niggers BTFO
/BALKAN/ general Albanians Were the real egiptians edition
I am sad
What's this?
Time for the crucial question: incorporation of the Balkans by Russia when?
Of course only the Slav parts no one wants albos in it.
Don’t come to our nations if you have problems with racial purity filthy subhuman. People have their right to keep homes clean
Can we discuss the fact that Romanians resemble Romans more than actual Italians lel.
>Theres no better butcher than me
A creature known as "Šešelj" in ancient mythology.
Are you referring to this video?
It's much better if Serbia and Bulgaria create a big superstate than being ruled by filthy ruskis
Please, return Dobrogea.
that (despite Sup Forums memes) can be true in some cases
t. retard who doesn't understand science
Nobody is against groups sticking to their own. However, it becomes ridiculous when you start analyzing droplets of blood and claiming someone doesn't belong because they might have darker hair or eyes. It's also dumb to try to claim 110% pure lineage or some other shit. You're absolutely fucking retarded if you think like this.
Like this?
>Serbia and Bulgaria
Of drunkards, mongrels and whores?
you do know that more than 60% of rusian army is muslim right?
Look at this wh*te European Egyptian pharaoh, notice how his pure wh*te skin matches the color of the snow around him
This. We need land route so we can have a unified Slavosphere.
I have nothing against Romania but this really pisses me off.
I predict mass extinction on the Balkans from the imminent civil war in that case.
look at this commie propaganda lads
the comments are fucking rich m8s
hoping this happens so the us can turn into a poor shithole
Balkanfags never die.
>parts of italy
>parts of hungary
>half of austria
I'll pass.
the ruskies sold you off
>someone doesn't belong because they might have darker hair or eyes. It's also dumb to try to claim 110% pure lineage
How about cleaning up already existing nation states first
Why should people of Slovenia and Croatia listen to some American subhuman about how they should run their state? Yes, mongrels don’t belong not because they done something particularly wrong, but because they are mongrels
Austrian news of the last couple days
>just barely prevented a terror attack by a bosnian in one of our cities today
>yesterday a serb threw acid into the face of his wife and fled leaving his kids with the injured woman
>the day before a dude from kosovo did the same as the serb
>also unrelated to the news but today a drunk hungarian truck driver almost ran me over
Are balkano*ds even human? Or are you just sandniggers in disguise?
What? Can you read?
>you will be apart of the great albo and gypsy cleansing in your lifetime
fucken sweet
you tell me m8
Be a good neighbor and give it as a gift. Barrier free access to the sea for Romania shall be guaranteed of course.
You fags wanted to fuck with the Balkans now your just paying the price.
Also you forgot to say Balkaners fuck all bitches there
You could so something about these pesky swarthy serbs, you know. Wink wink, nudge nudge.
We'll back you up, no matter what you decide to do with them. Bulgaria is on your side.
The news hardly provides the entire story
I'm sure it was all justified.
better behave or you will get partitioned
>started off as a comfy thread
>Sup Forums subhumans invaded and turned it into their regular shithole general
Go back to your shithole of a board
>Bugarče thinks he can do shit to Serbia
I will plock your eyes out Kamen.
these threads are way better when an actual news article is in the OP
Bulgaria the only place the name Kristal is of literal meaning.
Yes. People have their homes. Mongrels don’t belong to said homes. Do you need anything else to know subhuman mudblooded mestizo roach?
It happens everytime the Macendonians start typing things on their keyboars
Ela mi kaji tva lice v lice be servin, shte ti eba maikata
t. beton pesokov
Wasn't Muhammed Ali Pasha Albanian?
I told you to kill yourself.
>albanians are autochthonous
>albanians maintained their type and character
t. Recep Osman Muhamedi
The funny thing is that the ones who are hellbent on racial purity are usually mongrels themselves.
>also unrelated to the news but today a drunk hungarian truck driver almost ran me over
wtf hungarians are allowed to drive motorised vehicles now? hope you reported him to the authorities
мишy мaли Taтapcки cлoмићy ти пичкy гoвeдo јeднo цигaнcкo.
Ironically the guy you are replying to is such a case.
you tell me
Slow thread because the subhuman OP put text instead of a balkan map
Stop typing in shljokavica
>balk general
All you do is stealing from int you beta cucks. You are shit and so is your board
makes sense, albanians are pretty subhuman
UBI is totally possible, you just need slaves like niggers
za kakvi cigani govorish kato ste po cherni ot nas be carvul? hodi se razhodi v chernigrad i vij turchin grozen
still better than putting a cock in your ass for 10 euro, as 1 in 4 czech youths (m/f) do
fuck you that was more funny than some random map
Someone riddle me where did the calling Bulgarians - tatars meme come from?
I know it was spread by the Serbian communists because I have already read about it but can't find the wiki article for shit now.
Sup Forums is fucking slow and boring while Sup Forums get more people out of the woodwork for some entartaining bants.
Filthy gypsies cant' bait
Outside of Ante Pavelić sad story that’s not the case. I don’t want mixed race scum in my country.
>Kajkvavian Slovenian and Austrian
anytime a macedonian starts attempting to act smug about albanians, just remind him that macedonia voted in albanian as an official language 66-41 in parliament
i baited your mom alright
how do you think you got born?
>spread by Serbian communists
>implying we didn't rule the Mongol empire
I fucking hate slow /boards
That is why i cant into infinity chan
This is the future that awaits all ______
Well technically you are still a Mongrel a pure person descends from only 1 bloodline.
A map you say? Here's one everyone would agree with.
>law has to be signed by the president to become legally valid
>same region and same people spread across several states
>getting paid just because you exist