First Nations

>First Nations

Why did Canada start referring to Indian tribes as this? Liberal feefees I assume?

We called them Indians when I was a kid, then that became a no no so it was American Indians, then that was a no no and it's aboriginals or natives. I never heard First Nations before

Calling them red niggers became controversial for some reason.

I'm good enough, smart enough, and dog gun it people like me!

If you have never heard First Nations you have never listened to the CBC.

Every goddamn day there's something on there about how I'm responsible for all the problems in the reserves.

But, did they ever build nations?

>Liberal feefees
It's never about compassion, only hatred of whites.

Why would I listen to the CBC?

Well you are for having reserves, the native people were made to roam the land not for being confined by borders and guilt.

I never liked the term Indians because it's a mistake and confusing.

God fucking forbid they just go with "Aboriginal" instead, though.

Indian is what they've been called for 500 years. You know there's the West Indies and East Indies right?

They weren't made for shit. They were fucking Siberians and they lost a war. Fuck em, they need no special consideration. Only a beta faggit apologizes for History.

I want that making poster size.

Need to be up to date on what propaganda is being pushed through the country.
They hunt moose and elk any day of the year they feel like and buddy caught two gutting a cow moose that was pregnant with a calf.
No way that should be a "right" for them. Same as catching spawning salmon in a river as many as they want. You know why populations of fish drop? I sure do.

>I never liked the term Indians because it's a mistake and confusing.

It was perfectly fine back in the day when there were NO PAJEETS infesting in this country, so anyone using the term "indian" was almost universally referring to natives. But now there are more and more and more pooinloos, so it's becoming a bit of a problem of ambiguity.

I fucking hate the term "native american" though. They aren't natives to america because WE built america. They were just semi-advanced fauna that inhabited the clay that would become America. If I need to differentiate, I just say Injun.

Wild Indians weren't a nation, they were Stone Age hunter gatherers.

Say what you will about the modern humans, they USED to be living the right way and the displacement was only a bad thing.
There is no superior culture, just toxic waste and concrete.
Fuck corporatism and Walmart and fuck Canada and the USA.

>muh noble savage
You full for the propaganda, you retard. These people were savages who went around hacking, butchering, and scalping each other for thousands of years. They were so shit they could've even make some basic architecture, which you at least have to give credit to the central american indians for.

Collectively, First Nations, Inuit, and Métis peoples constitute Indigenous peoples in Canada, Indigenous peoples of the Americas, or first peoples. "First Nation" came into common usage in the 1980s to replace the term Indian band in referring to groups of Indians with common government and language. Elder Sol Sanderson says that he coined the term in the early 1980s. Others say that the term came into common usage in the 1970s to avoid using the word Indian, which some Canadians considered offensive. No legal definition of the term exists.
>Do your own Google search next time faggot

They're animals the first humans to the Americas was the Anglo,
In days of yore from britains shore
Wolfe the dauntless hero came
And planted firm britannias flag
On Canada's fair domain

Except they were. Most reservations were made because whites were tired of getting fucked up by indians. It was not "we kicked their asses and we gave them some land cuz we feel sorry for them"
It was more
>"guys pls stop raiding us, we will stop encroaching into your land, lets split it ok"
>"Red man tired of fightingm if white man promise to to taking rest of lands we stop raiding them"
>Land is split, some given to settlers, others to indians (called reservations)
>Indian land pretty good so whites later break treaties and steal their land once again
>Indians fight back
>"Guys lets not fight, look lets sign some more treaties and split the land again we want peace too lol"
>Treaties signed, new reservations form. Indians lose more land again
>Later whites want more land, violate the treaties and take land away once again
>Fighting starts again
>"Guys this time for sure, lets sign some treaties again we promise we wont take away your land again
>Treaties signed again, reservations become even smaller
>Rinse and repeat for the next 200 years
White men did not go around like honorable warriors taking out legions of savages and defeating them. They came with smiles after being war torn and tired of fighting a warrior race that will not put down their weapons and shook their hands only to stab them in the back. Yes a lot of the issues in the reservations is thanks to white people. They created homelessness, left the indians with the less fertile and shitty lands.
Yes I know it was mostly the Federal government fault but white people stood right by the federal government when it did all this bullshit

Hitler wanted to give the Indians Canada back.

Wtf I hate Hitler now

" Never forget that a human being with technology is exactly like an alcoholic with a barrel of wine"
- Ted Kaczynski

Them being "savage," even lacking architecture was only a good thing.

Odds are it would be better than the piece of shit we have now. This country is so mentally ill. The East Coast is one of the only decent places left in terms of demographics, it's pretty poor though and the demographics won't stay like that for long. We're literally being flooded with third world invaders.

what was so great about it? you can see their lifestyle in africa right now.

A fascist Indian nation sounds neat.

Indians can't have their own nation, God didn't give animals a country he gave MAN dominion over all the beasts.
If I want I'm legally allowed according to God to capture 1,000 Indians if I want and use them on my farm

There is no such thing as a white "man"

Wrong. Only uncontacted people even come close to "their lifestyle." The few remaining live in forests, not the goat herders of Africa.

You're looking at culture outside your experience as inferior when industrial society is actually the greatest evil.

Yes, God made man and woman

There was nothing great about the injuns. This is just romanticized bullshit where we're brainwashed into believing that they were these peace-loving simple folk who just hunting bison and smoked peace pipes all day.

No you're actually missing the point.

When I was a kid we called them Indians.
Then the teachers told us to call them Natives.
Then the teachers told us to call them First Nations.
Then the teachers told us to call them Aboriginals.
Then the teachers told us to call them Indigenous Peoples.
Then we told the teachers to fuck off and called them Indians again.

Same thing happened with niggers
When I was in primary it was black people
Then in middle school we had a black in the school, nobody liked him he was a retard and we all bullied him, he used to stare at the girls and stuff, my friends and I had a meeting with the principal about racial prejudice. After that we started calling him a nigger because we were mad he got us into trouble for being a nigger.

Because they've fuck up so many times that they aren't called natives anymore

Usually call them Inuit or Metis

Stupid fuckers slaughtered a protected near to extinct Caribou herd in Labrador years back... then started bitching how it's their right.
Stupid fuckers just don't get it.

Why is Sup Forums so uninteresting now?
I would come here to escape the "triggered! Say the right pronoun" crowd, why did it have to migrate here?

Why are we making threads about this gay shit?
It's great that we don't call them Indians because that was confusing as fuck, and if you say aboriginal, native, or first nations, people will always know what you are talking about. No one will be offended by any of that, stop living in shitty cities where this is a problem.

Not their fault that you can't remember a couple of tribe names and actually identify them.

That's like why did they call them indians all the way into the 20th century?
You mean to tell me that Christopher Columbus mistook it for India. Then it took 500 fucking years to realize it wasn't? It couldn't have been more than 10 minutes before they realized they weren't in fucking India. That's just some type of more racist bullshit. Its all bullshit, including calling them First Nations.

At teachers college we had to call them first nations peoples. I always called them natives as a kid but now I just call them loose ends.

The politically correct term is wagonburning chug shitlord

Pocahontas taught me to call them dirty red skinned devils, who are barely even human.

A white man invented listerine so we are kind of responsible.

I'm gonna be starting a right-wing Canadian podcast in January. Wish me luck.

There's whites, injuns, and others. That's all I need to remember. Whites built my country. Injuns leech off my country. Others have no fucking business being in my country.

Some nigger moved to our school in Grade 12. He ooked and eeked and prom was almost cancelled because every single girl refused to go with him. Some farmboys ended up beating him up at a field party and he disappeared after that. I've never heard so many white girls uttering "nigger" in my life.

(((Sanderson))) so it's com to this now

You don't remember the white tribes either.


I'm from Toronto, the nigger got expelled eventually for bad Attendance I don't think he got beat up

Oh yeah I forgot the tape was censored

>British, French, German, and Dutch people moved here and interbred.
>New groups were based on religion and geography.
>Catholics in the East. Protestants in the West.
>Western Canada, Central Canada, French Canada, Atlantic Canada

Those are the tribes of Canada.

>Tfw no true cut of pokemyhantass where the white men slaughter the heathens

>Catholics on the east
In Quebec everywhere else is Protestant, Toronto is an orange city

Those are modern countries, back then people made regional differences and liked them, you simply forgot what they were, also other european countries also emigrated to the new world and had different experiences.

You don't know that either.

My favourite Disney movies when I was a kid for some reason were always Pocahontas, beauty and the beast and hunchback. My favourite characters were always gaston, frollo and ratcliffe,
I used to always sing kill the beast when I was a kid, and want to be buff like gaston, and Fight Indians and stuff and hated gypsies when I was a kid. Thanks Disney

East Indies are poos and west Indies are niggers. So it doesn't fit...

>Whites built my country.
Actually it was tectonic activity.

i just call them injins

I don't care there's more than one India, and the East Indies include the Dutch East Indies not just the British one, they're oriental

No it was God

Not quite. The Maritimes is mostly Catholic and Ontario is about 50/50.

Ontario is 50/50 because we let in too many Europeans after the war, Ontario was almost entirely Protestant before the war.

>Let me tell you about your country

British ruled Upper Canada and French ruled Lower Canada. The incoming German, Irish, Dutch, Scottish, etc. populations changed things very quickly.

You're acting like there was a German town, an English town, an Irish town, etc. for 200+ years and things have just changed in the last 20 years or so. The Europeans were interbreeding within 1-2 generations.

Why are you trying to shill obviously lies with no clear agenda?

>gook niggers

One day whites in Canada will be called "Last Nations"

Well, I didn't care for Pocahontas that much, other than the savages song. but I agree 100% on the other 2 being favourites. Gaston is a chad and did nothing wrong. Follow has the best song in any cartoon imo and also did nothing wrong.

I'm not saying that, I'm saying that you all simply forgot how life in the all terrain was.

You abandoned everything european in order to create an american white culture.

Very true. The Orange Order used to run every city east of Ottawa. Letting in a lot of Italians and East Europeans really changed things.


Cosmopolitan Americanized Canada didn't come about until the 1980's. It was a rejection of the Communist Manifesto imposed on the country by Quebec and Pierre Trudeau in the 1970's.

But this place is still very much "terrain" if that's how you seek to live. And at least until the late 80's it was still a wild west of sorts.

Canada is Protestant
Protestants built this nation
Quebec was one of the poorest provinces before our government started sending them money so they wouldn't seperate from us.
It was Protestants who fought for our nation, the French papists refused to fight in any war
Pierre Trudeau, a French catholic used to drive around Montreal with a Soviet flag on his motorbike!

Yeah but you act like modern canadians just like americans do, they don't know the old names of things and don't even remeber how your own last names were originally pronounced.

Remember Jesus himself went to England, Jesus Christ never went to Rome

My family are first generation immigrants from Europe, we personally chose to anglicize our last names.

We always called them Amerindians. This is in Quebec

No, Canada has been more Catholic for a very long time now. There was only a very brief period between when Anglos became a majority in United Canada and when they started letting Catholic immigrants move into Ontario + the west. Quebec and the provinces east have always had lots of Catholics

When we were kids we called them wagon burners, wig woms and gas huffers.

Also search for NDN porn. There is some of winnipegs finest.

In 1871 Canada was 56% Protestant, 42% Catholic
By 1951 Canada was 50% Protestant and 43% Catholic.
A catholic majority Canada is very recent

But from 1543 to maybe 1850-1860 it was Catholic majority, then there was a very brief period from say 1860 to 1960 when it was Protestant majority, and now there are more Catholics again

t. Chief Drinks A Gallon Of Listerine

That early period doesn't matter because we weren't under British control, everything before the British took over is pretty irrelevant. When the Anglos came that's when civilization finally came to Canada

Timber niggers

That's impossible because to this date the UK is not a civilised country

Britain has rejected God, that's why they're in such bad shape. When they were under Victoria they were at their peak, because they went to every continent with the KJV leading them. That's how they civilized the world

>right-wing Canadian podcast
Keep me posted. My bud and I were considering doing the same thing

t. Chief Boy Who Lives On Welfare

The KJV is a very ghetto-ass bible translation. The UK was civilised from 1066 to the """""English Reformation""""" and they've been primitives since then

Papists like you should be sent to the Tower of London

Does sharia allow this?

Muhammedans should be sentenced to blowing from a gun
The whole of Arabia, every imam, every sultan, every sheik, every shah

But why? Mohammed's religion is basically a form of Protestantism


Muhammed knew no religion, he started a cult leading his followers to Hell.

We always called them natives here. Problem with saying "Indian" is it's confusing whether you're referring to the ones who live on the rez or the ones who live in Surrey

Why would I watch CBC? I stopped watching television the day BCTV went offline

Same goes for Martin Luther

Thanks. I feel there's a potential niche to fill considering the current Canadian right-wing is completely controlled by zionists.

Even if nobody listens to it I will consider it a form of political venting. Not daily stormer tier but not afraid to tackle topics like the aforementioned jewish media takeover either.

I don't care about that Teuton

many of his contemporaries accused him of being a jewish agent, just saying.

Where do bad folks go when they die?
They don't go to heaven where the angels fly
They go down to the lake of fire and fry
Won't see 'em again till the fourth of July