Brit/pol/ corbyn buys the sun edition

>UK has 48 hours to agree potential deal or Brexit talks cannot progress

>Jerusalem status: Saudis condemn Trump's announcement

>David Davis warns impact of Brexit on the UK economy could be as great as the 2008 CREDIT CRUNCH

>Arlene Foster too busy to meet May

>Survation poll puts Labour 7% ahead of Tories

>DUP will not accept divergence from UK over Brexit

>UK local councils fund terrorists in Syria

>CIA/MI6 release new Christmas advert

>Rail fares to increase 3.4% in January

>Bankers & EU predict collapse of Tory party

Other urls found in this thread:

How do you shave? I only do once I get about 3mm of stubble, I use on of those wilkinson 3 blade safety razors, just splash water over my face, rub the strip over my face on the razor that makes it all slippery, and then go at it. But after my face still feels stingy for a bit.

>corbyn buys the sun

The party Corbyn. hand it over

Reminder this is what you voted for

I shave every 3/4 days because I have sensitive skin. I get bad razor burn.

Had the pleasure of meeting August Ames at a charity do once. She was surprisingly down to earth, and VERY funny.

Rate my DNA, friends.

First for Asain waifus.

You have to go back

BASED Max Branning on the telly just now tbqh.

Start packing up your yurt Genghis

>we don't feel any connection to this country any more

Why do these people always pretend they were stalwart patriots?

>uneducated bigot who reads the sun
Said the commie supporter to the man who voted for Brexit.

>automation engineer

So he destroys jobs?

pretty mych

The fuck is that username?

Even still, all the people saying that shit and reddit are LARPing 12 year olds. You can clearly tell.

Eastenders is facking shite

what did that ugly bald ginger lizard do now?




why does he walk like this?

good fuck off ya nonce

>1.3% Scandinavian

Time to go home Ludwig


like whta?

Me a PhD candidate (mathematics, but I might go into Artificial Intelligence) with dual citizenship am moving to the UK because Brexit might actually turn the mess around and create new oppertunities for an information economy that doesnt have to depend on manufacturing due to customs union Tariffs

The heartless bastards

I think he still has some back problems from the plane crash.


We're not leaving. Why? Because our PM is pro-EU. All those blows at Trump makes sense, she's stalled him long enough. He
was a key figure in a successful Brexit. She's in it for the rich and high businesses that benefit off the EU and herself, which is to simply
get richer, it's just a job at the end of the day, protecting them comes first. This is another reason why they're importing foreigners
as doctors, etc. They want us to rely on them 100%.

Now we're fucked, expect us to say sorry to the EU and bend over even further for apologies, or if it happens a complete
broken country to be made an example of. Remember the EU hates England, we're so hated they probably are glad
that we're the ones they're gonna break.

that's better than I'd do if I had to walk slowly in front of a bunch of tv cameras on my own desu


Women can’t be funny you nonce

Its always just some faggot that is mad that he wont be able to get cheap Polish labour build his extension

tfw ancestor fucked a viking rape baby and condemned his descendants to live the lives of disgusting mongrels.


come on now, more people turn up to see Barrow AFC


Scammed the whole square as revenge for letting him go to jail. Yelled at his screechy family. Called his pregnant daughter a "slapper, up the duff, disgusting".

Then he headbutted a mirror and became Punished "Venom" Max, it was utter kino.

>The virgin remoaner shuffle
>The chad brexit swagger

>Women can’t be funny

Exactly. It's amazing that people are so naïve to think that they'd allow a silly thing like a pleb vote to stop them.

>turkey, jordan, west bank, lebanon, gaza
>and germany...

Tickled me

Thanks for the DNA

i would have bullied jeremy corbyn at school.

I said be, not look

Shut up

Going through that list:

Turkey is a shame as the modern country was founded on secular principles, but understandable given that it's been mainly Muslim since 1453. Understandable...Understandable...Understandable...Understandable...Understandable...Understandable...

Wait, what? Germany?

He looks really short here

>mfw I went for a job at GCHQ and it's the weirdest fucking place ever

fuck off back to ptg

someone post that picture with all the previous anti-EU votes across Europe than have been ignored/supressed


You spelled 'worthless nog' wrong

is bath christmas market any good?

You mean a Viking raider planted his seed forcefully in your great x15 grandmother and left her to bring up the baby.

He is probably planning to move to either Canada, AZ or NZ (basically sovereign nations, which we want to emulate).

I just started dating this guy, and he said a couple of ebin Sup Forums maymays. I don't know if he meant them in the same way though

I hope he doesn't post here... right?

> aspiring rapper

>5' 8''

tell me more, user


Hi bby

Could be a girl..?

>Canada, AZ or NZ
>sovereign nations
Fucking kek

Might kill myself.

Like a man


everything they say is cryptic as fuck

>are you spying on me right now.jpg

Nah mate, I'm a full blown faggot.

How are they not?

>Could be a girl...

I've started believing this too desu, all they had to do was from day 1 say publicly they were making all the preparations for a hard Brexit but would try to come to a compromise with the EU on citizens rights and negotiate a bilateral trade agreement.

Now the EU can't hard ball them around because they've come out and said we are assuming no deal until a deal is made.

They also should have publicly pushed to begin trade negotiations with the USA (if the USA was okay with that) which would put even more pressure on the EU as the USA is such a huge and still growing market it would solidify the narrative "We are ready for no deal"

1/3 cars built in Germany are sold in the UK, that alone means the EU NEEDS a deal on manufactured goods, the only thing Britain really exports to the EU anyway.

This is how lizards walk

Have you had a good innings?

Rear glute spread or gtfo

dumb frogposter


Gonna get blazed as fuck for QT tnighj lads


Imagine a beautiful south-west coastal setting on a warm summer's day...but then you're being questioned and scanned, and they're peering in every nook and cranny of your car (even looking under it with mirrors). And as they guide you around there's people looking at screens of other screens, and they bragged that they record every single radiowave transmission that comes across the water.

Basically as if the Stasi relocated to Cornwall.

>but it says they're located in-

Yeah, ignore that.

If you've got a C A T bring it out

All 3 are basically US proxy states, ignoring that fact that sovereignty is practically extinct anyway.

Can't wait for Sunday lads

Wow, great insight. Stick to posting Karens.

dont think i can ever be fully racist.

if blacks are inferior then why did OutKast create the greatest musical composition in the history of mankind?

if pakis are inferior then why is curry the tastiest thing in the world?

>the only thing Britain exports
that and lad holidays.

>then why did OutKast create the greatest musical composition in the history of mankind?

OutKast created Kate Bush's The Dreaming?

Anyone else sometimes call themselves names? Regularly, many times a day I will call myself a "fucking stupid cunt", "fucking fat cunt" or "fucking stupid fat cunt" or something like that, often I will say it under my breath not just in my head. I also often say under my breath "niggers jews you lose". I think I'm proper mental, I don't even have tourettes but sometimes I can't help my self. I also punch my self hard in the ribs and get bruising sometimes.

Yeah but unless you're from Iraq you can get a tourist visa to go anywhere with almost no notice so that won't really be a barrier

>muh niggermusic
>muh egg-zo-tick fooooods
get out of this general and never darken our doors again

>is echoed amongst most my engineering and developer peers

Developer in Oxford here, I love it when these people think they talk for everyone, also I'm pretty sure Derbyshire doesn't know what a computer is.


I insult myself in the third person if I do something stupid, but I say it aloud so it doesn't seem weird for some reason. Usually calling myself a prat.


>if blacks are inferior then why did OutKast create the greatest musical composition in the history of mankind?

standing on white man's shoulders. he'd be banging together sticks, in jumping up and down competitions and clicking sounds as music otherwise

>if pakis are inferior then why is curry the tastiest thing in the world?

Invented in Blightly with East India spices.

The Women's Officer in the Labour party used to be a man, and pushes for expulsion of any real women who object to this


not that good for hiphop desu

At least I'm not as mental as the people who want to chop off their dicks and give hormones to kids.

now you're getting it

Or a political leader who thinks they ought to be in charge of an entire party demographic based on their delusions

My Y DNA is M222 which comes from Northern Ireland/West Highlands.

Some manlet Viking raider thought he'd get away with sneaking through the Sea of the Hebrides on his way to raid the cucks in the south. He should have known one doesn't simply sail through the Minch, and so his daughter got taken back to Barra to serve the BCC (Big Celtic Cock).

I'm not a whore.