can get on board with this, but they should grow a thicker skin, if they can't handle the heat now, what makes you think they can handle it later

It's leftists that are trolling them and driving them off.

southern is into coal.
Not a nigger so....

not interested OP's girl ether.
faith goldie for me lads.
t. /med/ lad.

married /med/ girl.
Armored scepkic would like to talk with you lad.

yanks are gay.

t.pagan kekistani

too young.

they're all the same
>taking advice from a woman

fuck shes 19? i would have guessed late 20s

I find it weird that most of the e-celebs look way older than they say they are. Lauren Southern is in her early 20's and she already looks mid 30's

>shills bout to zero in on best lauren
prepare yourself lauren, remember to ignore the shills and stay on target

>more e-celeb threads

stop replying to these things, every single one is made by a shill

how ya holdin up buddy?

she a confirmed coal burner

Extremely well, I just got more energy to destroy the anti-whites.

and just a overall whore

Pay up.

supporting attention whores is anti-white

If people didn't shill these people on Sup Forums we wouldn't be having these problems.

Don't get me wrong, its not like I don't like these people, but the principle of Sup Forums is anonymity so natural the people here are going to dislike people trying to shove real people into the mix

Keep youtube on youtube, and keep Sup Forums on Sup Forums

Rose doesn't e-beg and hasn't behaved like a retard. Does that answer your question incel?

acute angle?

Rose is an attention whore

What e-celeb isn't.

I have nothing to pay up for. I made a reasonable judgment back then. I made a reasonable judgment now.

Lauren Rose is
>100% WN
>not a kike coalburner
She has that rare masculine awareness that only women of good character have.